Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1034: Inexplicable hostility

Racial discrimination is a serious and ugly term in the American society (at least on the surface), and Ray has raised Mary's speech and deeds to this level, which is already a very serious accusation.

Mary said angrily: "Why is this racial discrimination? I just instinct that he is not a good person. I must have no intention!"

Xin Han's mouth slightly raised, beautiful Superman, you guessed it!

Lei interrupted: "Honey, did you know that just half a month ago, Xin donated a total of 10 million meters to the orphanage in Luocheng, what did you tell me?"

"This shows that he has more problems. Isn't it strange that a rich man who can donate 10 million meters of gold would live in an ordinary residential area like ours? He should live in 'Beverly Hills' That's where people like him should live! "

Lei was a little angry: "Mary, you are a little fooling. This obviously shows that Xin is a very caring person, and it has nothing to do with where he lives. Don't make irrational reasons anymore?"

"Am I making trouble for no reason?"

"Well, my words are a bit heavy, forgive my dear, but we still have very important topics, please don't disturb us!" Lei also noticed that his tone was a bit too heavy, and left the kitchen after apologizing.

After returning to the studio, Xin Han had already extinguished his cigarettes and sat there playing with some. Lei's working materials were all related to that loving plan.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I can't help but look at this cute one?" Xin Han picked up the cardboard on the desktop with a loving logo on it.

"How do you think it's good!" Lei saw Xin Han picked up this and smiled on his face.

Xin Han thumbs up: "Of course, did you design it? Very good!"

Lei was very happy to hear Xin Han ’s praise: “So let ’s talk about the previous plan”

"Looking forward"

"My plan is that people who really need help will get the help they need"

Lei said it was a long talk, until twenty minutes later, Mary asked the two to eat, he did not stop the topic.

Allen had already waited at the dinner table and saw Xin greet with a smile: "Uncle Xin, your Transformer toy is so cool!"

Xin Han walked over, sat next to him, and touched Allen's head: "Yeah, but you're calling Uncle, there will be no toys to play with, no candy, I'll call my brother!"

"Then I call your brother, can you give those toys to me in the future?" Allen thought and tilted his head to look at Xin Han.

"Allen!" Mary and Ray looked at him displeasedly. Mary walked over and sat on the other side of Allen: "You have to learn to share, you know?"

Lei also sat down next to Xin Han: "That's right, good things have to learn to share!" Fu You said to Xin Han politely: "Come and taste the meatballs and pasta made by my wife, very good!"

Xin Han took a sip, his eyes lit up, and the taste was really good. I didn't expect this superwoman to live for so long, and it wasn't in vain. At least this cooking skill and Ronger's girl had some fight.

"By the way, red wine, let's try the wine bar Xin brought!" Lei Xing took out the red wine that Xin Han sent just now, and took three wine glasses for Xin Han and Mary, and then poured another glass. Only then proposed: "To love, cheers!"

Both Xin Han and Mary picked up the glasses, and the three of them tapped.

After a light sip, Ray said to Mary: "You know, Xin praises the logo I designed!"

Mary put down the tableware and looked at Xin Han with a sneering smile on her lips: "Really, since Mr. Xin is so optimistic, can you talk about your understanding of the logo?" Apparently she thinks that Xin Han has no purpose. The words are just perfunctory.

Lei said with a smile: "That's right, Xin, exactly what you think of the logo I designed. Let's see if we understand it differently!" He quickly took the logo he designed himself. come.

Xin Han didn't understand that this was the first real contact between the two. Why did the women feel hostile to themselves? I really thought that your beautiful lady let you.

He also put down the tableware and looked at the heart-shaped logo: "I think this one you designed is a big heart with a small red heart, which can be interpreted as a fiery love in everyone's heart!"

There was a trace of satisfaction in Lei's eyes, and he nodded to Xin Han, encouraging him to continue.

Xin Han took the red wine and took a sip and said, "Another meaning should be tolerance. One heart embraces another. This is the original meaning of love. Only when human beings learn tolerance, will they release the love in their hearts. , Come to love this world and love others! "

Just after he finished speaking, Lei almost jumped up: "In the whole school, Xin you are my confidant is a kind-hearted person, what you just said was exactly the same as when I designed this!"

Seeing that the purpose of disassembling Xin Han had not been achieved, Mary snorted dissatisfiedly.

Lei turned to look at his wife: "Mary, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Mary embarrassedly said: "It's nothing, but I think the taste of this red wine is a bit wrong. It should be a problem during storage!"

Lei turned back and explained to Xin Han: "Mary is very researched on red wine. As long as there is a slight deviation in the taste, she can feel it. I admire her!"

Xin Han nodded in agreement, "I said why is it so sour, does Allen have Sprite, I will mix it in a little bit!"

After a few words of Mary and Lei rolled their eyes, Allen trotting to get Sprite, Xin Han directly mixed it in and tasted: "It tastes good!"

Lei laughed with him, but Mary sarcastically said: "The Europeans have studied for hundreds of years in order to remove the sugar!"

Xin Han frowned, so owed, people are willing to drink and drink!

Shoudao said: "Look, they have studied things for hundreds of years, and I will be back to the original form in my hand. I am much greater than Europeans!"

"You" Mary was smitten by Xin Xin's desire, and was quickly held down by the thunder beside him, diverging the topic: "My dear, last time you said where the top grape production is from, how can I not remember Alright? "

Mary looked at the thunder that was giving him a glimpse of the side, and did not know where he deliberately digressed, and said angrily: "It is French Burgundy!"

"No, no, no" Xin Han shook his finger: "I always think that the best grapes are in Turpan, China!"

A sumptuous dinner, with some unhappy atmosphere, of course, the most happy are Allen and Xin Han, the two talked and laughed, and also talked about comics and cartoons.

Lei fears that his wife and Xin Han are arguing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So she is worried and has no taste for good food, but Mary never smiled at Xin Han from beginning to end.

After a meal and chatting for a while, Xin Han got up to say goodbye, Mary breathed a sigh of relief, but Lei asked nervously: "Xin, do you think my plan is okay? What about the funding?"

Xin Han nodded with a smile: "I think it's very good. I'm willing to cooperate with you to promote this plan. Come to my house tomorrow to get a check. I'll take out one million meters of gold as an early investment. I don't know if it is enough?"

Lei almost jumped up: "Enough is enough, then see you tomorrow!"

In Mary's watchful eyes, Xin Han left Lei's house and returned to his house two hundred meters away. This is a common European and American-style house. The two-story wooden house has a lot of space in front of the door. There is a grass shed and parking space, and a garage next to it is very good.

After Xin Han entered the house, he took out No. 4 and recorded it: "There is no hair or dandruff falling off the female target, it seems that there is a feeling for the threat!"

On the 4th, it was automatically connected to the secret laboratory under his house. There was a super computer in it, which was quickly computing and analyzing some of these things.

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