Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1036: Personally

The second is finally finished, not in state, so slow. ?

Xin Han reached out and touched Hancock ’s head, and the silver gloves in his hands flowed like liquid. When his fingertip was less than a centimeter away from the top of his head, Hancock, who was snoring Suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Hey, boy, what do you want to do?" Hancock opened his eyes. Although he was sleepy, he was clearly awake from his words.

"Nothing sir, I just want you to sign me. After all, you are a hero, and if possible, I hope you can drink!"

‘Cracked’ Xin Han just finished, a little spark flashed at his finger and on top of Hancock ’s head.

"What are you doing again?" Hancock loosened Xin Han and touched his head, nothing unusual.

Xin Han smiled apologetically: "I think it's just static electricity. So do you have time, Mr. Hancock, why not have a drink together?"

"Is static electricity?" Hancock stared at Xin Han for a while, and smiled:

"Although I can feel that you do not have good intentions, it does not matter, I like your idea, you pay for the money!"

"Of course, I said I asked!" Xin Han said, the more certain in her heart, Hancock and Mary should be psychologically sensitive, but this ability is like chicken taste to him, it is optional.

In addition, there was no static electricity just now, but when Hancock grabbed his arm, Xin Han's 'Etienne' gloves changed a toothpick-sized sharp blade at the fingertip and directly cut Hancock's head. go with.

Didn't want this innate spirit treasure made by Edelman alloy and Xuanhuang's gas, cut on its short black head, and even brought out a igniter, and the head was intact.

Edman Metal's sharpness finally met his rival, even Hancock's head was cut continuously.

With the shock in his heart, Xin Han took Hancock directly to Chinatown and found a reliable Sichuan restaurant. The owner is an authentic Sichuan chef with a very authentic craft.

Xin Han waved a big hand, picking the best, money is not a thing!

The boss likes this kind of guests, not to mention the Chinese, and immediately responded with a moment of kung fu, what fish-flavored shredded pork, kung pao chicken, couple's lung slices, Mapo tofu, twice-cooked pork, Dongpo elbow, etc. The dishes were served on a large table.

Hancock looked at the dishes on the table and felt embarrassed in his heart: "Why didn't you drink it?"

The boss laughed and said: "Eating our Sichuan food is easy to get angry, so we have prepared Huaxia rice wine and French white wine here, which are soft and mellow, which is best for drinking Sichuan food!"

Hancock heard half of the solution, Xin Han explained to him, he shook his head: "I want whiskey, vodka, tequila, these wines only taste enjoyable!"

Xin Han directly ignored Hancock and said to the boss: "Don't listen to him beep, is there Erguotou?"

The boss's eyes lit up: "Yes, it's still the wine head I asked for, but it's loose, okay?"

"OK!" Xin Han's eyes also lighted up. The degree of the wine head is close to alcohol, which is just right for Hancock.

Hancock is really not an alcoholic, it ’s just because amnesia forgets the past and the things that are important to him. He wants alcohol to anesthetize himself. In fact, with his body, as long as he wants to be sober, even if it ’s in the blood vessel Alcohol flowing will not let him have any symptoms of drunkenness.

Two hours later, Xin Han and Hancock put their arms around each other, one of them took an empty wine bottle and staggered out of the restaurant.

"I'm leaving!" Hancock let go of Xin Han, and wanted to leave. Then he seemed to remember something, and stood still and reached out to Xin Han: "Give me two hundred meters!"

"Why? I owe you money!" Xin Han seemed to drink too much, his face flushed, and his mouth was filled with alcohol.

Hancock swayed, some staggered and turned to point at his back: "When you just ate, you took the opportunity to chop me over twenty or twenty knives, even if you saw me for dinner, I didn't beat you , But you have to pay for the clothes! "

After he turned around, he directly exposed Hancock's dark skin and sturdy back. His back clothing had already been shattered by a sharp blade.

Xin Han rarely had a red face on his face, and he did n’t wear it anymore. He threw the bottle into the trash bin, turned his head and said, "What do you think you drink too much? The result is clearer than anyone else. One thousand, no need to find it! "

Hancock took the money, flew up with a wave of ‘bang’, and flew towards the distance, leaving a big pit on the ground that he stepped out of as he took off.

"I thought it was a rash product, and it turned out to be a ghost!" Xin Han also smiled. Since the two met, they have never introduced themselves. Hancock made it clear that he was going to eat him.

Take out the number four and enter the information: "Male target, the body is indestructible, and the hair skin can defend against Edman metal attacks, it is difficult to encounter blood samples!"

When Xin Han was eating just now, various means attacked Hancock, Ziqing Shuangjian, and Tiantianjian, which almost urged Xian Yuanli, but Hancock's skin didn't even sag, I have to say The physique of this nation is really strong.

Let No. 4 watch the whereabouts of Hancock via satellite, and Xin Han went directly back to the hotel to sleep.

A few days later, Xin Han sat on the top floor of a 100-story skyscraper with his feet hanging out of the building and shaking slightly.

At this height, ordinary people will be dizzy when they glance at it, but he doesn't feel much. He holds a freshly baked burger in his hand and a large glass of coke in his right hand. wuxiaspot.com ~ Below the building is Hancock, who once again hanged up on a street bench. The goods are surrounded by empty wine bottles, which proves that this night has not drunk.

A police helicopter flew by beside the building where Xin Han was located, chasing toward a distant viaduct, a car that was flying at full speed.

Xin Han had noticed the car for a long time. The three Japanese devils had a gun fight with the police on the highway, so they chased onto the viaduct. The three little devils had fierce firepower, which not only posed a threat to the police, but also injured many passersby. .

A child passing by Hancock saw the live broadcast of the TV station on the external TV of the building, turned his head to glance at Hancock who was still asleep, and walked over to wake up the two men and told him that there were bad people.

After that Hancock drew a bottle of wine from under the bench and flew directly. This time it was not the slow flight as before, but it easily broke through the sound in an instant.

Xin Han recorded this scene on the 4th and immediately showed Hancock's flying degree, but he still shook his head. Although it was much faster than last time, this should definitely not be his true degree.

These days there has been little gains, and Xin Han is also impatient: "It seems that it is necessary to try it out personally. Anyway, there is no regulation. There can be no third-level hero in this world!"

He stood up, and the robes on his body automatically turned into white robes. A mask emerged from the neck collar to cover his face. An iron rod was held in his hand sometime, soaring into the sky, toward Hancock. Chase. 8

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