Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1049: Superman Doppelganger

The equipment donated by the Earth Federation does not require Xin Han to worry about the operation, and the randomly provided instruction manual is thrown to No. 4, and the rest of the operation is left to this Transformers mobile phone ~ щww ~~ lā 』

This device is quite mature and perfect in terms of technology, so in Xin Han's view, there is nothing unexpected about the fusion of himself and the yellow dna.

But No. 4 encountered huge problems after the actual operation.

He ignored the problem of energy and biological culture fluid. In the world of Avatar, the energy and culture fluid required by the organisms bred by the fusion of the earth and the Namei are already expensive.

But now it is not the dna fusion of ordinary people, the earth and the Namei, but a true fairy and the dna fusion of the world's highest level of life-human dna, and the organisms cultivated afterwards.

The energy and culture medium needed in it can be called astronomical figures, which is simply unimaginable.

In the world of Avatar, the culture fluid given to Xinhan by the Earth Federation is enough to cultivate the amount of 100 Avatar, but now it is only used up in gene fusion.

When the DNA fusion was successful and the body started to be cultivated, it had already played all the food and could only use Xinhan's own money to buy materials to prepare the culture medium for use.

Fortunately, Xin Han not only has a large amount of rice gold, but also enough gold to exchange any materials.

He arranged the person in charge of the laboratory to purchase a large amount of materials needed to configure the culture medium, and asked No. 3 and No. 4 to find out the laboratories secretly developing biological and chemical weapons in various countries and personally visited the circle.

Insufficient materials, the world comes together!

He swept away the materials that could be used in the warehouses of these laboratories, and the materials that were not used, along with the laboratory, were burned directly, and in obvious places on the ground, leaving humans without biological weapons In English.

This is to let everyone know that this place is related to biological and chemical weapons.

All kinds of "truths" were revealed for a time, and the protesters took to the streets and started to march to protest, which caused terrible headaches for the governments of various countries. Among them, the United States and the United States were the most, because these two countries secretly had the most trouble.

The major anti-Midi organizations around the world have all expressed responsibility for these attacks, which is different from the situation in the past terrorist attacks. This time, these organizations have won praise from people, and some people even called out peace fighters. Slogan.

This surprised the heads and leaders of these organizations, but when they were surprised, their eyes lit up. Perhaps the attack on civilians can change their thinking and goals!

Since then, many organizations have attacked the ugly behavior of the United States. Various secret laboratories, weapon laboratories and military facilities have become the targets of their attacks.

Xin Han couldn't care about that much. He swept several times and collected enough raw materials to prepare all the medium in the laboratory.

These tasks are done by him alone, of course, No. 4 is responsible for controlling the instrument, he is responsible for the coolie!

Unless you have a strong mind to move materials, and empty space for storage, it is definitely not so easy to complete these tasks.

After the problem of the culture medium is ready, the problem of energy remains, but electricity or something is really not a problem for him, Thor.

Just five minutes after Hancock's imprisonment, at 0:00 midnight, Xin Han carried a thunderstorm over the entire Los Angeles with the Yitianjian in hand.

On the 4th, the cultivation module was started in time. The new gene fragments fused by the fairy and the human DNA began to self-replicate constantly. According to the instrument settings, the appearance of the organism will be biased to Xinhan, and the body strength will be biased to the experimental body It is the same strength of the yellow race.

Is expensive enough to be called the extravagant culture medium is continuously consumed, and is constantly added, a section of human spine slowly formed in the culture chamber.

No. 4 reminded that the power supply is insufficient, Xin Han quickly used the power of the colorful primitive **** to transfer all the electricity in Los Angeles, and the whole city fell into darkness.

That's how the electric energy still can't be supplied. Xin Han's thoughts moved, and Yi Tianjian became a socket with his mind, and he was connected to the power system.

Then he stretched out his hand against the thunderstorm in the sky, and dozens of thunders flew straight down, and fell on the Heavenly Sword. Surprisingly, the violent breath of the thunder disappeared instantly and became peaceful, It is converted into usable electricity by Yitianjian, which is steadily supplied to the cultivation cabin.

This night, all Luocheng people were afraid, because until dawn, the whole city was covered by thunderstorms, and a huge thunder passed through the city, making people hide at home and panic.

Fortunately, Mary did n’t run out of chaos in order to protect Lei and Allen, otherwise Xin Han was really in trouble if he wanted to find the thunder and lightning.

Finally at dawn, a human-like body was completely formed.

Of course, only bones and muscles are formed at this time, and the remaining skin and nervous system will gradually improve in the next 24 hours.

But now that much energy is no longer needed, Xin Han finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the thunderstorm over Los Angeles also disappeared silently when the sun jumped out of the horizon.

Xin Han spent another day in the laboratory, and finally the bio-robot he chose himself (or more appropriately called an avatar) was finally completely formed.

This is a body with no soul but infinite vitality, probably because it contains its own DNA, Xin Han has an inexplicable sense of closeness to this body.

Feels like looking at his twin brother.

Obviously, he can use the random thought control device to transfer his mind to this body.

But this method is too low-level, Xin Han gave up directly, he sat cross-legged, Yuanshen instantly out of the hook, directly attached to the body in the training cabin.

At the next moment, originally unconscious, Chiguo's body lying in the cultivation cabin suddenly opened his eyes, and then, his fingers and toes began to move slowly.

Twisted his neck, turned to number 4, and gestured ok towards it.

No. 4 immediately began to drain the waste culture liquid from the culture chamber, and then opened the upper door, and the "Xin Han" inside had already sat up.

This 'Xin Han' is to be quoted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because he is not the body, but the person's avatar.

Grabbed the edge of the cultivation cabin and tried to stand up, but didn't expect a click, this kind of toughened glass capable of carrying rifle bullets was as fragile as tofu in his hands.

On the 4th, there was a metallic sound of snickering, and then under Xin Han's angerful gaze, the sound was instantly heard, and he said: "In fact, this is normal, just control a new body, there will be a sense of jerky, can not control The intensity is not a big deal, just practice more! "

Xin Han shook his head gently: "No, it's much better than the instructions, there is no slight sense of jerky, but I have never had such a powerful force, and I haven't grasped it for a while!"

Under Xin Han's control, the muscles of this man's body squirmed from the neck toe, a crackling sound like a firecracker, and then he saw his hand stretched out under his body, and the person had jumped out. In the training module, it fell lightly beside No.4.

Xin Han even used the technique of controlling every skeletal muscle in Guoshu to instantly adapt to the power of this person.

"The technology of DNA fusion is really good. Now I control this body without any slight jerking. Compared with the situation in which the possessive and seizing means of the realm world cannot be fully integrated and will be rejected by the body, it is simply Too much! "

Xin Han only feels that compared with his own body, there is nothing uncomfortable in controlling this body, just like his original body, such as his arm, this is the benefit of DNA fusion.

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