Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1054: I am a scientist

"I think we'll be separated for a while now!"

When Lei said this sentence, she really touched Mary's bottom line. She had always avoided contact with Hancock. She was afraid that one day, she would understand her current husband and know what he meant by saying this sentence.

In addition to the heartache, Mary also has a feeling of shame. She feels that she is stripped of nothing in front of Xin Han, the feeling that the red fruit is seen in her heart.

The kind of embarrassment that I haven't thought of before, but was seen through by others in advance, that kind of uncovered shame turned into boundless resentment, making her angry and angry.

Mary rushed over after a heartbreaking roar, and fist that could destroy the asteroid, directly towards the sitting on the sofa, squinting while enjoying the cigar-flavoring cold.

But what about anger, it was n’t possible before, and it is still given in vain now, or that sentence, under the same power, even one hundred she is also given in vain.

Xin Han came first with one hand, grabbed the hair behind Mary ’s head and pressed her head directly to the ground, stepped on one foot, sneered:

"Why are you talking about your heart? We have a saying in the East, called anger and anger, that is, people like you say that you always think of yourself on the bright side, but never dare to face your inner turbulence!"

"Woo ..." Mary's tears kept falling, her mouth roared like a beast, her two arms kept waving, trying to catch Xin Han's leg, but the latter was caught by one arm Easy to resolve.

"Okay, Xin ... Let her go!" Said Zhao Xinhan, who was dying of Lei's face.

Xin Han shrugged: "OK!" He finished and flew Mary out, just passed through the back door and landed outside the house.

After Mary stood firm, she screamed and rushed over like a mother beast, but heard Thunder said: "Okay, Mary, can you tell me which point Xin has lied about? Did he say that he was wronging you? hope so......"

The rising momentum of Mary disappeared in an instant, and his eyes showed a look of pain and regret!

Yeah, what Xin Han said is completely true, only those thoughts are not what they thought!

But now I want to think that when I watched Hancock on the street from TV and was scolded by someone, although I was sad, but the first thing I thought of was to stay away from my former husband.

Because I want to protect everything, husband, family and happy life, is it really a selfish woman?

She suddenly turned around, leaped into the sky and flew away into the distance. With her, the sky was full of dark clouds and thunderstorms. From this point, her bad mood can be seen at this time.

"Can you give me a cigar?" Lei, who never smoked, frustrated and asked for a cigar after Mary left.

Xinhan ignited a cigar with an electric arc and passed it. Thunder sucked in a sip and was suddenly coughed.

Xin Han smiled and said: "Thunder, cigars don't need to be sucked in. Use the taste cells in the mouth and the olfactory cells in the nasal cavity to feel the rich taste and mellowness in the cigar. This is the correct way!"

He said a demonstration. After Lei stopped coughing, he learned Xin Han's appearance, and it was much better.

I wiped off the corners of my eyes and wondered whether it was because of choking, or because of something, and the tears left, Lei showed a reluctant smile, and suddenly said: "Why?"

Xin Han put away the smile at the corner of his mouth and said straightly: "What's the reason?"

"Why are you telling me this?" When the spitting smoke blocked Lei's vision, he asked what he most wanted to ask.

"Do you want to be deceived for a lifetime?" Xin Han made Lei return to silence in a word.

Xin Han continued: "This is unfair to you and Hancock, no matter how things develop, how you choose, but at least you should understand the truth of the matter."

"Actually, I really feel that Hancock is not worth it. The couple was originally flying with the bird, and every time he suffered for the love of a woman, his lover would leave him in the name of love."

"I don't know why Mary had this idea, why did it, every time the two of them would be abandoned by Hancock, it was really unfair to him!"

Xin Han said here, frowning: "The two of them are a natural pair, attract each other. Guess they will be together again when you die old?"

Ray took a few sips of cigars for a long time, and then nodded: "You are right!" He had to admit that Xin Han was right. For Mary's immortal life, he would only live longer. Just a passerby.

He took a bottle of whiskey from the kitchen behind him, pulled out the stopper and poured it directly into his mouth.

At this time, Alan happened to come home from school. He walked into the room and saw his father drinking like a cow. He couldn't help but ask, "Daddy, what's wrong with you?"

Lei put down the empty bottle and smiled on his face: "Hi, son ... I'm fine ..." He fell straight forward as soon as he finished, if not Xin Han He gave him a hand, and it was estimated that this buddy would break the picture directly.

"Allen all right, your dad just drank too much, but your home now seems to be unsafe, it is better that you and your dad live in my house first, anyway, I don't live there now!"

In his house, only the living room was cut through the ground by Mary. The other rooms, including the door, were intact. He carried Lei directly and led Allen to his house. He asked Arlen to ask Mary whereabouts. The reason, let Lei and his son explain specifically.

Turn on the TV and tell Alan to watch TV by himself. He casually got something in the kitchen for the child for dinner.

Just about to eat, the TV station broadcast emergency news. When Superman Hancock stopped a robbery, he was shot in the abdomen and was being sent to a hospital in the city center.

Actually, Hancock went to buy wine. I did n’t expect to catch up with the robbery. I wanted to solve the problem at random, but I did n’t expect that when the other person subconsciously shot him, the bullet really hit him from outside his body.

Xin Han knew that the time had come, and Hancock was injured, which showed that he and Mary were restraining each other, and their superpowers had begun to decline.

He gave the house key to Allen, who was eating, and gave the boy a high-five: "Man, can you take care of your dad, right?"

"Of course!" The Allen kid nodded noisily, very satisfied with what he called a "man", and asked: "Sin, are you going to see Hancock? Can you help me and tell him, let He will get better soon! "

Xin Han touched his head: "Okay, I will give him a talk!"

Xin Han did not change back to the body, but used this superhuman body directly to rush to the hospital. When he arrived, Mary was already sitting in front of Hancock ’s bed, tearful eyes whirling and waking up in Hancock What Ke said.

Seeing this situation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xin Han couldn't help but shook his head: "Women are such complicated animals!" He didn't walk past, but waited here quietly.

According to the original plot, the head of the criminal who was robbing the bank before will escape from prison today to seek revenge from Hancock. Xin Han just has to take advantage of the fisherman and wait for the ready-made.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, several armed men with firearms rushed in. Mary wanted to get rid of these people, but her ability was also restrained by 'Hancock' and was shot by two shots by the person. , The bullets hit all.

Xin Han waited at this time to take a direct step forward, holding the guns and bullets to get these armed elements one by one.

Mary and Hancock saw Xin Han, and they both felt bad!

"Sin ... what are you going to do?" Hancock had already sat up from the hospital bed, covering his injured abdomen, and asked solemnly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm actually a scientist!" Xin Han thought of Lao Guo's paragraph and laughed first: "Relax, it's just a little blood, no one of you can die!"

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