Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1083: The Admiral Comes Again

Add more to the CCloyi brothers, thank you brothers for their rewards, thanks, thanks.


Dang Benjing is a very contradictory complex, and he is surprisingly bearish on life and death. Although the so-called 'lucky man' or the 'kind' who died in his hand has reached dozens of people, his original intention It's just a child.

Because his thinking is different from that of ordinary people, he experienced a childhood encounter, so he has great illusions about supernatural things. Believe in angels and devil, believe in Buddha and Jesus, especially zombies.

Perhaps it is too naive to describe him a bit too much, but in the Northeast dialect "two fools" I believe many people will nod.

The second fool is not terrible, the scary thing is that the second fool with a knife in his hand is frightening.

Domoto had never thought of crime in his heart, because he was bearish on life and death. He believed that the blood-sucking people would get the greatest happiness. It was their honor. They personally gave them the right to enter heaven.

In other words, he thinks he is doing good!

Even if he thinks that Xin Han is to punish his angels, he is deep in his heart wondering if he has imported too many illegal immigrants into heaven before he will be punished by the angels.

After Xin Han used Soul Search to understand the other party's thoughts, there was even some crying and laughing. The world is so unique, how could such a wonderful person exist.

The next day, Nitto Group suddenly held a press conference and announced at the press conference that Nitto Group Chairman Domoto Benjin transferred all shares of Nitto Group under his name to Mr. Xin Xia of the Xin family on Hong Kong Island for free.

Just as the reporter was in an uproar, Kuang Tianyou led the team to the scene and took Domoto Jing back to the police station for investigation on the charge of the murder.

Don Benjing confessed to the criminal act of killing a woman in a certain underground passage in a central passage of Hong Kong Island, an underground passage, and a port terminal, and the outside world was in an uproar for a while.

The fact that Domoto Jing had transferred the shares of Nitto Group to the Xin family before, could not help but make people think about it, which led to many speculations.

However, the Xin family's position on Hong Kong Island was detached, and even the media from all walks of life kept silent. No comment was made on the matter. Instead, it caused the public to focus their attention on Domoto and the victims.

"Mr. Xin, I really want to thank you this time. If it were not for you that Tang Benjing was the murderer, maybe he will hurt others in the future!" In Lingling Tang, Kuang Tianyou came with his partner to thank Xin Han.

"Tianyou, you're welcome, this kind of thing will not be ignored even if anyone finds it!" Xin Han smiled and Kuang Tianyou shook hands, indicating that this is what he should do.

Just when Kuang Tianyou was about to leave, his partner suddenly stopped and turned to Xin Han to ask: "Mr. Xin, forgive me, I have a little doubt, I don't know if you can help me!"

Kuang Tianyou's partner is Sunny, and the Chinese name is 'Huang Zi'. After he and Kuang Tianyou came in, they didn't say a word. When they left, they suddenly asked Xin Han to solve his doubts.

Xin Han gave Huang Zi a meaningful look and nodded: "Well, I don't know what Sir has doubts, I must do my duty as a good citizen!"

Huang Zi laughed: "As far as we know, Mr. Xin is the owner of the Xin family, and before the arrest, Domoto Jing transferred all his shares in the Nitto Group to the Xin family. I want to know if this is why?"

Ma Xiaoling, who was playing the snake game with a computer, stopped the game in his hand and looked up at Kuang Tianyou and Huang Zi: "Do you suspect Xin Han?"

Kuang Tianyou knew that Xin Han had a special method, and when Xin Han called him to report Domoto, he admitted to using some supernatural means to learn the truth behind the scenes.

So he was not surprised that Domoto had transferred his property to the Xin family, and after he learned that the founder of the Nitto Group was the war criminal Yifu Yamamoto, he still had a very happy feeling.

He did not expect that he had always been honest and asked his sensitive partner suddenly for his horse-headed partner.

Kuang Tianyou was afraid of Xin Han and quickly said: "Sunny, that's just commercial operation, there are problems, and there is also a commercial crime investigation section, which has nothing to do with us!"

Suddenly Huang Zi turned to face Kang Tianyou, revealing a strange smile. The smile in his eyes seemed to be straight into his heart, and he only heard him smile and said:

"Kang sir, I know you like Ma Xiaoling, but Ma Xiaoling seems to like Mr. Xin, don't you jealous? Are you not jealous?"

Kuang Tianyou suddenly covered her chest with her hands and took two steps back. She looked unbelievably and turned to look at Ma Xiaoling violently, "No, Xiaoling won't like Xin Han, he is Zhenzhen ’s boyfriend ... "

Suddenly he went to Ma Xiaoling in two steps like a demon: "Xiaoling, you tell me, you don't like him, right? You tell Sunny that he is wrong!"

On the side, Jin Zhengzhong quickly came over and pulled Kuang Tianyou: "Tianyou, what are you doing? Don't be like that!"

Even Jin Zhengzhong, who was watching, could see that Kuang Tianyou was not right at this time.

But that's it. Ma Xiaoling, who was a party, was a fan of the authorities. When asked by Kang Tianyou about the greatest privacy in his heart, he couldn't help but froze on the spot, and then nodded slowly: "Yes, I like Xinhan!"

"How could he be Zhenzhen's boyfriend ..." Kuang Tianyou's expression began to twist slowly.

Jin Zhengzhong quickly grabbed him: "Calm down God, the two-legged toad is not easy to find, the three-legged woman ... bah, no, two ..."

Kuang Tianyou slammed Jin Zhengzhong with a round of arms, and then quickly took out the police pistol he held from the rib sleeve under his rib, pointing at Xin Han: "You said ... What is the relationship between you two? "

Ma Xiaoling quickly stood in front of Xin Han, and Chao Kuangtianyou scolded: "What you do, our things Zhenzhen also knows, you don't need to worry about it, let me tell you a long time ago, I am your aunt grandma by generation! "

Xin Han dragged Ma Xiaoling behind him: "For men, don't interrupt women!"

He walked in front of Kuang Tianyou and said lightly: "It's the kind of relationship you think, do you understand?" After he looked at the lively Huang Zi with a smile on his side, he showed a playful smile: "Don't the generals not tell Do n’t you provoke me? ”

After speaking, he suddenly disappeared in the same place ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The next moment he punched Huang Zi in the abdomen and blasted it out.

But before he could fly a mile away, he was chased to the front and held Huang Zi ’s neck with one hand and lifted it into the air: "Your five-color messenger is really fucking, it is difficult to imagine, how do you follow From ancient times to the present! "

Huang Zi is the jealousy of one of Nuwa's five-colored messengers, and also the jealousy of one of the seven deadly sins Dante said in the Divine Comedy!

Huang Zi suddenly turned into a big python, twisting his body in Xin Han's hands constantly, trying to escape from his hands, and it looked extremely painful.

This time, Ma Xiaoling, Jin Zhengzhong, and even Kuang Tianyou, who was ignited by the fire of jealousy, also cooled down in this vision, and they were all in shock.

A cold color flashed in Xin Han's eyes, and his five fingers began to tighten slowly. He had to twist the other person's neck, and suddenly a figure appeared suddenly.

"You can't kill him!" The general dressed in a white trench coat just descended into the Lingling Hall with endless coercion, facing Xin Han tit-for-tat.

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