Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1088: 1 move to determine victory

The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is one of the five-color messengers and represents one of the inferior roots of humanity. "Infatuation" is also the best portrayal of her life.

For thousands of years, she has had many feelings, each of which has been fully devoted, but this is often the case in this world, and not necessarily how much you pay will be rewarded as it should be, maybe fate makes people wrong, Kyuo Every time the demon fox's feelings ended in meeting people.

And even she could n’t understand this point. Obviously, with her national appearance and flamboyant temperament, all kinds of temperament, and the unparalleled appearance of the world, any man would tickle his finger, and the other party would immediately fall under her skirt, She was played with applause.

Just as the king of the world was the co-owner of the world, it was originally a wise hero and a complete weapon, but it still couldn't escape the means of the nine-tailed demon fox. Then it changed from a generation of wise master to a stunned king that everyone spurned. Forever smelly.

Of course, that was not the original intention of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, but it was the King who did not know what to do and profaned the Virgin.

But it can be seen from the matter of King Wang, the means of the nine-tailed demon fox, and her flamboyant name has been known throughout the ages since then.

Perhaps it is a retribution. Although many people are fascinated by her, as long as the nine-tailed demon fox has real feelings for someone, the ending is destined to be a tragedy, and she will be ruthlessly hurt in the end.

But Jiuwei Yaohu didn't believe that fate could not be broken. This time she had a good impression on a man.

At this moment she was lying in bed, unable to sleep tossing and turning, thinking about the so-called problems between the two.

Although this man is older, he can still be older than her nine-tailed demon fox, so there is no problem with age. Although she brought a child, she also likes children very much, which is not a problem.

And the reason why the man was single with the child was a widow, not abandoning his wife, so character is not a problem, so does it mean that there is no problem between the two!

Thinking about it, Jiuwei Yaoxu smiled at the corner of his mouth, chuckled, turned over on the bed, and continued to think about what he thought was funny but actually boring emotional issues.

This beautiful and joyful music, suddenly felt a wave of blood from the blood, turned around and looked, a line of blood flew out of the window, like a red light directly through the glass, printed on her body.

"Return to the ancestors!" The blood line was held in her hands by her, and she was directly thrown into the body from the palm of her hand, which actually had a slight tonic effect on her.

But her complexion immediately became dignified, because she knew that someone had used the blood of a hundred foxes and cast the ancestral spell to find the ancestor on Hong Kong Island, the oldest living, the deepest, and the most bloody. Thick fox demon.

To say that the longest living fox demon, in addition to her nine-tailed demon fox who has passed the battle of the gods, who else can there be!

"Who is it?"

There was a chuckle in the mumble: "finally found it!"

Before the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox thought about something, the air behind her fluctuated like the surface of the water. One hand stretched out abruptly, grabbing directly over her neck, locking her meridian demon, The ability to keep her alone has no place at all.

The hand grabbed her directly and dragged her into the wave until she completely submerged, the wave like the water disappeared completely.

Let's say that at the Jiajia Building, after the casting of Bai Susu was completed, the bowl of Hundred Foxes turned into a blood line and flew towards the outside of the building.

After a bowl of fox blood bottomed out, Bai Susu said: "As long as you follow this blood line, you can find this Hong Kong Island within a thousand miles. The bloodline is the strongest and the deepest fox demon!"

Ma Xiaoling was about to rise up at the sight of the sword, but was stopped by Xin Han: "No need to be so troublesome, just wait here!"

He has already attached the unity of consciousness to the bloodline, as long as he finds the other party, he can naturally grasp it by the power of his time and space!

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, but by looking at him like a chest, he knew he must have his own way.

After a few minutes, Xin Han's expression moved, and suddenly reached out and grabbed forward, only to see that his finger seemed to pass through a layer of water, and disappeared. Then his entire arm stretched into the layer of water-like waves.

He heard a chuckle: "Finally found!" When he pulled his hand back, a glamorous woman in pajamas appeared in front of everyone.

"Master, have you made a mistake, such a beautiful woman, who doesn't have any demon spirit, how could it be a demon?"

Jin Zhengzhong doesn't believe Xin Han very much, just grab one and say it's a vixen, will it be too hasty!

Ma Xiaoling knocked on the head of Jin Zhengzhong with his hand: "Your two wives are also pretty and not demonish, are they demon!"

Jin Zhengzhong immediately roasted the chicken's big nest neck and retreated to his wife's side without saying a word.

Bai Susu and Xiaoqing both smiled, but then they focused their eyes on the nine-tailed demon fox.

"Ming people don't tell secret words, Su Da himself, please do something for me, I will let you go!"

Xin Han lifted Su Daji's prohibition and placed it on the ground. Although it is said that the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox has supernatural powers, he is not afraid, nor is the other party running away. If the other party's convincing treatment is not taken orally, how can the other party be willing to Do it yourself!

Nine-tailed demon fox stood in stance, and ignored Xin Han's stubbornness. When his body turned around, he changed into a black stiff suit. At the same time, his momentum was sent out, and his eyes were swept throughout the week. His eyes fell on Bai Susu:

"Did you find this seat by returning the ancestors to the Dafa?"

Bai Susu Wanfu said: "Bai Suzhen, a disciple of Lishan's mother, has seen her senior!"

A trace of surprise appeared on the face of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox: "It turns out to be the White Lady!"

The two are both monsters, and they have the same name for centuries, but the difference between their reputations is one heaven and one underground. The White Lady is a beautiful name, but Daji has been scolded by all ages.

"How about Bai Niangzi, dare to use the ancestor Xunzong to help people find out where this seat is, **** it!" The face of the nine-tailed demon fox was cold and looked up with five fingers, and a black giant claw formed in his hand, facing directly Bai Susu grabbed his head.

Bai Susu used to flood the Jinshan with anger, causing the charcoal master to be easy-going and turning his face. Whoever cares about your predecessor or not, sacrifices a flying sword and chops the black giant claws!

The nine-tailed demon fox roared in one mouth, and nine looming foxtails appeared behind his back, directly entwining the flying sword!

As soon as Xin Han looked at this person, he didn't put himself in his eyes, and immediately snorted, the majesty of the fairy came down, and he pressed towards the nine-tailed demon fox.

Nine-tailed demon fox sneered: "Don't accept to go together, don't think that I will attack you once, the old lady will be afraid of you. In the battle of the gods, I have eaten the heart of the fairy, I don't know how much, Xiao Xuan Xian still dare to follow me!"

"Then can you try to eat my heart? Let's make a victory!" Xin Han also came to his temper, giving you a shameless face, then hitting you to do it: "Susu backed away!"

He said with a flip of his hand, a huge palm with golden light would form in the air, and his head and face would be pressed towards the nine-tailed demon fox!

After seeing Xin Han's shot, Bai Susu stepped back ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With a few virtual hands, he made a knot with mana and wrapped the entire roof in it, so that the battle would not affect the outside world.

When Jiuwei demon fox saw Xin Han, he snorted: "If you come well, it depends on how you win me!" Nine black condensed foxtails spiral up like an octopus.

When I touched the palm of Jinguang, the sound of "boom" canceled out, but there was still something hidden in the palm of Jinguang. When Jiuwei demon fox saw the dead soul immediately, when he wanted to escape, he found that the surrounding space was already Locked.

Can't help but scold: "It's hidden in the giant palms," The Seal of the Sky "! It's a shame to win one by one! It's really shameless!"

It turned out that Xin Han actually concealed the Sky Seal in the Dragon Elephant Handprint. After the Dragon Elephant Handprint and the opponent's spells canceled each other out, the Sky Seal appeared.

People like Jiuwei Yaohu who have experienced the battle of the gods of nature naturally recognize that this is a genuine immortal. This thing is difficult for ordinary golden fairy to resist, not to mention her little fox demon.

I tried to escape with my own time and space supernatural powers, but I didn't expect that the other party seemed to have more powerful space and time supernatural powers than myself, but I was able to lock the space and make myself unable to move in a flash.

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