Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1098: Are you a dog walker?

Plus five minutes later


Ma Xiaohu was packing up his luggage at home, and he saw a middle-aged man rushing in, blocking his hand while packing up: "You can't leave Hong Kong!"

The man who rushed in was either someone else or Ma Dalong. Do n’t ask him how he came in. This product can come in silently every night for his son to nail the unlucky ghost on the wall. The skill of getting started is high.

Ma Dalong is also in a hurry. He pays attention to the situation of his son Ma Xiaohu every day, for fear of not taking care of anything that day.

Today, when he was off work at Ma Xiaohu, he was already sitting on the flower bed not far from the door of his company, waiting for his son to get off work.

When he watched Ma Xiaohu cheer and walked out of the company with a whistle, he first saw the smile of his son, a joy came out of his heart, and then realized that something was wrong.

Ma Xiaohu is haunted by bad luck. Although he helps him get rid of it every night, his luck has always been bad. There have never been any happy things happening, how can he be so happy to laugh?

At least Ma Dalong's memory has never seen his son so happy, except for the period when he was a child with no heart or lungs.

Suddenly so happy, something unexpected had happened.

After Ma Xiaohu left, he went directly into Ma Xiaohu's company and gave the company a few hundred front desks. Finally, he knew the reason. His son Ma Xiaohu was promoted and sent abroad to discuss business.

For any parent, it is a good thing for his son to get reused by the company and get a promotion and salary increase, but it sounds like a thunderbolt in the ears of Ma Dalong.

"Impossible, there is no reason, how could Xiaohu get a promotion and salary increase, he didn't have this life!"

When he got to the place, he looked through the window and saw that Ma Xiaohu was packing up his luggage and preparing to go out. He was anxious and rushed in quickly to stop his son.

Ma Xiaohu was startled: "Uncle, who are you, how did you come in? How do you know I'm leaving Hong Kong?"

Ma Dalong said anxiously: "Don't care who I am, first promise that I can't leave Hong Kong!"

He promised that the king of Dizang would not recognize his son, so under the inquiry of Ma Xiaohu, it was not easy to say that I am your father.

Ma Xiaohu is a bad person by nature. Although he was surprised by the behavior of the uncle, he was very old and looked calm. "Uncle, what are you doing? If you encounter difficulties, you can tell me, Do n’t rush into other people ’s homes in the future, they will call the police, I still have some money here, you hold it first! ”

Ma Xiaohu pulled out hundreds of Hong Kong dollars from his trouser pocket and gave it to Ma Dalong without looking.

Ma Dalong shook his head again and again: "I don't want money. I'm a fortune teller. I saw you covered in dark clouds, and bad luck. I want to mention you a few words. You must not leave Hong Kong. "

He couldn't tell the truth, he could just compile a reason.

Dark clouds cover the roof, bad luck? Just kidding, I just got a promotion and a raise!

When Ma Xiaohu heard this, he took Ma Dalong as a liar. He must have seen himself packing up outside, and then he guessed that he was going to leave Hong Kong, and then came in to cheat. As long as he could come in, he must not have locked it. door.

Although Ma Xiaohu thinks so, he is a bad person, and he still puts hundreds of dollars into the other party's hands:

"It turns out I'm so dangerous, then I would like to thank the master for mentioning it, and I won't leave Hong Kong. Master, if you go back first, I want to take a bath and then rest!"

"Ah ... you really believe it!" Ma Dalong looked at his son with a stunned face while putting money in his pants pocket. Why is this kid so deceiving? This lie doesn't believe him, why did he believe it? Well, it ’s so silly and naive, so it ’s easy to lose money.

"Don't you tell the truth, Master?"

Ma Dalong just reacted and nodded quickly: "You just know, just know, you must remember!"

Ma Xiaohu nodded and said: "Okay, I remember your words, and I will definitely not leave Hong Kong!" He said that he would send Ma Dalong out of the way, and then close the door, this time he will put it on the door. All the locks were locked, and the curtains were closed again before they began to pack up.

Ma Dalong only reacted after he came out. He may have been fooled by his son and wanted to go in. All the locks that were not normally used were locked, so he had to give up the idea of ​​breaking into the door.

Ma Xiaohu is not sure here, and he hit his attention to Ma Xiaohu's company again, but this time, the company has been off work, he had to take a few hundred dollars from Ma Xiaohu, bribe to beat the uncle, and then get The phone of the company manager.

On the phone, he directly discussed with the manager: "Can I change to a personal business trip? Ma Xiaohu has had a bad luck recently and should not travel far!"

The manager got the orders from Xiami, so he couldn't agree, but he asked politely: "Are you Ma Xiaohu ...?"

"Oh ... I have nothing to do with him, I am fortune telling!"

"... Go!" The manager hung up the phone directly, and when he called again, the other party scolded: "You are mad, call me and call the police!"

Although Ma Dalong has never learned spells, he has a skill that ordinary people cannot. He firmly believes that faith can change everything.

Because of his belief in protecting his son, he has not slept for more than 20 years. Whenever he is sleepy, he will cheer himself up: "I am not sleepy, I am not sleepy, I am not sleepy!"

In this way, he persisted, and as time went on, his conviction became stronger, and he had reached the level of influencing the material world with thought.

In the original plot, he can not only control human behavior, but also move objects. When Yang Shou is exhausted, he can delay the time of death by faith, and he can hold on to immortality, creating a miracle of life.

When he saw that the manager on the opposite side of the phone did not agree to his request, he immediately thought of using his beliefs to interfere with the other party and let the other party agree.

Under the watchful eyes of other people waiting to call outside the telephone booth, Ma Dalong took the phone and looked directly into the microphone, and began his best thoughts: "Hurry up to me, hurry up to me, hurry up to me!"

"Boom!" The phone couldn't bear his faith, and it burst directly. This was the first time he used the phone to change something with his faith, which was obviously very unsuccessful.

Punched **** the phone: "You are really useless!"

When I turned around, I was about to go out. I saw dozens of people around me, all looking at him with neuropathic eyes, and some people even took out their mobile phones to call the police.

Under the embarrassment, Ma Dalong quickly explained: "You all see it, it is the first move!" After that, the crowd hurried away and hurried away.

Early the next morning, when Ma Xiaohu got up, he found that his door had been taken down and set aside. The salute was gone. This time, he could be badly damaged because the passport and other documents are still in the salute.

In a hurry, the company manager's phone was disturbed.

"This time, you can't go away!" In an alley not far from Ma Xiaohu's house, Ma Dalong gaspedly supported the wall, with Ma Xiaohu's salute aside.

Last night, Ma Xiaohu took precautions, and actually locked the safety chain, latch lock, and several hidden locks on the door, which caused Ma Dalong to nail his son at night. He could only remove the entire door panel. Enter the house.

After the nails were finished, he accidentally discovered that Ma Xiaohu's salute was ready to be put aside. Once the ticket for the ticket was checked, he was in it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He stolen all his son's salute with a clever move. No ticket or passport to see how you go.

Ma Xiaohu was also thinking of seeing his luggage lost. He thought he could not get away. He also thought that his promotion and salary increase were in vain. His current passport was too late. He did not expect to finish the phone call to the manager and let him wait for ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, the manager called the phone back and told Ma Xiaohu that the passport should be replaced by the company in half an hour. There was no need to worry about the ticket. The boss had a private jet, and he was about to go to the United States to take him directly.

When Ma Xiaohu put down the phone, he suspected that he was still dreaming, but half an hour later, the manager appeared here with his passport reissued and took him to the airport.

After another half an hour, Ma Xiaohu was already sitting on a luxurious private plane, enjoying a comfortable luxury journey in a nervous manner.

When he asked what the plane did to the United States, the beautiful flight attendant's answer made him feel a bit of coercion: "The boss is afraid that the plane is idle and rusty. Let's go to the United States and take a casual walk!"

Ma Xiaohu really wanted to ask the last sentence: "Where are you walking the dog?" The rich world really can't understand!

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