Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1100: Stripping luck

After eating broth, Ma Xiaohu felt full, and asked Bowen: "Mr Bowen, I don't know what business the company will let me talk about this time!"

Bowen shook his head, took the big bowl away, and said when he went out: "The cowboys around here are very tough, don't go around if you have nothing, I will come to give you food at night!"

Before Ma Xiaohu had time to speak, Bowen had already strode away. He could see through the window that he lived in a house a few hundred meters away.

Although there is a warning from Bowen, Ma Xiaohu believes that this world is a society ruled by law. As long as he does not provoke others, others will not take what he is like, so he still plans to go out and take a turn around.

Ma Xiaohu was most interested in the six churches, but when he walked to the nearest church, he suddenly felt a sense of disgust, and as he approached, the feeling of disgust in his heart grew stronger.

This forced him to turn elsewhere, the feeling of disgust in his heart was much better.

Although Ma Xiaohu was strange in his heart, he was open-minded and did not struggle with these intractable things. He was quickly attracted by the scenery on the farm, but the six churches were never closer.

Cowboys on some farms drove past the vigorous horses, and when they saw Ma Xiaohu, they blew loud whistle, and he waved towards these exotic cowboys with a sincere smile on his face.

After a round of walking, I was a little tired, and wanted to go back to my cabin to rest, but when I walked to Bowen ’s house, I thought it would be better to visit in the past.

But as soon as I walked to the door, there was a cold word behind him: "Boy, if I find you coming to me privately, I will unscrew your neck!"

Ma Xiaohu turned back frightened, and saw Bowen holding a big wooden barrel in his hand, looking at him with a cold face.

He quickly explained: "Not a sir, just a new arrival, I want to visit you!"

"No, stay in your room honestly, don't wander around!" Bowen said, carrying a wooden barrel, striding past Ma Xiaohu, opened the door and entered the house, and then threw the door into a loud noise .

After Bowen walked over, Ma Xiaohu asked about a strong and unpleasant odor, and could not help covering his nose. The source of the odor seemed to be a wooden barrel carried by the other party.

Since annoying the owner, Ma Xiaohu had to go back to his cabin and lay in bed with his eyes closed to rest.

In the evening, Ma Xiaohu shuddered all over him, and he was awakened by the cold. What he couldn't believe was that now in the summer, he would be frozen by his hands and feet.

When he opened the door and walked to the house, the setting sun didn't bring him any warmth. He accidentally found that there were a lot of dead mosquitoes on the ground around the house, but one of the already stiff sparrows caught his attention.

Is it the problem of this red paint?

Before he could see what was happening, he heard footsteps coming again, and Bowen, holding a dinner plate, came over and said: "Eastern boy, this is your dinner."

"Trouble, Mr. Bowen!" Ma Xiaohu leaned back slightly, and then quickly took the dinner plate.

I saw the dinner prepared by the other party was very rich, a small piece of grilled steak, and a piece of ham, probably to take care of his diet, also prepared a bowl of rice, and a bowl of broth exactly the same as noon.

Bowen entered the room with him, sat on a wooden chair beside him, and said to him: "You eat, I will take away the tableware after you finish eating!"

"Don't you use it together?"

Bowen shook his head: "I've already eaten it, please eat it quickly, don't talk nonsense!"

Ma Xiaohu ‘oh’, nodded to Bowen, and then started.

The food is very delicious, especially the bowl of broth, which makes him feel that he is still not satisfied.

"Mr. Bowen, what kind of meat is in this soup, the taste is so good, why I never seem to have eaten such delicious meat before?"

Bowen said ‘hey’, and said with a smile, “I ’m good to eat, just ask what you do!”

He said that he stood up, picked up the utensils and walked away. He walked to the door and seemed to think of something. He turned to Ma Xiaohu and said: "Yes, do n’t go out at night. There are large church services in those churches in a few days. The venue may be arranged so as not to affect the other party! "

Ma Xiaohu quickly waved his hand: "No, you can rest assured, I sleep very well at night, even if it thunders, I won't wake up!"

Bowen nodded: "That's good, hurry up and rest, it's cold here at night, remember to cover more quilts!" After that he went straight out of the room.

"Thank you Mr. Bowen!" Ma Xiaohu was really grateful for the kindness in the other party's words that made him cover more quilts.

When it was not dark, Ma Xiaohu saw through the window that there were many workers outside busy. He was curious and wanted to go out to see, but when he thought of Bowen, he extinguished the idea, from his own box I found a book and laid it in bed and looked at it.

When he didn't know when, he fell into a dream.

As night fell, Ma Xiaohu emerged from behind the shadows of unlucky ghosts. At this time, countless yins suddenly appeared around the house, and they gathered madly towards the wooden house.

The unlucky ghost seemed to have eaten a big tonic, and its size had doubled from its original slap size.

If at this time, there is a person who is proficient in facial features, you will find that Ma Xiaohu really becomes like Ma Dalong said before, the dark clouds cover the top, the image of a fierce.

At midnight, a car came from a distance, stopped at the house where Bowen was located, opened the door, and Sanjay's sturdy figure came out of the car.

Bowen was already waiting at the door: "Boss, you are here!"

Sang Jie nodded and glanced at Ma Xiaohu's wooden house not far away. He saw nowhere but nodded.

The two entered the house one after the other, and Sanjay asked Bowen, "How is it going?"

Bowen cracked his mouth and smiled stiffly: "Rest assured, he has already eaten the stillborn soup made of ashes, and the house is also mixed with the blood of the new dead virgin, which has not yet solidified, according to your instructions. The prostitute is menstrual and brushed with the paint made with the medicine you gave, which is terrible. I do n’t dare to live in that kind of place! "

Sanjie nodded with satisfaction: "It's a good job. Continue tomorrow. The money has been credited to your account. After the rest is done, it will call you all. In addition, let the following people speed up. Tonight, You must get the six-pointed star array well, and you will start the day after tomorrow! "

Looking inside from where they are, you can see that there are several large pots in the room where Bowen is located, all of which are stillbirths with blood and odor and some bleaching and deodorizing materials.

At this time, in a mansion in New York City, Xin Han was wearing a robe, holding a magic sword, standing in front of the incense case, and with the help of Ma Xiaoling, he used the jade virtual secret method to transport the weak Buddhist luck in the rice country. , Is peeling off a little bit.

Such things as stripping luck have always been regarded as a forbidden technique in Daomen, even the modern Master of Dragon and Tiger Mountain is too afraid to try.

At this moment, Xin Han relied on the cultivation of the immortals, and he used the secret technique to show off the thin Buddhist monastery in the national games of the United States.

As he cast his spells, Buddha statues exploded in one of the few temples in the country, causing exclamations.

This is the impoverishment of the Buddha in the United States, and the belief is weak. If it is used in the prosperous Chinese hinterland, if Xin Han dares to do so, only the force of bitterness can shake his roots. Maybe.

After Xin Han's spellcasting was completed, sweat beads rarely appeared on his forehead. Ma Xiaoling intimately wiped off the sweat beads on his forehead with a handkerchief, and then asked with concern: "How is it?"

Xin Han nodded: "Successful, within the next year, the luck of Buddhism in the United States will completely disappear!"

Ma Xiaoling's expression was solemn: "How successful is your plan this time?"

Xin Han walked to the sofa in the room and sat down confidently, said: "Ten percent can't guarantee it, there are 70% to 80%!"

He chuckled: "You can rest assured, Xiami Yixin's good relationship with the Vatican, please mobilize six cardinals to preside over this matter!"

"In other words, we are saying that North America is a Christian dojo. The Buddhist doors are not enough to see. I have lucked away from the Buddhist doors. There are six cardinals sitting in town, and even if they recover, their strength will be suppressed to a minimum. "

Ma Xiaoling nodded immediately after hearing Xin Han's words:

"Christianity is monotheistic, and Catholicism is the largest tribe of Christianity. It has always been tolerant of other beliefs. There are six cardinals presiding over this matter. It is indeed possible to suppress that one, but you must also be careful. After all, there is no servant under the prestigious reputation, even if he has already reincarnate at this time, but he should not be underestimated! "

Xin Han smiled: "Come on, I have other preparations!"

He was afraid of Ma Xiaoling ’s disgusting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so he did n’t mention Sanjay ’s preparation for the ashes of dead fetus, but just took out a quaint jewelry box and opened it gently. Under the illumination of the light, a purple gemstone necklace shone Brilliance.

"It's beautiful!" Ma Xiaoling's eyes lit up, and the woman's resistance to beautiful jewelry was at a negative value, not to mention that this girl was still a big fan.

"Don't touch it!" Xin Han put Ma Xiaoling's hand away at once: "This thing can't be touched!"

Ma Xiaoling saw that Xin Han was like this, and immediately knew it was not easy. Once in her mind, she instantly remembered the origin of this gem necklace: "Is this the" Delhi Purple Sapphire "with a triple black curse?"

This 'Delhi Violet Sapphire' is very famous in the East and the West. It was originally an Indian gem. It caused war in India. Countless people died for it. It absorbed a lot of blood and the resentment of the dead. After arriving in the UK, it brought bad luck to all the previous masters, so it is very strange and evil!

Xin Han nodded her head and confirmed her thoughts: "This thing will be unlucky for a long time when touched, and it will almost kill people if you play it for a day. It is extremely evil!"

Ma Xiaoling immediately knew Xin Han's thoughts: "You mean, put this necklace ..."

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