Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1102: Add 0 columns

Headed by six cardinals, a total of 120 elite priests prayed together, and the cross in the six churches inspired a strong light.

The Holy Light illuminates the whole church. As the Holy Light becomes stronger, it begins to extend from the six churches to the `` Six-Mang Star Array ''.

Immediately afterwards, a huge six-pointed star formed under the real body of Dizang, emitting a supreme holy light, while illuminating the entire farm, the Dizang, the Buddha's power, and the light from him Wrap it up.

The Holy Light and the Buddha Light, both of which are strongly exclusive energy rays, are connected like this.

The loud noise of "Boom" did not cause any damage, but the touch of the two beliefs at this moment, like ultrasound, instantly shocked the hearts of all Christians, Catholics and Buddhist believers in North America.

This shock is not visible to the naked eye, but it is a real shock in the hearts of all believers.

Those very devout believers looked blankly towards New York. They didn't know why, but they could perceive a major event.

Christianity and Catholicism are monotheistic, all are heretics except me, and the other gods are false gods.

Buddhism is not monotheistic, but the first sentence of the Buddha came to the earth and said: "Heaven and the world, only me."

Although this sentence is not a single-handed Buddha 'Sakya Muni' itself, it also means that everyone has a Buddha's nature in his heart, and saying that 'seeking the law from the outside is an outside path' means that as long as it does not originate in the heart Buddha nature, then it is a foreign way.

This sentence alone negates other religions, showing the strong exclusivity of Buddhism.

Therefore, the two rays of light that only my own faith converged, the burst when they burst together can be imagined.

In just an instant, six cardinals spewed out a bit of blood and fell on the Bible held by both hands.

The real body of Dizang in the Six-Man Star Array was also angry, but I didn't expect to even think that he had an outsider to intervene, and he grumbled:

"Evil Demon Waidao, there is a seat here today, let you destroy all forms!"

Saying that he suddenly formed a fingerprint on his hands, he would directly break the six-pointed star array and wipe out all the enemies around him.

Ma Xiaoling, who was watching the battle from afar, clearly saw the movement of Dizang through the strong light and exclaimed:

"It is the" Handprint of the Realm of Dingzang Dingye "that has the power to surrender all evil demons!"

A smile appeared on Xin Han's face: "Don't worry, although the six cardinals are not as capable as hiding their true bodies, they have some skills, so look at it first!"

With the display of handprints in the Dizang Shi, Shen Wei was awe-inspiring, six archbishops in red clothes, and his body shook at the same time: "It turns out to be a pagan pseudo-god, no wonder the Xin family will invite us to shoot!"

The position of these six cardinals in the Vatican is second only to the Pope. Not only is the lofty status, a pure divine power is almost an incredible state, the six men joined together with a group of priests to preside over the six-pointed stars, but they can be beaten by each other. One person was injured, and it was self-evident what kind of enemy it was.

No one can force them to be like this except the ‘god’ level figures of other denominations.

And Dizang is indeed the most powerful bodhisattva under the Buddha ’s gates. It is said that if he had n’t issued the wish that **** is not empty, he would never become a Buddha, he would have become a ancestor of Buddha. difference.

Under the deterrence of the real handprint of the real body, the six cardinals had to give their full strength. The six men quickly took off the cross on their chests and pressed it into the blood of the Bible.

The six bibles and six crosses burst into endless holy light, and through the six-pointed star array, they even gathered in front of the real body of Dizang to form a shining giant angel.

The angel was holding a long sword, and behind him were six wings of condensed light.

"I rely on, this is so powerful, who is this?" Xin Han looked excitedly at the huge light and shadow that appeared out of thin air, feeling that its power was not weaker than that of the Pangu family and couldn't help but get interested.

"It's Archangel Gabriel. I saw his statue in the Vatican. I didn't expect that the six cardinals were really capable, so I could invite him out!"

Ma Xiaoling also knows a lot about Western metaphysical circles.

"Exotic pseudo-god, you will be judged by the Holy Light!" After Gabriel appeared, the Hexagonal Star Array Holy Light was full, and the real body of Dizang also rarely showed a dignified look.

However, the seal of Dizang Zhenshen has been formed, and he snorted: "But the puppets with converged faith, but they still want to compete with this seat, break me!"

Saying the "Mantra of Mantra" went directly to the void of Gabriel.

And Gabriel flickered six light wings, and the huge lightsaber in his hand, straight down, in the light and shadow brought out, there were countless believers praying.

The Mantra of Mantra and Gabriel ’s long sword blasted in one place, and in an instant burst of infinite light, illuminating the entire sky, even in New York City, a hundred kilometers away, was as bright as day.

This situation lasted for half a minute, and the whole of New York was instantly sensational!

Because there is a six-pointed star array, after the energy burst from the real body of Dizang and Gabriel, they are trapped in the six-pointed star array. Otherwise, only a thousand miles below this will be razed to the ground, even New York City. Suffered.

This time, not only the six cardinals vomited blood again, but also the priests who followed them in prayerful prayers were also bitten back, bleeding blood, and their faces were pale and shaky.

But sincere faith supports them, the pain can make their spiritual strength more powerful, especially after Gabriel appeared, these pastors have fallen into a frenzy.

"Look, look, Gabriel seems to be okay, then the lightsaber is starting to break!" Ma Xiaoling pointed to the light group and exclaimed.

At this moment, a cardinal with the help of the priest took out a dilapidated rectangular wooden box and carefully took out a black swarthy weapon like two forks from the wooden box.

The cardinal was holding the weapon in his hands, and with a solemn expression in the prayers of the priests, he walked out of the church and walked towards the six-pointed star array.

"That's the Holy Gun !!!" Ma Xiaoling was speechless. This weapon can only be heard in the legend, but now it is alive.

She turned to Xin Han aside and wanted to find the answer in the eyes of her lover. Is that gun real?

Xin Han nodded with a smile: "No need to guess, this is the" Lanquim's gun "that once pierced **** Christ.

He slowly shook his head: "This kind of power is already strong enough, but it is still not enough to deal with the real body of Dizou!"

Sanjie nodded, took out a mobile phone, dialed a group of numbers, smiled at Lang over there: "Little bugs, do you want big news, you can play!"

In a small town ten kilometers away, several helicopters took off at the same time. If it was n’t for the Xin family ’s account, they would have been unable to bear it. These people are the news helicopters of several major television stations in the United States. Their task today is to control All the happenings on the farm are broadcast live.

The cardinal holding the sacred lance, each step closer, the light erupting on the squirt will be more brilliant, and Gabriel in the air will be more solid.

Really aware of that, the real body of Najizo was dignified, and a dignified color appeared in his eyebrows: "It turned out to be a holy tool for suppressing teaching and education!"

He knew that this kind of township sacred tool connected with the teaching movement, had an incomparable effect on believers and on the addition of spells in the law.

Even if he was the real body of Dizang, he did not dare to neglect. He sat in the void and continuously printed unknown fingerprints. The surrounding Buddha light circulated and protected him closely.

"Collect all sentient beings, six reincarnations! Give me open!"

Sang Jie exclaimed: "Gizang must open six reincarnations, and use the power of reincarnation to fight!"

Xin Han pouted: "How can it be so easy!"

Although Dizang represents Buddhism in guarding the six reincarnations and can use the energy of reincarnation, he is definitely not so relaxed. As long as Xin Han's plan succeeds, the other party will definitely lose.

When the local Tibetan body wanted to use the believer's wish, his face suddenly changed: "It's so mean!"

It was not until this time that he discovered that the place was actually a desert of Buddhist belief, and there was no trace of Buddhist luck.

Not to mention the wishes of the sentient beings who gathered Buddha believers. All the wishes around the place like the sea are all the wishes of the evil door opposite the Tao, and they are incompatible with him. This is how he can use it.

For today's sake, the real body of Dizang can only do his utmost to use his own mana to forcibly open the six reincarnations. As long as he uses the power of the reincarnation, he can break this outer Taoist formation, and then he can withdraw.

He thought very well, but at this moment, Xin Han shot, the goods directly sacrificed the sky-turning seal, turned into a hill, and smashed towards the top door of the ground.

The half-turned sky-turned seals of Zhoushan crushed all tangible and intangible things. Although the Buddhist gates claimed to have jumped out of the three realms, they were not in the five elements, but they were just talking, but they were still not detached.

Therefore, as soon as the Tianyinyin was suppressed, the Tibet was suddenly discolored. Now that the enemy is at present, if he is to be distracted to deal with the Tianyinyin, he will certainly have an opportunity to be taken by that puppet.

Fortunately, when the sky was over, the six vortices agitated by the Buddha force were directly scattered, and the purpose of Dizang opening six reincarnations was defeated, and he withdrew again.

Angrily, Dizang Zhen's eyelids jumped, almost confusing evil words to disturb the Buddha's heart.

In the face of the ‘Langem ’s Gun’, he has to deal with it.

But at this time, several helicopters of TV stations had reached the farm, and a cry of exclamation came out from the host's air: "God, what is an angel Seraph!"

This is a national live broadcast. The picture spread throughout the country in an instant. The hosts of several TV stations are all telling the same thing: "According to the reliable information we received, the six cardinals in the Vatican exorcism here, alive at this time. The angel is right in front of him. He must come from the kingdom of heaven to destroy the demons. The believers in front of the TV, let us pray sincerely, pray for evil, and pray for angels to defeat demons! "

Several major television stations have been prepared for a long time, and invited many theological experts to sit in the studio. Several of them immediately recognized that the face of the angel was exactly the same as the statue of the Archangel Gabriel in the Vatican.

At this moment, countless believers in countless American families knelt down and prayed prayerfully. Those who were previously unreliable in their beliefs became firmer, and those who were firm and religious in the past became more firm.

Immediately after the live broadcast of the whole rice spread to North America, and then to Europe through the channel, more and more believers knelt down to pray, and countless powers of faith gathered towards Gabriel in the town above the farm .wuxiaspot.com ~ And Gabriel, who was originally stiff-eyed, has become alive with both expressions and eyes as the power of faith is substantively injected.

The coercion on his body also increased rapidly with geometric progression, and Xin Han all had to urge the vest to send out the black air to protect Ma Xiaoling and Sang Jie.

There is no suspense at this time, Ma Xiaoling shook his head: "You are not very good at dealing with Buddhist doors with Western sects!"

Xin Han shook his head and smiled: "Buddha originated from ancient India, we call it Yi Yi Zhi Yi!"

Under the testimony of believers of rice, Na Gabriel raised his lightsaber blazing like a scorching sun, and severely slashed it towards the ground.

At this time, the real body of the Dizang, instead of the fierceness of the confrontation, the whole person became peaceful: "The monk is only a projection of the incarnation. The young friend has such means, and wants to come to the poor monk in the future For a while, Ping Seng was looking forward to it! "

After these words were finished, the lightsaber fell, and the Dizang fell silently into nothingness, leaving only half in the air, like a book where stars gathered.

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