Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1115: Stealing beams for columns

Xin Han disappeared in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea after a teleportation, and appeared near the East Eye of the East China Sea where he had seen before, where the Ruyi Gold Hoop was located.

Although the Ruyi gold hoop is a treasure, it has been placed here for the purpose of setting the sea since Dayu harnessed the water.

And because no one thought of using too many iron rods that were not readily available as weapons, so in the original, before the appearance of Sun Wukong, it was just like being discarded on the seabed like scrap iron.

'Donghai Dragon King' Although he knew the value of this thing, Ao Guang did not pay much attention to it. As mentioned in the original book, Long Po persuaded Ao Guang to give this **** iron to Sun Wukong who came to the East China Sea to find things, but the Dragon King said: "That was when Dayu harnessed the water, a stator in the depths of the Dingjiang Sea, a piece of magic iron, what could it do?"

It can be seen that although the East Sea Dragon Wang Aoguang knew that this gold hoop is a **** iron, he did not realize the value of this thing!

Because of this, Xin Han didn't see any aquarium guards in the vicinity. In fact, even if there is a defense here, at this time the East China Sea Dragon Palace was overwhelmed, how could anyone guard this stator!

In the distance, a roar came from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. Xin Han glanced back and saw that in the crystal palace in the distance, the fire was blasting into the sky, and there were repeated shocks and sounds of collision with weapons.

"Hey, let you Yin Laozi, see you die or not!" Xin Han snickered secretly, but could not help but admire secretly, did not expect that this Jiao Demon really has two sons, worthy of being one of the Seven Great Saints in the future, facing the East China Sea Dragon King , There is a way to fight.

However, it is really unknown whether this one will be among the Seven Saints after today!

Turned his head to focus on God Iron: "Short and smaller!"

The iron rod immediately shrunk one piece and lost a circle. Various petrified algae, corals and other objects attached to it fell off one after another, and two of the gold hoops appeared, and the shining Ruyi gold hoops !

"Short and smaller!"

Immediately, God Iron was short-sighted again.

Xin Han was right in his heart, it seems that the authentic "Ruyi Gold Hoop" of this big thousand world is no different from the "Ruyi Gold Hoop" that he used the two small worlds before.

Immediately relieved, the gold rod was reduced to a normal size, and then he would copy it up when he reached out, but he didn't want to sink in it. With his power, he didn't take it, and the bottom of the iron rod only lifted a slight gap.

"Yeah!" Xin Han's arm slowly lifted the Ruyi stick, and he danced with it twice. The weight of the object was estimated incorrectly just now, but the preparation was not picked up at once. Confirm that this iron rod is several times heavier than its own!

He was very happy in his heart, and if the flesh broke through the realm in the future, he wouldn't be afraid of the stick.

Directly put out your own wishful gold hoop stick from the "Darge Westward Journey Plane", let it become the size of the wishful gold hoop stick in front of you, and put it in the original position of the baby, then Ma Fang will authentic Take it in.

Coral, seaweed and other things that fell off the ground were fixed on the iron rod with a small spell. They were made like the previous ones. They clapped their hands and turned their heads away!

He didn't know that when he danced twice, the entire East China Sea area began to vibrate slightly. Although it was tiny, it was clearly felt by the Four Sea Dragon Kings.

It wasn't until Xin Han put his wishful gold hoop back to its original place that the waves of his dancing iron rods gradually subsided.

Instead of leaving immediately, Xin Han used 36 changes to transform himself into an ordinary East Sea Pomfret, swimming slowly in the direction of the Dragon Palace.

The fight in the Dragon Palace did not stop, Xin Han had to rush to see the excitement, and see how the Devil King died!

But he didn't swim far, he saw the direction of the Dragon Palace. Nine fire dragons rose into the sky, and the boiling sea water began to boil. The four dragon kings screamed at the same time, urging mana to protect the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

The arrogant laughter of Jiao Demon sounded at the next moment: "The four sea dragon kings rule the world's aquarium, but I don't think so. Lao Ao Guang, how can you help me?"

Along with the arrogant laughter, a black shadow in the distance swept wildly towards the side of the sea eye, Xin Han hurriedly swam aside, far away from the dark shadow's course of travel, and drilled into the coral under the sea Hiding in the bush.

After Xin Han was transformed, he was only about the size of a slap, and he didn't make a difference in the deep sea. In addition, the dark shadow escaped in a hurry and did not pay attention to his existence.

Otherwise, the other party is under pressure, and his little pomfret can still swim, which is one of the biggest flaws. I have not seen the fish, shrimp, crab and ao that have not been turned on in the surroundings. Squeezed into mud!

Xin Han hid in the coral bushes, and looked closely, an ink-colored dragon with a size of thousands of feet, fluttering towards the eyes of the sea.

Behind that dragon, four five-claw golden dragons surging Zhou Xiangyun were chasing behind them. The four gold dragons were getting closer and closer. It seems that the dragon will be caught up sooner or later!

An old dragon shouted: "Jiao Demon King, as long as you hand over the stolen things and the 'Kowloon Divine Fire Hood', this king will open your way out of law!"

At this time, how did Xin Han still not know the identity of the Jiao Silong, the ink-colored Jiaolong in front was definitely the Jiao Demon King, and who could the four five-claw golden dragons be besides the Four Sea Dragon Kings.

Xin Han was surprised that the magic weapon before the Demon King that could fire nine fire dragons was actually the innate spirit treasure 'Kowloon Divine Fire Hood'.

The Jiao Demon King was not talking, and immediately reached the sea eye. The distant claw claw was thrown, and a black paint smeared. The black and unyielding things were spit out by it and were falling into the sea eye. The vortex at the place rolled into it and entered it.

After the Jiao Demon threw away the black pot, the speed suddenly increased by a large amount, and flew directly over the sea eye.

Xin Han condensed his breath, watching the movement of Jiao Demon King, and after seeing him throwing it clearly, he glanced sideways at Donghai Hai with a fiery zeal in his eyes.

Xin Han's curiosity was suddenly hooked up, guessing what baby he stole from the Dragon Palace, even hiding in the sea eye.

After the Jiao Demon passed by, the four sea dragon kings also chased after them. One of the dragon kings spit out a dragon's mouth, and a lightning bolt in the thickness of the water tank suddenly spewed out of its mouth. It was on the tail of the Jiao Demon King.

The Jiao Demon howled and turned his head to sacrifice the former Kowloon God Fire Hood, headed by the Dragon King and said: "Be careful!" The sound is Ao Guang.

The four sea dragon kings sacrificed their magic weapons at the same time, intending to take over the attack of this superb innate spirit treasure. Suddenly the shroud of Jiulong Shenhuo shrank, and then disappeared. It turned out to be just a bluff, and the Jiao Demon took advantage of this opportunity to break out of the sea. Flying straight into the distance.

It is too late for the Four Sea Dragon King to think about blocking!

Xin Han saw that the Jiao Demon ran away, and it was a shame, but he also reported his revenge. He successfully overshadowed the other. He just quietly retreated, and he saw the Four Sea Dragon Kings go back and returned, and appeared in the sea in a blink of an eye. Before the eye.

The four golden dragons turned into golden lights, and when they landed, they changed into the dragon king's body.

Just listen to Xihai Dragon King's airway: "I didn't expect to let this beast run away!"

East Sea Dragon King Ao Guang waved his hand and said: "That wicked beast has caught me a Kwai Water God Thunder, which is difficult to recover in a hundred years. The fourth son went back and carefully examined him and wiped him out from the North Sea!"

Beihai Dragon King nodded and said: "Come on, brother, if he dares to return to the North Sea, he will be asked to go or not!"

The South Sea Dragon King asked curiously: "Big Brother ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This wicked beast ran into your palace. I do n’t know what was stolen, but it was thrown into the sea eye by the sea eye. People can enter, but it ’s a pity your baby! "

Ao Guang looked at the sea and shook his head: "That thing came out weird, but after the Lich War, it flew from the sky to my crystal palace. Except the indestructible, heavier than Mount Tai, I couldn't see any famous hall, and then called me Throw it in the treasure house. If it were n’t for the stolen animal today, I would have forgotten such a thing! ”

The Nanhai Dragon King wondered: "Is it a magic weapon for the two groups of Lich?"

Ao Guang shook his head and said: "Unlike, when the Jade Emperor had not yet ascended the throne and was not the co-lord of the Three Realms, I had not fallen into the realm at that time, still the realm of the Daluo Jinxian, but I saw no sign of magic. I also sacrificed it several times and nothing happened! "

He finished speaking to the North Sea Dragon King said: "Fourth, since the Jiao Demon King came to steal treasure, you must know this thing, if you capture him alive, you can interrogate it!"

"Know brother!" Beihai Dragon King nodded and said yes!

The king of the West Sea Dragon said unevenly: "If it is not the co-owner of the three realms, the Jade Emperor is the supreme, how can other kings automatically fall to a realm, if we are still the big Luo Jinxian, how can we be bullied by a little Jiao Demon!"

"Lao San Shen Yan!" Ao Guang glared at him: "Jade Emperor is the co-lord of the Three Realms, but he sealed the edict of the Zixia Palace. That's when several sages nodded their heads, and you dare to comment. I really do n’t know what to do and do n’t want to hear from you in the future, remember? "

The South, West, and North Dragon Kings nodded at the same time: "I know Big Brother!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was satisfied: "Let's go!" Then he stood up and walked towards the Dragon Palace. The other three Dragon Kings also showed their magical powers, followed closely behind. (To be continued ...)

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