Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1150: Xianjiu for magic

Add more rewards for the CCloyi brothers. You still owe two of your brothers. In addition, you owe one more to the "Captain Yeke" brother and two more to the "Hao" brothers. A total of five more.


When Xinhan knifed the "room defense", there were several Bodhisattvas on the Xiaoxumi Mountain, Nanzhu Zizhu Forest, Wutai Mountain, and the depths of Mount Emei at the same time. After a long time, the bodhisattvas showed different expressions.

For example, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is not happy or sad, and then closed his eyes and swam in. The Bodhisattva of Manjushri showed mercy, and the bodhisattva of Fuxian sighed only.

"Since the variable has entered the game, is it still a variable? Destiny is in my Buddha's door, and the Buddha door is in power!"

Xin Han didn't know his knife, but he was sensed by the people in the Buddha's door, killing the "room defense" chest, and finally got a bad breath, which was more enjoyable than killing the demon king.

This monk is not very capable, but it is really disgusting, even cursing the six relatives, can Nima be more shameless!

There is no bottom line to be a human being, and he still cultivates Buddha. Really his uncle, no wonder the Emperor Shi had expelled the goods out of the country. It turned out that there was a foresight before. No wonder his appearance was not good.

Xin Han let the spirit of the "room defense" and its golden body phase condensed to half, slowly dissipated, and the waste of whiteness was in the nothingness, dissipated between the heavens and the earth, although this energy can also be absorbed by the Beiming Xianyuan , But he has some concerns about the Buddha ’s things, so do n’t forget it.

The curse of ‘room defense’ just made him a little bit vigilant. Cursing one person, even being able to bring six relatives together, is really weird!

If the realm of this person is higher than Xin Han, he doesn't know if he can resist it without using Xuanhuang Lingbao's body.

Xin Han reminded himself secretly that in the future when he meets Western-religious figures, he must be careful to guard against it.

Seeing that something had happened here, he put away the 'Fire and Water Broken Yue Sword', set up the auspicious clouds, and headed out of the mountain.

In the following days, Xin Han continued to search for the rest of the demon kings, and took a trip around the world to experience the human geography and customs of the four major continents of the Westward Journey.

But what makes him strange is that all the demon kings, including the Great Devil King, have disappeared and there is no trace to follow, that is, his wishful eyes, the retrospective time, and only the hazy to see There seems to be an obstacle. There is obviously something wrong in this.

Xin Han is not in a hurry. While searching for the demon king on the way to Yunyou, he realizes the road while practicing.

When I accidentally remembered the magic technique of "origami into a thing" that I learned from Zixia, I folded a donkey and threw it on the ground, a body was inked, and the four-hoof snow-white cloud-covered snow donkey appeared in front of my eyes.

For a hundred years, the footprints of one person and one donkey spread across the four continents, which made Xin Han's heart calm a lot, but he did not find the traces of the remaining few demon kings, that is, the fox cave of Jilei Mountain. Scattered and empty.

The cow king took the jade-faced fox and wondered where to go to avoid the wind!

This year, Xin Han returned to Dongsheng Shenzhou and rode a donkey to enter from Xiguan, passing through Hezhou, and suddenly saw the mountains. The places he had seen were familiar, and when he looked closely, he saw five mountains in the distance. Isn't it the Wuxing Mountain that suppresses Sun Wukong!

Xin Han laughed dumbly. He used to fly clearly in the sky to see clearly. Now he rides a donkey, but he only walks closer to recognize it. Well, just look at the monkey, and think about it for another hundred years. This product must be lonely and cold. Let him warm up with a drink!

With a hand pat, the dark clouds covered the snow and went to Wuxing Mountain. The rugged rock was flat at its feet. From afar, the monkey was humming the tune, but it was the song that he sang for five hundred years ago. .

The word monkey in front of it just hummed, hummed to the back, and sang two sentences: "Even if wildfires are burned, even if they are covered in snow and ice, they are still dead and arrogant!"

After singing, I laughed a lot: "Ahahaha ... Ahahaha, my grandson is not dead!"

Xin Han, speechless, has been crushed for more than a hundred years. This product is still so narcissistic. Thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing.

At the tip of the monkey's ear, he heard Xin Han's laughter within a few miles, and immediately stopped laughing, raising his voice and asking, "Who is it? Who is laughing at my grandson!"

Xin Han didn't answer, smiled and rode the black clouds to cover the snow, and in a blink of an eye, separated the half-tall artemisia grass and went down the mountain.

The monkey blinked, exclaiming with joy: "Brother Xin, you come to see me again!"

Suddenly he saw the clouds and snow under the seat of Xin Han and laughed and said: "Why haven't you seen this for a long time, you're pretending to be a ghost, even if there is a cloud, you're riding a paper donkey!"

He said that it was blown out with a sigh of gas. Although his mana was blocked, he still had some abilities. He suddenly blew the dark clouds and covered snow back into the original form, which turned into a yellowed origami.

Xin Han directly fell down, laughing and scolding: "Your grand monkey, my dark clouds and snow have been riding for a hundred years, don't break me!"

He reached out to pick up the origami on the ground and put it carefully, but he saw Sun Wukong looking at him curiously: "Why don't you call me" Great Saint "?"

Xin Han smiled and said: "Look at you like this, being crushed under the mountain, where is it like Qi Tian Da Sheng?"

He said as he walked over, he pulled the artemisia officinalis around Sun Wukong's head, and helped him remove the moss on his head, the water hyacinth in his ears, and the dirt on his face.

Sun Wukong laughed and said: "When my old grandson was proud, you were close, but in fact estranged, I came back to learn immortals, you called me the Monkey King, and I entered the heavenly court as an official, and you bite a big saint, listening to People are upset, and now my old grandson is in trouble for a hundred years, but you call me a monkey, it sounds like people are getting closer! "

Xin Han smiled and shook his head. The monkey was not stupid. He sighed: "It's not that I don't get close to you, but that your temperament caused misfortune sooner or later. Look at the friends you made, what is it called! Although I also Not great, but still much better than those stuff. "

Su Wukong suddenly sighed, and was melancholy: "What you said, just like what Master said, he was also afraid that I would have a big trouble before he expelled me from the teacher!"

Xin Han did not answer, he naturally knew who the master of the monkey was, but the name could not be mentioned.

After the monkey sighed, his mood got better in an instant, making fun of him: "Why did you kill one after all these years? Yu Xun's Art of Martial Arts is not bad, but the strength is much worse. If I kill him, just Tricks are hard, and within Lily it will surely fail! "

Xin Han nodded and smiled, "Actually, I only used two tricks!"

"Impossible, your current strength should be a little worse than mine. How could it be possible to use two tricks?" Sun Wukong stunned for a moment, and reacted in an instant.

"You must have used that medicine. That time you gave me a gourd. I was so happy to die. Tian Bingtian will tell me to fight most of the disabled. The four great masters, whichever, Erlang, are not my enemies. It ’s not like this, my grandson has been sitting in the Lingxiao Hall! "

Xin Han shook his head, thinking that a hundred years of repression, this monkey temperament has faded, I did not expect to be so naive.

He chuckled: "As far as I know, the one in the Lingxiao Hall is not as bad as it is, and there is a lot of people like them!"

Sun Wukong exclaimed: "How is it possible?"

"Don't ask too much, just know. I want to ask you, how do I know that I only killed one, and can I know precisely that it is the Yuying demon king?"

Xin Han took out a jug of fine wine and presented it with gourmet food. Of course, this time it was not a heavenly treasure. Those foods were eaten a little less, and they were kept for their own enjoyment.

Sun Wukong woke up from the shock, and laughed at himself: "You don't think the seven demon kings sworn to heaven, there is no reaction from heaven and earth!"

"Fortunately, I didn't learn from mortals that year, and said that I died the same month and the same day, or ... hey ..." Sun Wukong took a hip flask with a smile and poured it into his mouth. : "What about Qiongjiang Yulu, what about dragon liver and phoenix?"

Seeing his anxiety, Xin Han moved his heart and said, "That's not much stuff. I still keep it for myself. Besides, when I left last time, I didn't leave you a tank for the land to feed you!"

Sun Wukong scratched his ears anxiously: "The wine was finished in two days. I have been greedy for more than a hundred years. How about taking out a pot to solve my greed?"

Xin Han picked a corner of his mouth: "Well, how about a magical spell, how about changing to a pot of agar wine?"

Sun Wukong was greedy for farting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That did not agree, nodded again and again, and asked for the liver, liver, and phoenix. Xin Han sipped him: "I have the monkey brain and orangutan of 'Yamao' , Do you want to eat! "



Early the next morning, Xin Han left a jar of Qiongjiangyulu for the land. This time he told the land not to give more, only three cups a day, enough for the grand monkey to drink for a while.

He was sitting on the dark clouds, heading east, walking out of the plateau and stepping into the desert. He kept practicing in his mind, "Three heads and six arms", "Fa phase world", these two phenomenal fighting magic skills.

This trip to Wuzhi Mountain is really worth it! However, he didn't have a pit monkey, one willing to fight, one willing to suffer, and the friendship between one person and one monkey went further.

In the distant sunset, the old man who pulled the shadows of Xin Han and the dark clouds over the desert on the desert, the fire at that time was reflected in a magnificent city gate in the east of Baili, and the city gate was red like blood, The city gate showed two seal characters 'Jiangdu'!

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