Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1160: Burning Lake

The little Qingshanjun, with his five fingers, turned into an overwhelming branch, extending out to cover the entire third floor of the building ship, and countless branches spread to the three people of Xin Han and covered his face.

Xin Han looked funny. In his eyes, that mountain monarch was only a tree demon in the realm of a unitary god, and he didn't even spend the fairy fairy robbery.

Unexpectedly, in this world, there is such a thing that does not know life and death to actively provoke myself. Immediately, a small sesame-sized purple gold Mars was ejected by Xin Han and was falling on the vine.

At this moment, it was like dry firewood encountered a fire, and the widow encountered a stream of ng. Only a moment, a raging flame rose up, and the one burned was called a hi skin.

The little Qingshan King, with a wailing noise, set up a demon wind and flew out of the boat, rushing towards the lake below it. It wanted to extinguish the flames of the body through the lake water.

But this purple-gold flame was the flame after the fusion of the thunder-fire purple fire and the real fire of the sun. What a hegemony, Xiaoqingshan rushed out of the building ship, and only the fly ash was burned.

At the same time, on the low mountains a few miles away, an old locust tree with a height of tens of feet was burst with a snap, and a huge crack was exploded from several roots to the top of the tree.

"Master!" The peach-flower fairy exclaimed, and she saw that her master had turned into gray, and she turned suddenly, and her seductive face became cruel.

But when she saw Xin Hanzheng looking at herself with a smile, she immediately fluttered to the ground with a trembling motion: "Begg on Xian Rao, the little demon would like to serve Puxian in the manner of Pu Liu!"

"Shameless!" Xia Bing sipped hard.

Xin Han smiled softly: "Forget it, I dare not call you to serve, because you are resentful, and I don't know how many creatures are hurt!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the little Dongting Shuijun on the throne leapt out and directly plunged into the lake.

Then the whole building turned around, faster and faster. Pang Yong and Xia Bing looked at the railing and looked out. The whole lake was flooded, and a huge vortex appeared in the middle of the lake.

The ship on the floor is in the center of the vortex, just like a leaf, drifting with the waves, it seems that it may capsize at any time.

The voice of the little Dongting Shuijun sounded in all directions: "The one with the surname Xin, when I come to my little Dongting, you can't help but run wild!"

The peach blossom fairy who had been crawling on the ship board suddenly jumped out of the ship at this time, and cried in surprise: "Master Shuijun saves his life, and the slave family wishes to follow you!"

Xin Leng laughed, and once again popped a Mars.

Peach Blossom Fairy hadn't finished talking, and felt the pain in the back, seeing that his chest had been burned through by the rising flames, and screamed with horror.

A big wave greeted from the lake and wanted to save her, but even if the water wave wrapped her, it did not save her destiny swallowed by the flames, and instantly turned into ashes.

What made the Shuijun master unexpected was that the lake water was caught in the flame, and it immediately caught up. After a while, the flame spread to the whole lake, and the small lake within a few miles became a sea of ​​fire.

The flames were so fierce. Only in a few breaths, the whole lake water was boiled up, the whirlpool stopped, and the giant waves stopped, leaving only the scene like boiling water.

The entire lake, except for this building ship, became a sea of ​​fire, large and small aquariums, struggling in the water.

Shui Jun's voice sounded again: "Quickly kill them, the fire will go out!"

Footsteps sounded, dozens of goblins rushed up from the two floors below the building with their swords and guns, Pang Yong pulled out his waist knife and greeted him, the sound of clanking swords and clashes made a group!

Under the light of the fire, Xia Bing took out the long sword and helped Pang Yong deal with the demon crowd while watching the situation in the water with Yu Guang. She saw clearly on the ship and shouted to Xin Han:

"Student, the master Shuijun is actually a carp sperm. Think about it. Your fear is to be destroyed by it!"

But seeing a huge shadow, about ten feet long, continually tumbling in the water, setting off layers of water waves, it seems to want to put out this sea of ​​fire.

Xin Han was not in a hurry. He leaned against the railing and looked down lazily: "Relax, if it has the ability to destroy this flame, you won't be stupid. Come and ask me to plead for someone! "

Sure enough, Xin Han didn't dare to get a little bit of flame at all. He only dared to extinguish the flame when it was tossing underwater in the hope that the water wave would surge.

It's a pity that the lake water seems to have become a fuel, but there is no tendency to extinguish it, but it has already burned its demon body.

"Jiaoyao King save me!" Finally, the Shuijun experienced a painful lesson, realized what he was, and dared not arrogantly arrogantly, he asked the North Sea Demon King to show his life.

Just after he called for help, he made a loud noise, and the whole lake surface exploded, directly swaying the flames on the lake surface, and a black shadow of a hundred feet long took the opportunity to rush out of the bottom of the lake, but it was a hundred The Jiaolong is the body of the Jiao Demon King.

"The dog just mistakes me!" The Jiaolong's eyes were filled with anger, and the big carp struggling in the lake was bitten into his mouth with one mouth, and then flew into the sky.

He bit the carp to death in the air, swallowed it in his belly, and gave Xin Han a vicious look before he flew away.

Dark clouds swelled in the sky, just as the Demon King was about to break away, in the clouds, a huge beast head came out of the clouds, and the mouth opened to the Demon King.

Both are ancient beasts born in the wild, and suddenly torn in one place.

"Dare to stop me!" The Jiao Demon sees a beast appearing from the cloud, but dare to stop it, and he can't help but be furious. Thunder, the dark wind is fierce.

"You're a fart!" Zijinhua Fox Marten, showing his body, immediately shook the cloud beside him, exposing the body like a giant elephant, and his teeth and claws were fighting with the Devil King.

If the Zijinhua Fox Marten is a wild animal, and later achieved Shinto, it is that ordinary demon kings are not in the eyes, but it is still a little worse than the extreme demon king like the Seven Great Saints.

But at this moment, the Demon King showed that the body was a huge dragon, and in ancient times, the fox mink was the natural enemy of the Jiao Python. It feeds on the Jiao Python and is naturally restrained, so this is a tie.

When the Devil King recognized the roots of Huahu Min, he transformed into a human form, the light flowed in his hand, and the double-spike in the sea was copied in his hand, and he immediately put Hua Hu Min down.

But at this time, behind the Demon King, the Demon Cloud was surging again, and suddenly a white fox appeared from among the clouds, and suddenly grabbed a claw behind the Demon King.

That white fox is Xiao Wei. She has been cultivated for thousands of years in the eyes of the Peer Demon King and other peerless demon kings, but when the Devil King takes the time to kill it, it turns around and leaves, while the flower fox on the other side The mink threw himself again, entangled with it, and let him get out.

The Jiao Demon went to deal with the Flower Fox Mink again, and the White Fox turned around to sneak attack!

Under such repeated circumstances, this male, one mother, and two small beasts made Jiao Demon a little bit confused and could not get out.

As soon as the Shui Jun died, Xin Han collected the flames from the lake, and then took out a small iron rod over a foot in length, swam around in the cabin quickly, on the little demon fighting Pang Yong and Xia Bing, Knocked one by one, and immediately knocked all these little demon to death.

Then he flashed out of the cabin and disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already in the clouds. The iron rod in his hand swayed into the wind and became an iron rod with two gold inlays. .

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