Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1172: Demon King Supernatural

The middle-aged man saw Feijian slashed, froze on the spot, and was suddenly struck by Feijian. Liuyang Kui's head had fallen to the ground. The blood spewed a foot high, and the fresh wind blew through the blood mist After three breaths, the headless body fell to the ground.

"Ah, the demon hurts!"

In an instant, like a frypot, the entire funeral procession was in a mess.

A disdainful smile appeared on Xin Han's face: "I didn't expect the dignified macaque demon king to act like a small family, I think when you can pretend!"

Speaking with the sword pointing upright, the black light transformed by the Tu Wujian made a circle in the sky, stab directly down somewhere in the ground, and the resentment of Tu Wujian was also urged by the force of Xin Han Xian Yuan The next came out.

Xiaowei, a thousand-year-old fox demon standing opposite, had a feeling of being surrounded by thousands of years of ice at this instant. The heart that was originally as strong as gold and iron was loosened at this moment, and a trace of regret haunted her heart. It's not wrong.

But at the next moment Xiaowei was firm again, because she didn't want anyone to dominate her own destiny, and she didn't want to give the beast in her hand a tool to vent.

The Tu Wujian, with terrifying grievances, hadn't waited on the ground, the existence hidden in the ground consciously had been locked, and it was hard to escape, and rushed up from the broken ground.

After a loud noise, a gap was cracked in the street, and a figure carrying two octagonal purple-gold hammers greeted the Witch Sword with two hammers in one hand, and the Slayer was cutting between the two hammers.

After a thunderous crash of gold and iron, the witch's sword flew back violently. The figure that rushed out also fell heavily, and the whole figure was smashed into the crack.

Puff, puff, puff, the original team of nearly one hundred people wearing pie and filial piety all turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

And the middle-aged man who was beheaded by Xin Han before, even after a burst of green smoke, turned into a chopped monkey hair, and along with other hundred monkey hairs, flew towards the crack in the street go with.

The entire funeral deal was left with a small standing person, and some people who thought of Hu Jiashan's good deeds and spontaneously sent them to the funeral.

These people have been scared and stupid for a long time. When the Hu family disappeared into monkey hair and disappeared, they ran away in a cry of exclamation.

Recalling the Tu Wujian, Xin Han could feel that thousands of ancient gods and souls wailing and wailing on this sword complained that they could not launch it with all their strength.

Reaching out, a crystal-like snowflake fell on the hand, and after two blows of the Tu Wujian, the terrifying resentment triggered the climate change, making the Qiantang in June, floating in an instant. Snow came from the goose feathers.

"I don't want you to start with all my strength. It has been flying snow in June. If you let it go with all your strength, you will not freeze the Qiantang River. When the ice is frozen for hundreds of miles, will you bear this sin or will I bear it? "

Xin Han's unlucky humming radiated a buzz towards the sword body. The golden iron sound Weng Ming, even Xiaowei, who had originally frankly watched the battle, heard this sound, and his face changed suddenly, just like a sword was coming, and his heart seemed to be pounded hard A few times.

After taking a few steps back, until the Huahu Min in his arms screamed, this stopped his steps and his face became pale and bloodless.

At the same time, a figure suddenly jumped out of the crack in the ground, directly displaying the magical power of three heads and six arms, waving his six-handed eight-sided purple gold hammer and rushed towards Xin Han: "The surname Xin, die for me. ! "

The figure with three heads and six arms, but with three heads of monkey heads, fangs violent, and fierce anomalies, is exactly the monkey king among the seven demon kings in Huaguoshan Jieyi!

Where did Xin Han fear him, put away the Witch Sword, took out an iron rod the size of a toothpick, and turned it into a golden hoop as soon as the wind swayed, and also used a magical power of three heads and six arms to welcome him.

To say that Xin Han is the first time to use this kind of supernatural power in battle, three heads and six arms is a 360-degree angle of view, and there are six arms that can perform various supernatural powers and martial arts tricks, which is really good.

But at this moment, the gold hoop stick collided with the octagonal purple-gold hammer in the hand of the Monkey King. Not only did the imagination collide with earth and earth, but the hammer hammer collapsed.

Not only was the hammer deflated, but the three-headed six-armed Monkey King also turned into a blue smoke, a closer look was a monkey hair.

"You have been fooled by the name of Haha!" The ground at the foot of Xin Han was suddenly blasted away, and the real three-headed and six-armed Monkey King rushed up.

Six arms grabbed Xin Han's feet and shouted at the same time: "Do it!"

Xin Han saw that his feet were entangled and flew upwards violently. At the same time, he lifted the iron rod with both hands and smashed it downwards.

But at this moment, suddenly sinking on Xin Han's back, there was an extra hill suddenly, when the hill appeared, only the palm of a hand grew up and became Baizhang Mountain.

This depressing his hands loosened the iron rod involuntarily, letting the gold hoop stick fall down, and with both hands back on the mountain, his body was unstable and shook in the air.

This is the technique of moving mountains!

Xin Han knew in a flash, there was a demon king hidden in the dark!

Among the Seven Great Saints, each demon king has his own natural supernatural powers.

Such as Sun Wukong's natural supernatural power, is the body of iron and stone!

This is why he can become an indestructible body of King Kong after eating Peach Peach.

No, there are many gods who have eaten flat peach elixir in the sky. Why are other people without diamonds not bad? The reason is that Sun Wukong has natural supernatural powers, and the reason is to go one level further.

And the monkey king who had just concealed Xin Han ’s wishful eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also relied on his natural supernatural powers to hide from the sky. This monkey king is among the seven demon kings, and he is good at changing the art of stalking. Credit.

The mountain that appeared on Xin Han's back at the moment was the technique of moving the mountain, but it was the natural supernatural power of the lion camel among the seven demon kings.

This is not an illusion, but really shifts the mountain peaks elsewhere and presses on Xin Han!

Xin Han sneered in the heart of the mountain, this time it was actually aimed at their lore, but unfortunately they did not know their true strength, but they did not expect that the lion and the king of the king were ruined by themselves, but only the Yuanshen dare to dare. Coming out of trouble, I really do not know what to do!

The monkey king's six arms wrapped around Xin Han's feet, and three heads laughed wildly: "The surname is Xin, I didn't expect it. The mountain has lion and camel blessings. Tang will bury you, and you will die as well! "

If that mountain peak falls across the entire Qiantang county, it may become powder.

At the moment, the land of Qiantang outside the city was crying without tears, praying to the fat fellows on the side: "Zhong Liquan, are you watching the people of Qiantang being robbed?"

Zhong Liquan rolled his eyes silently: "What are you afraid of, I haven't told you whether you are shocked or not, let's talk about what you and the Taoist I said, what you did against Xin Daoyou are peerless demon king, Taoist and so Xianjie didn't spend it, just go to death! "

The people in Qiantang City looked up at Xin Han in the air with bloodless faces at the moment. If he could not bear it, the mountains would be suppressed, the whole Yuhang would be crushed to ashes, and people were praying. The miracle came.

At this moment, Xiaowei, staring at Xin Han with hateful eyes, sneered at the corner of his mouth, hurled the flower fox marten in his hand towards Xin Han, and the flower fox marten turned into a white elephant-sized open blood basin The big mouth bit down at its own owner.

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