Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1174: I only wish to die on the same day in the same year ...

> Chapter 1174 Only wish to die the same year, same month, same day ...

It's overtime again, the second is estimated to be uploaded before zero, sorry, sorry.

At the end of the Han dynasty, the dynasty and political affairs, years of famine, and the people's lives were hard. The epidemic was rampant in the first year of Zhongping. The giant deer had Zhang Jiao, Zhang Liang, and Zhang Bao.

Zhang Jiao claimed to be General Tiangong, Zhang Bao called General Digong, and Zhang Liang called General Ligong. These three people organized four or five million people in Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Jiangsu and other places. The banner of the yellow towel stands upright!

For a time, the uprising army was very powerful, and the world was shaking.

Not to mention the reaction of the imperial court, only Zhang Jiao led the soldiers to commit crimes against Youzhou. You Zhou Taishou Liu Yan was naturally greedy but had no real knowledge. Seeing Zhang Jiao leading the army to attack, he panicked for a moment and quickly called the captain Zou Jing Deliberate.

This Zou Jing was quite anxious, saying that Youzhou soldiers could not resist, so he suggested recruiting volunteers.

When the list arrived in Zhuo County, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei met before recruiting the list. When they talked, they decided to define Jinlan and became a heterosexual brother.

The next day in the Taoyuan after Zhang Feizhuang, the black cow and white horse sacrifices were prepared. The three burned incense and then swore to the Heavenly League:

"Today Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, although they have different surnames and have become brothers, will work together to rescue the poor and help the crisis, report to the country, and go to Anli. They do not seek to be born on the same day in the same year, but wish to die on the same day in the same year.

Before the oath was finished, I heard the strong wind whizzing in the distance, like a thunder suddenly, but saw a piece of training coming from a distance, flying through the peach forest, and the peach blossoms on the strong wind were colorful and falling like a rain of flowers.

Among the three worshippers, Liu Bei and Liu Xuande in the middle, just heard the sound coming from behind their heads, and had not waited to look back, they were pierced by the horse through the back of the brain. Was taken out.

Then there was the sound of metal collision with the clang, and I saw that Liu Bei was not far away in front of him, and that the heavenly incense burner turned directly to the ground, and only after the panicked Guan Yu and Zhang Fei came back, they could see clearly. A feather arrow on the incense burner still shuddered.

At this moment, the sky was suddenly covered with clouds, and the thunder was shining. Dozens of fireball-like thunders fell from the cloud, and they made a circle on this peach forest, and suddenly fell a few miles away.

These visions frightened all the people. When the Thunder passed, all the talents recovered, remembering that Liu Bei had been killed!

"Big Brother!" Zhang Fei screamed and grabbed Liu Bei in front of him. I saw Liu Xuande, who claimed to be the King of Zhongshan, with a fist-sized hole in his head.

Looking back, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, each of them copied a single knife, one left and one right flying in the direction of the arrow, both of them are masters, but they are afraid of facing the arrow just now. a feeling of.

Neither of them dared to say that they could escape if the arrow shot at themselves, so at this time, while holding a single knife, they carefully lifted the knife to protect the whole body.

However, when the two men searched the Taolin area again, they did not find the archery person.

Back to the body of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were relatively speechless!

At this time, they really don't know what to say. It should be said that Liu Bei and the two have just met for only two days. Although they have the same intentions, they have a similar meaning, and they also decided to define Jinlan, but the relationship between them is really not. How deep is it.

But but

Looking at the body of Liu Xuande on the ground, Zhang Fei suddenly asked, somewhat depressed: "Second brother, what did we say just now?"

Guan Yu narrowed Dan Feng's eyes and coughed lightly: "Suddenly, this matter is a little uneasy for my brother, but I can't remember what I said before."

Guan Erye was unfaithful, but he still said that, and knew Liu Bei within two days. If he followed the oath and died together, he was also reluctant.

There was a flash of joy in Zhang Fei's eyes, and he took a breath: "I don't hide from my second brother, Fei doesn't remember me very much!"

The old steward of Zhang Fei's house was originally the gift of his righteousness. At this time, like the other servants, he was shocked by the arrow, and at this time he heard the words of the two men and beat his spirit. He came over and said to his son:

"Son, as you said just now, old age still remembers that we do not seek to be born on the same month and the same day in the same year, but only wish to die on the same day and the same month in the same year."

Zhang Fei glared at him fiercely, biting his steel teeth and grateful: "Thank you butler for reminding me."

The housekeeper shook his hands in joy and joy: "It is a blessing for the old man to be able to share the grief for the young man, but he dare not be a son of thanks"

Guan Yu looked at Zhang Fei: "Third brother, your housekeeper is really loyal!"

Zhang Fei smiled bitterly: "Second Brother, what shall we do with that oath?"

The old housekeeper on the side rushed up, hugged Zhang Fei who was still kneeling on the ground, and yelled, "You must not make any oath. It is reasonable to say that if you make an oath, you must go with Liu Bei. If you break your promise, It will be spurned by the people of the world, but how can this be done? You must know that the master can only be your son! "

Zhang Fei was angry, knowing that Lao Tzu was a singular seedling, why do you even say these things, just pretending not to hear them?

The old housekeeper hasn't finished talking yet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ suggested: "If you are not as good as your son, you can treat this matter as if it is not alive. What can you do if you are notorious, how can anyone in the world swear, your own life is important!"

Guan Yu's face became more red, his eyes sharpened, and the housekeeper was stunned with a slap: "Fart, our brother is standing upright, when did the words not count!"

Zhang Fei also shouted: "It's a good fight to kill this old dog!"

After the two men scolded indignantly for a while, Zhang Fei cried and said: "But the second brother"

Guan Yu interrupted: "The oath will be said later. The most important thing now is to find out the thief who killed the elder brother and avenge the elder brother."

Zhang Fei's eyes lit up: "The second brother is right. If you don't kill this archery person, what is your face under Jiuquan to meet our brother!"

"Exactly!" The two immediately fought with the enemy, feeling that the feelings between each other suddenly came close.

"Who killed my elder brother!" Guan Yu and Zhang Fei held a knife and squinted one eye, killing all over the body, and the other leopard's eyes widened, bursting into anger.

But after a long roar, there was no answer.

Suddenly Zhang Fei slapped his head: "Well, the thief did a bad thing and probably ran away long ago. When you and my brother go to the police first, and wait for the government to capture the servant, we are not revenge!"

Guan Yu stretched out his hand and said: "It is absolutely impossible. Now that the yellow-scarred thief is messing up, how can the government manage such small things?

Zhang Fei suddenly said: "That's why, it's not as good as you and my brother. Slowly searching will always find the enemy!"

"it is good!"

A few laymen on the side didn't make a sound, hiding from afar, looking at the two who kept shouting, they both scolded in their hearts: "Boo stink shameless!"

At this moment, a burst of laughter outside Taolin came from afar: "No need to find it, Liu Xuande was killed by me!"

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