Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1204: Door god

The people's ideas can largely influence the national games of a country. People live and live in peace and contentment. Naturally, they like a peaceful and stable life, and the country will naturally develop towards the good side.

On the other hand, the common people can't even eat food. Years of disasters, as long as there is a anger, the uprising will rebel, and the crisis will break out, shake the national games, or change the dynasty.

Therefore, it is very reasonable to say that human will is heaven. Xin Han wants to use this. First of all, Daomen became the state religion. Many people in Daomen, under his orders, took gold and scattered them all over China to build palaces and teach people Let the Central Plains Daomen Qiyun and the National Games be tied together to support each other.

In addition, he ordered the Huangjinjun to be attached to the Han room. The generals of the Huangjinjun had their own rewards, and the soldiers were properly placed. The turbulent situation was ended in advance.

Xin Han took out the seeds of many high-yield crops of later generations, such as corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, and promoted them with the authentic Taoist Temple of Xuantian in various places. The people who planted these crops would get Xuantian authentic in money. Rewards.

Next, as long as Liu Yi strives for a stable word, when these crops are mature, when the crop yields a thousand jin, and the people have filled their stomachs, the sick Han Dynasty will regain its vitality.

With the prosperity and prosperity of the Han dynasty, the Xuantian orthodox Taoist door of the state religion will be more and more prosperous.

Xin Han calculated quite well, but did not expect that Lu Bu and Cao Cao, who was a Hanchen, would actually turn against the water.

This undoubtedly made the Han Dynasty and the National Games, which had just been restored, suffer another heavy punch!

Although Liu Fen was the emperor, after all, he was very young. In the face of Cao Cao Lu Bu ’s 200,000 army, He Jin suddenly panicked his hands and feet, and his temperament changed a lot.

In addition, most of the army controlled by the imperial court took Huangpu Song away, and now it is in Cao Cao's hands. There are less than two thousand forbidden military basic clan children who can fight very few and play little role.

When Liu Yanpan panicked, his mother, He Empress Dowager, and his uncle, He Jin, suggested that he go to his master, that is, ask Xin Han for advice.

Although Cao Cao and Lu Bu rebelled, Xin Han did not anticipate, but he was not surprised at all. Seeing Liu Fang came to ask for advice, he simply gave Liu a defense of a way to perpetuate future troubles, and summoned the princes of the world to King Jingqin!

By fighting against Cao and Lu, the princes of the world can tell who is loyal and who is loyal, who is the real king, who is loyal to the Han room, and who is scheming and wants to profit from it.

When the time comes, let them kill both sides, get rid of them all once and for all, without breaking and standing, and then standing, as long as these princes who have seized one side are removed, and the military power of the world is in the hands of the court, the day can be decided!

Liu Ping believes in Xin Han's words, and immediately decides to summon the princes of the world to King Jingqin!

Yanzhou thorn history Liu Dai, Chen Liutaishou Zhang Miao, Jiangdong Sun Jian, Xuzhou thorny Shi Taoqian, Hedong Taishou Dong Zhuo, and more than a dozen soldiers and horses responded to the imperial edict and raised their soldiers!

Dong Zhuo in the east of the river was closest to him, and immediately transferred to the north to Chen Bing to join the party. Because of Cao Bing's strong momentum, Dong Zhuo took the battle and damaged the three generals in Lu Bu's hands. The princes support.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu succeeded in the daytime, and at night Dianwei even infiltrated the Shangdang camp and assassinated Dong Zhuo!

However, Dong Zhuo himself is a master of martial arts. With the help of his men Meng, Hua Xiong, Niu Fu, and Li, Dian Wei was taken away, but Dong Zhuo himself was short-cut by Dian Wei, and Niu Fu was directly crushed. The skull is dead.

Armed with this lesson, Dong Zhuo's defense level increased tenfold, and martial arts masters patrolled the police day and night, so that the two of Dianweilubu could not find a chance to start again.

If it's not okay, it's clear. Cao Cao's command of 200,000 troops is endless, and the party is in danger for a while!

Just while Xin Han was in Baiyujing, Luoyang, waiting to watch a good show among the heroes surrounding Cao, Luoyang City God came to the door and sent two lone soul ghosts!

This is not an ordinary lone soul ghost, but two super war souls, that is, the gods and souls of Tong Yuan and Wang Yue that were killed by the monks of Baima Temple.

The spirit of the two men's spirit of war was so strong that the realm was reluctant to take it away. It stands to reason that this kind of war spirit is too dangerous. If the realm finds that it directly breaks up the soul, it will never be supernatural.

However, Tong Yuan and Wang Yue were loyal ministers who were dedicated to the country. Luoyang City God missed the martial arts achievements of the two and what they used to say, they could n’t bear to let the two souls die, and later came to the world under the mention of the land. The Taoist masters dealt with it.

He is the leader of Taoism on earth, and everything on earth is within the jurisdiction of the city God and the land, so these two spirits can be preserved if he speaks!

Xin Han's impression of Tong Yuan and Wang Yue was pretty good, so he asked Chenghuang to bring them together. Although they became ghosts when they met, they knew the rules better than before, respectful salute, and then called the national teacher!

The two men saluted not because he was the Taoist leader, but because of the identity of the Han Dynasty state teacher.

Xin Han told the two to sit down and tell them not to be restrained. As before, the martial arts were also affordable. The two sat directly cross-legged and yelled at the demon monks of Baima Temple for being unreasonable, pitting them all.

It turned out that the two were masters of the martial arts of the Han dynasty, and Nie Moteng and Zhu Fang of the Baima Temple both had intentions to frustrate, so the Baima Temple and the two of them had some friendship.

This time Nie Moteng found them and said that the culprit of the chaos in the world was on the way to Luoyang. With the character displayed by Nie Moteng on a normal day, Tong Yuan and Wang Yue immediately believed, and offered to come for a while. But, unexpectedly, he was caught in Nie Moteng's trap, and finally died in the opponent's hands.

Xin Han listened to his heart and understood that the lotus in the Buddha Gate had a lotus flower, but he had been taught. Although the two martial arts masters touched the soul of the gods, it was still far worse than the Buddha ’s soul. So it is normal to be deceived.

He shook his head: "The two of you are not staying in the world now, the land is not being collected, and you don't know what you plan to do!"

The two guru gods looked at each other ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with a confused and desperate expression on their faces.

Xin Han took the opportunity to say: "There is a way in this seat, it is better for the two to revise the Shinto and become my Xuantian authentic worship of Yin God?"

If you can invite these two to be enshrined in Yin God, then Xuan Tian's authentic strength will undoubtedly increase by one grade!

Although the masters in Daomen are powerful, the newly-disciplined disciples have short practice days and no self-defense skills. If Tong Yuan and Wang Yue agreed to become enshrined in Yin Shen, then any one of the disciples only had to learn the basics Inviting God spells, you can keep these two masters at any time.

In this case, an ordinary disciple suddenly has the strength of a master of martial arts, and one can imagine how much help Daomen has!

It is a pity that both Tong Yuan and Wang Yue shook their heads. They both had the pride of the master and ran to the door to do the dog-leg thing.

Xin Han was slightly disappointed in his heart. Suddenly he felt a tremendous vigor and immediately laughed: "The two are very unwilling to worship the Yin God, then how to be a door **** and protect the big Han people!"

He talked about the role of the door **** immediately. Both Tong Yuan and Wang Yue's eyes lit up. They were very interested in protecting the big Han people, and after just thinking for a while, they both agreed.

Xin Han immediately asked the two to wait less, turned to the study, and wrote a pardon book with rune paper. I named Tong Yuan and Wang Yue as mortal door gods in the name of the Taoist Master of the Earth!

After writing, take out the jade rune donated by the old monarch, press it on the rune paper as a seal seal, and then pull out the jade seal of the passing kingdom, directly covering the big seal that was ordered by the heaven, which is Shou Yongchang.

On these two seals, one side represents Daomen's approval and one side represents the emperor's permission.

The two big seals are covered, and this amnesty book is completed!

The moment Da Yin landed on the book of forgiveness, Tong Yuan and Wang Yue were already enlightened, and became the true door gods, protecting the health of all families. To be continued. .

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