Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1218: Extract the green fat power factor

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Xin Han went out of the customs, and the Avengers gathered in the island again, and directly opened an open-air cocktail party. All of them drank casually, and lived for three days.

Monkey Sun is also a super strong because of Xin Han's relationship, and all the avengers regard him as his own person, and these people ask monkeys for combat matters, and the big saints can benefit them a lot in a few words. So the monkey also gained the respect of everyone.

Xin Han dashed for a while after leaving the customs, and finally when Bruce Banner waited for the violent rage, he finally put the god-making plan on the agenda!

The subject of his experiment has been left for a long time, that is, the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in the Immortal Celestial Palace, but the plan is not as fast as the change. The two younger brothers got along well with Charlize and got emotional.

Since the red queen has transferred his consciousness to the body of the cloned Superwoman, it is regarded as a real life, and it has become more and more emotionally. In addition to the deeper and more dependent on Xin Han's feelings and dependence, he also has friendship. To meet the same needs as humans.

And when she was disciplined by Xin Hanguan in the immortal Tiangong, only the crimson witch brother and sister could talk and play with her in the palace, and they have indeed become good friends over the years.

So when Xin Han wanted to extract the abilities of the two siblings, Charlize asked him to plead, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Banner said aside: "Anyway, there is no danger in the success of this experiment, let me come!" He looked at a few people with a dazzling look, a little excitedly said: "I want to get rid of it for a long time, this time Let me come! "

Everyone knows what Banner wants to get rid of. It's nothing but the other self who is often out of control, the green fat man known as the beast!

Xin Han moved for a while: "Have you thought about it, you have to know that your ability is the best kind, and when you get some spiritual power in the future, you may be able to suppress its rage, or stay awake during the rage and say indefinite!"

He used to give Banner a martial arts mentality before, used to condense his mind and stay awake. Although it has little effect, it is always effective.

So Xin Han always felt that Banner's ability should be able to be controlled. If Banner can control the transformation freely, then he is definitely one of the top superpowers in the Marvel world.

Tony also advised Banner to the side, this matter must be carefully considered.

Banner shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Sin and Tony, I understand what you mean, but my ideal is not to be a superhero, I just want to do my research, and its appearance brings me not luck, but bad Everything, let me be the first experimenter, I hope to strip it from my body! "

Seeing what he said resolutely, the two were not good enough to persuade, after all, this kind of thing, like people drinking water cold and warm, knowing that others are not good, and it is not easy to force it!

Xin Han clapped his hands: "Well, then experiment with Banner, but who accepts this ability is a problem!"

Although he is confident that with his own mental strength and primordial spirit, he can suppress the madness of the green fat, and the infinite strength of the green fat is also what he prefers, but the shape is really dare not compliment. When he does not want to fight with people, Become that kind of monster.

Tony grinned: "Uncle, you are out of date. The things that Bena and I have transformed are definitely far beyond what you think!"

"Why, don't you need to accept the carrier of the power factor?" Xin Han heard Tony said, suddenly knowing that he must have any breakthrough in technology, and suddenly became interested.

"Of course, when did Tony Stark disappoint you!" Tony stinky took out a sealed test tube. The test tube was filled with granular objects, arranged closely, and looked carefully. Together, it looks like a sponge!

Tony handed this test tube to Xin Han, proudly:

"This is a carrier I can extract from the seaweed, which can bear the power factor. Through the god-making machine, the power factor in the experimental body that is different from the normal human gene can be extracted and poured into it for long-term preservation. Need to be incident on the human body at any time! "

Xin Han lit a cigar, took a sip, frowned, "Is this thing reliable?"

Tony snapped a snap finger: "Uncle, your thoughts are too old, think about it, the most magical thing in this world is life, and now technology can freeze storage of life, not to mention this power factor! "

"Life?" Xin Han didn't understand.

"Fertilized egg!" Tony gave Xin Han a look of contempt.

Banner explained: "With Jarvis's help, we have passed countless demonstrations to simulate the experiment. All the data show that this experiment is absolutely feasible, you can rest assured!"

Tony took off the helmet of Edman ’s armor, allowing Xin Han to see the inside of the armor. I saw that there was a row of card slots installed on the inner wall of the armor, all of which were receiving this ability. Factor test tube.

"In the past, although this machine was able to extract the self-healing factor, when it was working, it directly transferred the self-healing factor of the extracted person to the driver's body through the injection system on the mech arm, which was too rough."

"And when the driver absorbs the power factor, it will inevitably have an impact on the driver's physical response. If an unexpected event is encountered, it is difficult to deal with and will threaten the driver's safety!"

"So we changed the concept of immediate transfer and first stored the power factor in the test tubes, so that the driver can choose the injection time according to his own wishes, or store it and leave it for others to use!"

Xin Han listened to Tony's explanation, and his eyes lit up, thinking that this design is a genius. Storing the power factor in a special test tube can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles, and he can get a power that is not suitable for him. It can also be reserved for own use.

"Xin, it's time to start drawing!" Banner said he couldn't wait.

Since there is no problem, Xin Han nodded, indicating that he could start the experiment. Of course, he would stare at Banner at all times. If the other party was in danger, he would stop the experiment as soon as possible.

Tony got into the cockpit and started the mecha. Under his control, an Edman chain was ejected from the mecha at a rapid speed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One end was connected to the mecha, and the other was instantly **** stand up.

Banner's airway: "Tony, what are you doing, I am willing, why should I start the catching system!"

Tony haha ​​laughed: "I'm covering up my uncle with the results of our transformation!"

Two mechanical arms directly grabbed Banner's two arms, and two injection needles made of Edelman metal pierced Banner's skin to start the injection of anesthetic.

Of course, this thing will only be activated when it is used on its own. If it is an enemy, it does not matter if it is anesthetized!

Under the influence of the anesthetic, Banner quickly fainted. Tony nodded to Xin Han, and then activated the extraction system. A row of fine bits drilled into Banner's bones.

But at this moment, Xu Shi's green fat in the body noticed the danger, and even burst out in the case of Banner's coma, directly completed the transformation of the green fat man.

The Edman mech controlled by Tony is connected to it through the Edman chain and the mechanical arm. Although it is inseparable, it is like a mustard under the waving of green fat arms, and it is free to dance.

Tony yelled: "Uncle will soon stop him, it will take two minutes to complete the extraction, don't let it ruin the place!"

Xin Han laughed and put up the green fat man and the mech together out of nowhere. This time, regardless of how the green fat waved his arms, it was only Tony in the mech that was affected that would not affect other things.

Two minutes later, the green that was visible to the naked eye faded, and the green fat finally disappeared from Banner.

Tony ran and vomited after drilling out of the mech. Before leaving, he handed a test tube that had been filled with strange green to Xin Han. This was the specific factor in Bruce Banner.

Xin Han was overjoyed and succeeded, which means that his hunting plan to go to the world of military police can begin!

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