Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1220: The end before the reversal

Xin Han left the world of Avengers and entered the world of X-Men through the well-established crossing channel. The time node entered was selected at the beginning of the movie "Reverse the Future", and the location was New York City.

The eyes are a desolate, dark world. The original bustling international metropolis, the largest city in the United States where heaven and **** coexist, New York, seems to have just experienced the end of the world at this time.

It is still the familiar New York, but at this time it seems so strange, countless broken skyscrapers, desolate, messy streets.

Standing at the top of the ruined Empire State Building, looking at New York, which is already a wasteland, Xin Han couldn't help recalling the story of "Reverse the Future".

The plot is born in the not-distant future of 'X-Men World'. Mutants and humans have encountered the biggest survival crisis in history. A group of robots called 'Sentinels' hunted mutants, even there are variants in their bodies. Ordinary humans are also in the category of 'sentinel' hunting.

Sentinel robots can detect any form of variant factors, and their artificial genes can allow them to instantly transform and transform themselves, absorb the advantages of mutants, and defeat mutants.

Therefore, although the mutants and the ordinary humans who helped them have fought several times of resistance and war, they have all ended in failure, and humans on the earth have fallen into a situation of near extinction.

At this time, the leaders of the two camps of the mutants, the professor and Magneto joined forces to come up with a seemingly ridiculous but practical plan.

They intend to use the power of Phantom Cat Katie to allow Wolverine Logan ’s soul to travel through time and space and return to his young body to stop the Bolivar, the founder of the “Sentinel” Mings, “Trask Industries” · Trask ', stop him from completing the' Sentinel 'plan!

As long as Logan can succeed, he can change the future and change the situation of humanity on the verge of extinction.

There are sentinel robots flying over the sky from time to time, and there are patrol sentinel activities on the ground, but humans have disappeared, and the few humans that have survived, except for a small part of them that are hidden in dark places, the rest may be controlled. In the hands of the sentry.

Humans have developed sentinels in order to get rid of the classmates that have evolved preferentially, but they have also plunged themselves into an endless situation. What a ridiculous and sad thing!

A sentinel robot flew not far from Xin Han, turned a blind eye to Xin Han in the distance, and was not aware of the self-healing factor from the saber-toothed tiger in his body.

Since Xin Han is already in the realm of Taiyi Xuanxian, if these robots are allowed to appear, they will be in vain. The sensory scanning systems of these sentries, when they scan near him, will automatically distort and disperse. Not for his existence.

Xin Han took it easy, and a brilliant sword gang shot from his fingertips, instantly cutting the sentry robot in half in the air, and then fell down at an altitude of nearly 400 meters.

At the next moment, the destruction of a sentinel robot suddenly made this piece in a mess, and countless sentinels swarmed in to check the cause of the accident and look for enemies they could never see.

Xin Han stood up, circled around New York, a teleport left the United States directly, and went to distant Moscow!

The reason why he chose the time node of "reverse the future" to enter the world of X-Men is because Xin Han believes that in the X-Men series movies, the two time nodes that are most conducive to absorbing a large number of power factors, one is to reverse the future, in addition One is the X-Men Apocalypse.

Many of the abilities that appear in these two stories are very attractive to him, even in his current state.

For example, the flashing skills can be fully integrated into his time and space supernatural powers, and the fast silver of this world is also one of his goals.

Speaking of fast silver, we have to mention that only from the analysis of the capabilities shown in the movie, the fast silver in this world is far more than the fast silver in the Avengers, and the gap between the two is really different.

This world fast silver not only has level, but also has level thinking. This level of thinking allows fast silver to exert its ability as if other people are stuck in stillness. Such ability is almost invincible, no matter what attack, He has time to dodge calmly.

The fast silver in the Avengers world is much weaker than that. If Xin Han did not change his fate, the goods would eventually die in the hands of robots controlled by Ultron because of saving people.

So fast silver is also one of the important goals of his trip.

In the subsequent Apocalypse plot, Apocalypse's ability Xin Han also liked it. An ancestor with multiple abilities and the ability to enhance other mutants is still very attractive to him who can extract the power factor.

And the apocalyptic plot was born shortly after the end of the "reverse the future" plot, just when he came, the two plots went straight to the spoonful!

Xin Han flickered to Moscow, and Shen Nian's omnipresent unfolding, suddenly frowned: "It's too late!"

In his senses, in an underground base in Moscow, many mutants were being killed, and in a sealed room, a young girl was using her ability to impose on a lying black man! "

If you guessed right, this scene is the scene at the beginning of the movie. The sentinels now show mutants hidden underground in Moscow. Mutants such as Blink, Iceman, and Sunspot are all killed at this moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but Phantom Cat Using her ability, she sent Bishop's soul to the body of the past few days, and told everyone about the news about the sentinel, letting everyone transfer ahead of time, successfully changed the reality!

Although Xin Han came to absorb the power factor this time, he has his own principles and will not do anything contrary to his own heart in order to strengthen his own strength. This is his bottom line. Even if he wants to absorb, he must exchange. Or the other party volunteers.

Otherwise, once you have done something with your own power, it is easy to lose your heart and become a puppet of power. It is a great potential obstacle to your own sanctification and breakthrough of the realm in the future. This is not what he wants.

However, this trip to Moscow is different, because before Phantom Cat changes reality, Blink and others will die once. Even if they absorb their power factor, these people will remain intact as Phantom Cat successfully changes reality.

Therefore, even if he came strong, he would not cause any harm to these mutants. It is because he knew the result that he would come to Moscow. It is better to cheapen himself than to die once.

Xin Han thought well, but the result of the sad reminder is late now. Only Phantom Cat and Bishop are left. If you **** them, you will definitely not have the plot afterwards.

He was so depressed, he wanted to see the destruction of New York in this world, but unexpectedly missed this opportunity.

But it doesn't matter, now that everything is too late, Xin Han's consciousness is sweeping away, the underground space has changed greatly, and the mutants who were still there, no matter whether they live or die, disappear.

There was no sentinel in the underground space. He knew immediately that in a short moment, the Phantom Cat had successfully changed reality. According to the plot, these people should have been transferred to a secret fortress in the mountains of China.

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