Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1234: Dreams that affect reality

Magneto directly smita, what is the situation of Nima, but he has already moved his heart, even if it is cooler at this time, he can't stop his determination to have a hard life.

The metal objects in the room kept hitting Xin Han, and the sharp edges and corners were critical to his whole body. If they hit, he would have to lose half his life without dying.

At this time, Xin Han found that the ability of the dream avatar also had confidence, but all the metal objects flying over were turned into children's hydrogen balloons by him, and they automatically floated on the ceiling.

Magneto was really angry, and felt the coolness under him, and he was more than angry. He had failed in this life, but he had never been "humiliated" like this, especially when his son he had just met was on the side. .

With both hands raised, the steel bar under the floor rumbling broke through the cement and the floor, rushed out, and then the surrounding walls tremble.

To know that this is a dozen-story building, if Magneto pulled out the steel bars around the walls of the shop, there would be too many dead people.

After Xin Han's thoughts, there were two more ivory pistols in his hand. He was about to shoot at Magneto, and suddenly a pain in his head, and then a nail came out of his eyebrow.

A magnificent smile appeared on the face of Magneto: "This is the end of your betrayal as a mutant!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned. The Xin Han in his eyes was slowly fading away and disappearing slowly.

With the disappearance of Xin Han, the things that had been changed by the dream avatars were restored one after another, and the Magi Wang's maid costume finally changed back, making him look pretty.

Kuaiyin sighed with relief: "It turns out this is the same again, I said how to cook!"

Magneto turned to Kuaiyin: "What do you mean, does he have other abilities!"

A door in the room was slowly opened, and Xin Han wandered out with a lazy waist: "Do I have to kill my achievements for a few days, damn, Baite, who has leveled up, and is almost out of Novice Village! "

Xin Han complained that he came out, Magneto's eyes shrank, and once again, a steel bar stabbed past like a javelin.

Xin Han waved his hand, and the steel bar stopped immediately, forming a bow in the air according to his will.

"I think the bow tie is the most suitable for the shape you just made." As he teased, he stretched out his hands under the magnificent eyes of Magneto, and the ropes that tied the fast silver were all spread out.

Magneto's eyes shrank when he saw Xin Han's ability: "It turns out that you still have the same ability to control magnetic fields and metals as me. It's amazing. If you come to help me, I can't kill you!"

Xin Han smiled: "Let me help a dead **** who likes to wear maid costumes, you still kill me!"

Although this fashion bundle has changed back, but after listening to this, Magneto seemed to feel the coolness under him again, a red face showing humiliation, and coldly said: "Find death!" After waving, The demolition of the building is necessary directly to launch the ability.

However, no matter how he urges his ability, there is no movement around him. He can feel the existence of those metals, but his activation ability cannot move at all.

"Are you finished? Let's see my ability!" Xin Han's snapped fingers, the broken metal around him formed a long steel dragon, which directly wrapped the Magneto.

"How can this be? Why is my ability gone! I can clearly feel why I can't control it?"

Magneto was terrified, and his ability was his absolute reliance. He who lost his ability was no different from the helpless child in the Nazi concentration camp more than thirty years ago!

"You did not lose ability because my ability is stronger than you!"

Xin Han directly explained the reason, it was so simple, the Apocalypse had not yet been born, and Magneto had not been upgraded by the Apocalypse.

Xin Han absorbs the ability of the old Magneto, not only through the apocalypse upgrade, but also the old Magneto for decades. It is more powerful than the young Magneto of today.

So Xin Han disturbed the opponent's ability as soon as he shot, and the surrounding metal was firmly controlled by him, and Magneto could not resist at all.

Kuaiyin saw that Magneto was trapped, afraid of Xin Han hurting his life, and quickly said: "Xin, just do what you and I discussed before!"

The wandering Magneto turned to Kuaiyin: "Pete, what do you mean, save me quickly, I am your father!"

Xin Han shook his head, five fingers stretched out, all the steel spread out, and released Magneto again, and then came down from the top: "Knowing the gap between you and me? Get out, let me put you on Pitt's face Do n’t bother me anymore! "

Magneto's eyes at Xin Han were full of fear at this time, because this man broke away his only reliance on the only self-protection shell, which made him feel that the life and death were controlled by others, involuntarily, decades ago. It felt like a nightmare in his life.

Turning around and looking at Kuaiyin, he quickly ran away without saying a word.

After the departure of Magneto, Xin Han shot the lost silver, pointed to the messy living room and said, "Pete, find someone to tidy up the night. If I want to pay three times the wages, someone will definitely be here Get it done! "

Kuaiyin raised his head somewhat puzzled and asked: "Xin, why not follow our good negotiation and extract his power factor to make him an ordinary person!"

Xin Han heard the words and said: "If he draws his abilities now, then the only thing he is afraid of is resentment. Do you want your father to be like this? When he realizes that killing and violence will not solve everything, I will do it. of!"

With a sad expression on his face, he said: "Relax Pete, I will definitely help you solve his problem!"

Kuaiyin saw what he said solemnly, thinking that Xin Han thought of himself. In fact, if he knew what Xin Han thought at this time, he would have to turn his face immediately.

Xin Han is thinking about it. Magneto's ability is too bad at this time. Wait for his ability to be upgraded by Apocalypse after absorbing his power factor.

Suddenly Xin Han thought a little, and he also gained a lot of abilities through the power factor. If his various abilities were upgraded again by Apocalypse ... The picture is too beautiful to dare to think about it.

He handed over the task of the aftermath to Quickbank ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He went back to the room and entered Ding directly, and got the dream avatar out.

Unsurprisingly, after dying once, I had practiced the Chinese martial arts and internal skills before.

Although somewhat distressed, Xin Han is more concerned about the ability to create and change objects in the past.

If he said that the avatar itself was a dream, then, judging from the ability shown by the avatar just now, does it mean that he can control this dream?

Since this dream avatar can appear in the real world, can you regard the whole world as a part of your dream? If this is the case, then you have the ability to use dreams to influence reality!

This bizarre ability made Xin Han instantly think of the legend of Brahma in India. The legendary world is a dream of Brahma. If Brahma wakes up, everything in the world will disappear. When he falls asleep again, the world will start from the beginning. .

Perhaps this legend is a bit exaggerated, but Xin Han thought at the moment, is that the Brahma God is also a powerful variant of ancient times who has such abilities as dream avatars?

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