Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1236: Trouble or fun?

While traveling in Egypt with the "Dream Doppelganger", its store on Fifth Avenue in New York encountered unexpected troubles.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

One night, Kuaiyin was still lying on the sofa, playing the game "Resident Evil". The sudden knock on the door made him startled. He thought Xin Han was scaring himself again, but instead he thought, the other party The haunted doppelganger seems to have left New York.

The sound of knocking on the door rang continuously, and it seemed that someone was coming.

Seeing the fast silver that is going to pass the level, it is really impossible to let go now, and it is fun to play, but the knock on the door is getting louder and louder, and he is directly gnawed by a sudden zombie who sprang out.

Depressedly quit the game and walked outside. When he reached the door, he vaguely saw two tall figures outside the door.

Kuaiyin explained while opening the door: "It is off work today, but if you are a mutant, you can make an appointment registration, leave the contact information, I will let the front desk arrange a time to call you!"

In front of the door are two tall men. On the left is a rough-looking white man with a hairy beard. He is looking at him with a smile at the moment. The other is a cold-looking handsome Asian man with sharp eyes.

Kuaiyin looked at the two and nodded: "Do you understand what I just said?"

"Of course buddy, but I have a better plan!" The smiling white man kicked over with a sharp kick as he spoke, and the foot was quick and fast.

Kuaiyin didn't expect the other party to start suddenly. Although he didn't have super thinking now, but he was injected with super soldier potion and perfect T virus. The reaction speed was also more than the normal number of times.

But he didn't want the white man's smile to be stronger: "Not bad, let me see how long you can last!"

Kuaiyin noticed that the other party's ten fingers had sharp and sharp nails and rushed towards him directly.

Kuaiyin took a sip: "I'm afraid you won't do it!" He rushed straight up to fight with the white man to the meat.

The Asian man slowly walked into the store, closed the door with his backhand, and then looked around. He didn't even look at the two in the fight.

The Asian man seemed to be looking for something again, turned around and walked directly through the living room, trying to walk inside.

Kuaiyin remembered that Xin Han said that he must not be disturbed when he was in the room. When he saw the man walking past, he was anxious: "Hey, don't go around!"

The Asian man turned a deaf ear, opened the door of the studio inside and looked at it. When he found nothing he was looking for, he walked towards the second room.

Kuaiyin directly put aside the white man and chased towards the Asian. The white man sneered: "Boy, your opponent is me!"

Straight on the side wall with a longitudinal foot, and directly blocked in front of the fast silver body, the body is light like a cat!

Kuaiyin is also anxious at this time: "Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you!"

At this time, in addition to his self-healing ability, his physical qualities definitely surpassed the white man in front of him. In addition, he once had super thinking and had an innate advantage in fighting. The other person's fingernail made a blood mark, and the other person had hit him with a punch.

Kuaiyin went all out and flew the white man straight down, hitting the Asian man.

The Asian man snorted and put a hand on the white man's body. While turning around and unloading his force, he pulled out a pistol with a silencer in his right hand and directly fired at Quicksilver.

But Kuaiyin's reaction speed was faster than he expected, and he dodged away when he pulled the gun, hiding behind the sofa.

But the Asian man ’s marksmanship was really fascinating. When he saw the quick silver flashing, his face sneered, he kept pulling the trigger with his right hand, and after putting down the white man with his left hand, he also pulled out a pistol with a silencer and faced the wall. Shoot up.

A series of bullets hit the wall and bounced into a stray bullet, the angle of which was right against Kuaiyin.

Kuaiyin only felt a numb back, and a few bullets had already entered the body. Fortunately, his muscles were very tight after strengthening, and the power of the bullets was also reduced by half. So after the bullets penetrated the skin, they were directly tightened by the muscles behind him. Clamped, there was no fatal injury.

When the Asian man emptied a magazine and wanted to change the magazine to kill Kuaiyin, the innermost door suddenly opened, and Xin Han walked out with a mask.

"Pete, Mao, you can't do just these two things!" Xin Han felt that if Steve, who was also strengthened like Quicksilver, had already solved the battle here, Fastsilver was still a short practice!

Kuaiyin hides behind the sofa and scolds: "Xin, you are not interesting, if you change my ability, kill them every minute, believe it or not!"

Xin Hanqi said: "I don't want you to practice your mantis fist, I will complain to you all day long!"

He was right. That mantis boxing was in the Westward Journey Demon World. The boxing technique of Wuxing boxer, not to mention dealing with demon, can only be done by manipulating the mantis boxing with the physical strength of Kuaiyin. Two intruders, don't be too easy!

The white man was standing behind the Asian man. At this time, he was facing a chill. He saw that the person who came out of the room was a young Asian man wearing a mask, and he showed no one. When he was extremely rampant, his mouth could not help but reveal a trace of cruelty. Smile.

He was defeated by Kuaiyin just now, so there must always be a way to vent the anger in his heart, and now this person is sent to himself, what are you waiting for, one hand with sharp nails directly caught Xin Xin ’s heart, He wants to directly grab the heart of this Asian.

"Sword-toothed tiger, right!" Xin Han recognized his identity with his consciousness when he woke up in the room. The white man who rushed over was not the one that was absorbed by him a few years later. What.

As for the ruthless Asian man, he knew it, but he was Agent Stricker's No. 0 agent.

So he came out wearing a mask to prevent the other person from seeing his face, because after a few years ago, he would cross over, kill the saber-toothed tiger, and then he would recognize himself as he might be born. Chaos, it is better to be careful.

In fact, he could change his face with Chinese martial arts, but Kuaiyin was troublesome to see and explain. He simply put on a mask and put it on.

Although it is impossible to kill now, it is inevitable to give the other a lesson. Five fingers stretched out, grabbing the claws of the saber-toothed tiger, the saber-toothed tiger laughed endlessly, and Agent Zero frowned.

I saw the saber-toothed tiger with a big smile, and tried to tear off the other party's arm directly. Suddenly, a wailing cry made him see that the other party's five fingers had penetrated his arm.

At the same time, Xin Han twisted his wrist and only heard a ‘click’ of one of the saber-toothed tiger ’s arms that had been broken and deformed.

Under the severe pain of the Saber-tooth Tiger, he became mad, fighting for the severe pain, erecting another sharp claw and slamming it down on Xin Han's face.

But Xin Han grabbed it with the other hand and broke his arm in the same way.

Then stretch out the right foot, the toes seemingly random two clicks left and right, smashing the two knee bones of the saber-toothed tiger, the tower-like body crashed to the ground directly in the cry of pain.

Agent Zero's eyes shrank, and the opponent shot too quickly. When he responded, the Saber-toothed Tiger had been knocked down by the opponent, but he was not afraid of the opponent because he always believed that with his super shooting ability, 'A shot in hand Hand world I have '.

Immediately, he quickly lifted the double guns that had just been changed. In this corridor, he was continuously shooting at Xinhan, and the guns were deadly.

Seeing a disdainful smile in Xin Han's eyes, he stretched out a finger and seemed to lightly lightly point in the air, and every time there was a bullet landing on the ground, making a clanging sound.

In this world, there are many people who can block bullets, and many people who can catch or avoid bullets, but there is no such freehand shock.

What a quick response speed and physical strength!

"Kaka" because of the great shock in his heart, Agent Zero made one of the biggest mistakes. As a super sharpshooter, he wanted to shoot the other party to find a tricky angle, but he ignored the number of bullets. A crisp sound meant the bullet was empty.

At this moment, his hair was all erected, and his close combat ability was definitely not as good as the saber-toothed tiger, so he might not even have escaped in the opponent's hands.

Xin Han seemed to see his fear and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I will give you a chance to change the bullet!"

Agent Zero was also polite, and quickly changed the magazine, but at this moment, his eyes shrank again, and he jumped back obliquely. I saw Xin Han holding his infinite bullet M500 hand gun in his hand. , A grinning face: "Brother will give you a memory today, don't just believe your enemy."

In fact, with Xin Han's strength, the Saber-Toothed Tiger and Agent Zero can be killed with one thought, but both of them have cause and effect with their previous self, and they can't kill. They can only find some fun to teach them, so they are playing with them like this. .

His marksmanship is also extremely accurate. Every shot must wipe the body of Agent Zero and take away a piece of flesh, which is neither fatal nor maimed, but Agent Zero has turned into a blood gourd in the past few shots.

Agent Zero also saw that the other party was playing with herself, and that she was lying on the ground, and she didn't move. She said directly, "You will kill me!"

Xin Han put away the M500, and said to the restored sword tooth tiger: "Bring him on and roll, tell Stryker not to mess with me!"

Fear appeared in the sword-tooth tiger's eyes, picked up Agent Zero and pushed the door away.

"Xin, why didn't you kill them!" Kuaiyin stood up with some dissatisfaction, muscles pressed hard, a few bullets in the back were squeezed out of the muscles, and the moment the body popped out, the wound began to heal slowly.

Xin Han shook his head: "Behind them is the military. Although they can't get on the table, they can't kill!" This is just an excuse. Of course, he can't tell Kuaiyin, there is another one who wants to cross over!

Looking through the gate opened by the saber-toothed tiger, he swept into a dark corner on the opposite side of the street ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and then closed the door directly with his thoughts, toward the fast lane: "It ’s okay, you continue to play the game. Practiced! "

"Why did you wear a mask?"

"Of course I am afraid that they will be remembered for assassination. Now I am not afraid, because they must remember what you look like and trouble you later!"

"I depend!"

Kuaiyin extended his **** toward him dejectedly, but he did not know that after the shop door was closed, in the corner Xin Xin swept with his gaze, a woman with blue skin and abnormal appearance came out of the dark.

The blue-skinned woman wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and said in secret: "What a terrific person, is he a mutant? Why is it so terrible? Just like the one that looked at me just now, the look is like a beast, How can he find me? "

Although I could n’t believe it, the feeling at that moment was correct. The woman retreated into the darkness and slowly disappeared. Some of the original thoughts, as I saw tonight, voluntarily gave up and she could n’t afford this person.

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