Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1248: Get them done

Chapter 1248 to get them done

Overtime comes back late, the second will be passed before zero, sorry.


Xin Han and Charles finished the phone call and did not take it seriously. The other party could not hit the door during the day.

Although Magneto's goods were incurable, but after getting rid of Kuaiyin, the father and son knew that they would have to be bloody.

Phoenix Girl should now be in a state where she can't control herself. It is estimated that she was bewitched by Magneto before she came to find her trouble. Otherwise, it's nothing to do with her.

And Alex, as long as he is not crazy, he will definitely not provoke the door during the day. Otherwise, there will be big movements and it will not end, this product does not want to suffer the fate of the global wanted in the rest of his life.

So Xin Han concluded that the three would definitely choose the time of the attack to be late.

But just in case, he still gave Rita two days off, letting him go home from work directly, saving the innocent.

Let Xiaoqian look at the front door, he sat on the sofa and started to inject new abilities.

Originally Xin Han needed to rest for a few days after injecting a power to allow the body to fully integrate with the power factor, but the power factor that raised the power level in the previous apocalypse may be because of the auxiliary power relationship. Completely integrated with the body, no sense of rejection at this time.

Because of this, he intends to inject an ability that he finds very interesting, the ability of black kids to turn toys into real things.

After the injection, there was another burst of ‘comfortableness’ without any surprise. After this feeling passed, Xin Han could n’t wait to move.

He directly used the space-time ability to leave the ‘X-Men ’s World’ and ran to the real world for a search, as long as he could see all the toys or dolls that he could see.

His behavior caused some children ’s toys in New York to be out of stock in the next three days. Many parents found that they could not buy things like the Mi Team, Iron Man, Superman, X-Men, Transformers, etc. We like to play with toys and dolls.

Xin Han could not care so much. After some purchases, he returned to the X-Men world with satisfaction, and at this time he was already followed by two powerful bodyguards, one was Spider-Man and the other was Bruce Banner Doctor, also the green fat man.

Of course, these two are not the deity of the Avengers world, but the toy dolls that let Xin Han give life with the power he just got.

Xin Han inspected it and found that the two Sibei goods had at least 80% of their abilities. This has surprised and satisfied him. I believe that there are enough toys in his space for dozens of containers, as long as he is different. Can be used, how many masters can get him down.

After some testing, he turned Spider-Man and Green Fat into the appearance of ordinary toys, income space, now waiting for the door to deliver food.

When the sky was dark, Charles and the beast drove hurriedly and rushed into the door, shouting, "Xin, Qin is all right!"

Xin Han was so angry that he cursed: "You two are more friends than others, and you say you are friends. Why do you want to ask others about their safety? Don't call me okay!"

He said that Charles and the Beast were embarrassed, but they also noticed that there was no trace of fighting in the shop at this moment. It seems that Magneto did not come here with the piano.

Xin Han then scolded: "Are you two second-hand goods silly? Magneto's goods and Pete need some time to recognize each other, and Alex I guess he just wanted me to retaliate, not like becoming a full Wanted criminals in the world, if he is smarter, it is justified to hold down the two lunatics and let them come late to attack! "

Charles let out a long breath: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry, Xin, you can rest assured that me and the beast will be on your side and persuade Qin to leave!"

Xin Han raised his finger directly. The original so-called help was just 'persuade'!

He said to Charles: "Don't blame me for not saying hello in advance, Qin Gray has done too much, don't blame me for a heavy hand!"

The beast looked at Xin Han contemptuously, as if he was bragging, and Charles said patiently:

"Xin, you don't know Qin's true strength. Once she didn't release herself completely. If she released all her hidden energy, it would be enough to destroy the world!"

Xin Han didn't care about ordering a cigar: "Don't scare me with the destruction of the world, the mutant who can destroy the world has just been killed!"

The beast is even more unbelievable, but Charles stopped him when he wanted to say something. Charles asked solemnly: "One time Qin had a premonition of the end of the world, and the strong man from ancient times, did you say that the person is related to that, and that During this shock, most mutants of the world felt the shock happening! "

Xin Han did not deny that he nodded immediately: "That man is called Tianqi, an old guy who is thousands of years or tens of thousands of years ago, and is probably the world's first mutant!"

He was saying that the incident in Cairo was being broadcasted on the TV. The news screen was broadcast, and the whole Cairo became a ruined scene, which surprised the professor and the beast.

"Nuo, that's a good thing he did. Thank you for destroying him. Otherwise, the whole world will be like that!" Xin Han shrugged and took a cigar.

"My God, I can't believe it!" The beast stood up and was shocked: "Magnetic King can't do this ..."

Xin Han threw another heavy message: "I'm sorry to tell you that Apocalypse improved Magneto's ability. The old guy who plays iron should now also have the ability to destroy the world!"

Charles does not worry about Magneto: "Eric will not destroy the world, he just wants to lead the mutants to find a way out!"

Xin Han shook his head: "No matter how many of you are, whoever provokes me anyway, I call him unhappy!"

It was late at night, and Xin Han was licking the hot pot alone. Xiaoqian has become a body of immortals, but the immortal qi condenses, so he generally does not eat fireworks on earth.

Charles and the Beast are worried that they will not be able to eat.

Xin Han ate while he was eating, and called Charles and the Beast: "It is better to come and try together, this is authentic Chinese food!"

The beast rolled angrily. In fact, he was hungry, but he didn't want to act in front of Charles.

Suddenly, a violent vibration came from ‘Boom’, and the entire building shook up. Numerous dust walls fell down, and it seemed that the building was going to be uprooted.

"It's Eric!" Charles shouted for the first time.

Xin Han waved his hand: "Ah, I know it's him!" He stretched out his hand and pressed the magnetic field directly, disturbing the magnetic field of Magneto and destroying his purpose of pulling the whole building up.

"Go out and see!" Xin Han took Xiao Qian out with Charles and the Beast.

I saw Fifth Avenue, Magneto and Qin Gray were flying in the air, facing them.

Magneto sneered: "Xin, I originally wanted to move the battlefield to the outskirts of New York to avoid hurting the innocent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You rejected my good intentions!"

Xin Han swiped with one finger: "It's a matter of shutting my ass, don't fight there, don't stay there, like a lady!"

Charles is a blessing of the Virgin Aura, how can you allow war in such a prosperous place on Fifth Avenue, and immediately stand in front of Xin Han, and smile to the Magneto: "Eric, Xin is noisy. Let's discuss it and see how we can solve the problem between you! "

After he finished speaking quickly, Chaoqin Gray said, "Qin, you have to suppress her and be yourself!"

Qin Gray's eyes fluctuated, and suddenly caught in the void, Charles had been lifted up and sucked in front of her.

The beast rushed to rescue people.

Magneto sneered loudly: "Let's go to war!"

"Boom" a fiery red shock wave with a diameter of about one meter flew from a neighboring building and hit Xin Han and Xiao Qian directly.

Needless to say, it must be Alex. He must have seen Charles and the beast beside Xin Han, and he didn't have a sneak attack at the first time. Now when he sees the two leave, he launches a powerful attack at the first time.

Xin Han threw a space door in front of him, and the shock wave directly passed through the space door. After folding the space, he shot towards Alex himself.

If it weren't for Alex who felt the familiar fluctuations, he jumped down from the building in time to avoid it, and maybe was directly penetrated by the shock wave.

"Son, let Xiaoqian go to send them away!" Nie Xiaoqian frowned, angry at these people's dare to attack his son.

Xin Han shook his head: "Although you become a fairy, but that woman's body has the power of a phoenix, it is not something you can cope with, let me come!"

Saying that he didn't do it himself, he took out five green fat models and threw them out: "Go get them, remember to keep alive!"

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