Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1255: Unexpected weapon system

Laojun taught the way of the refining machine, which was so profound and profound that Xin Xin became deeply immersed in it when he was in contact.

In his own space, there are many idle magic weapons. He often takes out a magic weapon to find the similarities while studying the way of the refiner.

He even took out some of the acquired spirit treasures and violently shattered them after he recognized the Lord, so as to directly study the veins and refining techniques inside.

Although in this way, these Lingbao toilets were extinguished and turned into waste products, but relatively, through the comparison of objects, his understanding of the way of the refiner became more and more profound.

It wasn't until a few months later that Natasha and Jane were worried about Xin Han's situation, waking him up from this obsessive state, and he was surprised: "How come you come back so soon?"

Natasha and Jane listened to what he said, and immediately burst into tears.

It turned out that they had finished their things one month after Xin Han drilled the way of the smelter, and hurried back to New York to accompany their lover.

But at the time, Natasha saw that Xin Han was in a mysterious state. Although eating and researching on the surface were no different from ordinary people, she was already fascinated by it.

So Natasha guessed that Xin Han's state at this time must be comprehending, or similar to the state at the time of cultivation, and discussed with Jane, and decided not to disturb Xin Han, until he figured it out, Or what he has to do is over, he will certainly wake up by himself.

During this time, they saw Xin Han use their powers to split up various spiritual treasures. Natasha and Jane both felt distressed for their own men. I wonder if he will feel distressed and doubtful about life when he wakes up.

But waiting for the left and right, after a few months passed, even as a super agent, the calm and meticulous Natasha could not be indifferent at this time. In the end, the two decided to take Xin Han from this mysterious but worrying state. wake.

This is the previous scene. Xin Han didn't feel the passage of time at all. He thought that the two women hadn't walked long. After listening to Natasha and Jane's words, they only hit their foreheads. For a long time, I ’m really embarrassed, I worry you! ”

Natasha waved her hand: "It's nothing, as long as we don't disturb you!"

Xin Han chuckled and pointed to his head: "It's all here, just review it!"

Looking around, the entrance and the room where he is located are completely different. There are magic wreckage or refining materials everywhere, and many furniture in the room has been burnt. At that time, accidentally leaked the fire to make it look like this.

She smiled at the two women immediately: "Come on, get it right!"

Once the ability to control the material molecules was used, all the magic weapon remains were converted into molecules, and then the cost source materials were reorganized, and he and other materials were instantly included in the space.

Afterwards, traces of fire in the entire house and the broken furniture were also reorganized. After a while, the room was as clean as new.

"Xin, what were you studying before? Sword refining?"

Although Natasha and Jane were both taught by Xin Han as a book of leisure, they later ate Peach directly and became immortal, but they did not understand the basic knowledge other than practicing Qi. What about flying swords?

Speaking of this, Xin Han was excited again: "Of course not, wait, I will have a gift for you in a few days!"

After he finished speaking, he threw himself up without waiting for the two women's reaction. In the two women's coquettish voice, he walked toward the room with one arm in one hand.

After playing with his wife for half a month, he went to see Tony's work. With the help of engineering robots, the entire renovation project is progressing rapidly. Only in a few months, an aircraft carrier has been completely transformed. .

From the operating system to the weapon system, Tony did not spend a lot of thought, and the operation involved the copy of the red post. This is not explained, and because of this, the top commander defaults to Xin Han.

As for the weapon system, Tony replaced all the original guns on the ship with laser weapons, which were originally laser weapons. All the increase and increase in power have become the standard for space-based weapons.

But one thing is, if the weapon system has all attacked, the energy consumption is an astronomical figure. If it is replaced with the previous nuclear power, even with the addition of several reactors, these powerful laser weapons cannot be carried.

Therefore, for such a weapon system, at present, it is impossible to appear on any spaceship, and humans cannot afford such energy-consuming attack weapons.

But in Tony's words, he was in charge of the weapon system. As for the supply and the inadequacy, it was the old man's business.

Fortunately, Lao Huo didn't lose face in front of his son. The power system he was responsible for installed a hundred pieces of spar at a time, which could theoretically be used for two hours when the aircraft carrier's firepower was fully on.

If the energy is exhausted, the intelligent system can use the energy storage card slot to automatically replace the spirit crystal one by one, without affecting the maneuverability during combat.

Xin Han evaluated it in his heart based on the data of weapons and energy provided by Stark and Son, and he was a little surprised.

Originally, the purpose of making Stark and his son modify the aircraft carrier was very simple. It was a pity that he had used two large ships but it was unavoidable. If there is a low-level battle after the modification, he can take it out and play it cool. The giant monster is still very intimidating.

However, at this time, from the data point of view, every time those laser guns are fired, they are equivalent to an ordinary flying sword attack. If they use space-based weapons, they are even equivalent to Xuan Xian's full blow.

Space-based weapons are actually laser weapons, but they are ten million times more powerful than laser guns.

If you sweep it with a space-based weapon, as long as the energy is enough, it is not difficult to destroy a city!

What ’s more, there are hundreds of powerful laser guns on this big ship, and there are more than ten more powerful space-based weapons. If this aircraft carrier ’s power supply and defense are enough, its attack power is not comparable. Some Lingbao are poor.

More than a dozen large space-based weapons are launched at the same time. If they hit the target at the same time, I am afraid that the fairy in the real fairy realm if there is no defensive spirit treasure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I am afraid it will be hit hard.

It is said that human weapons are large enough to destroy the planet. Xin Han now feels this way. It feels that these two aircraft carriers are actually very promising.

If you can get a reliable defense system, you might be able to keep your own cave house for guarding the gates in the wilderness world. You ca n’t guard against those powerful things, and you can still deal with a few fairies and demon.

He really praised the father and son of Stark, took out his good wine and gave them to the two stubborn goods who did not care about the attitude, and then told them to continue their efforts, especially the weapon system on the big ship, the power You can get as big as you can. Anyway, there are some spirit spars without saving money.

He said in this way that Tony directly proposed to rebuild again, and to get the one that was done well again, greatly increasing weapons and power.

Xin Han is naturally happy with what he has proposed.

After seeing these two fathers and sons, Xin Han did not go to Dishazhu to see Charlize, but directly started his own refining plan. He used molecular power to directly extract materials from the sea, just beside the Monkey King ’s monastery on Monkey Mountain. Come out a pill room for his alchemy and alchemy.

With Sun Wukong aside, he is not afraid of anyone in this world who is in trouble.

I went back to the deep sea and the desert again, using the molecular power directly to extract the molecules that needed the materials, and condensed the various refiner materials I needed.

At this time, Xin Han realized the benefits of this power more. There was no shortage of materials in the refining machine, and nothing was directly extracted from the soil or the yellow sand. It was simply the refining skill of the refining master.

Because of this, he secretly decided in his heart that after confirming his understanding of the refiner, he would not wait any longer, go directly to the wilderness world to collect heavenly materials and treasures, and use his ability to control molecules.

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