Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1308: Carry it to the end!

The "red hydrangea" that broke through the chaos and struck directly from the thirty-three days with the power of the wind and thunder is the spiritual treasure of the saint's enlightenment, and its power is indescribable.

Throughout the many spirit treasures of Xin Han, only this ‘Qiankun Ding’ can resist it, that is, the ‘Immortal Heaven Palace’ is afraid to be worse.

Xin Han is also angry. The following are the only human tribes in the wilderness. If this is a little careless, it will lead to an irreversible situation.

He rose directly to the sky. Before the red hydrangea fell, he grabbed a foot of the heaven and earth and used the tripod as a hammer to hit the red hydrangea directly.

The thunderous sound of ‘rumbling’ spread from the impact to the entire flood.

The huge impact force makes the space where Qiankunding and the red hydrangea intersect.

The red hydrangea flew back at a speed that was not slower than it had ever been. After 33 days, it went straight into chaos, into the snail imperial palace, and fell into Nuwa's hands.

But Xin Han's situation is not good, the saint hit, how can there be so good next.

Although there is the protection of the blue light and chaotic gas of the heaven and earth, he is helpless to take the initiative to take all the power of this saint's blow.

If he is a saint with Nuwa at this time, it is certainly the former who suffers from the greatest treasure in his hand, but unfortunately he is not yet, just the realm of a corpse, even if he is stronger than the prestige of a saint.

With the use of Qiankun Ding as a hammer, Xin Han ’s upper limb bones were all shattered into powder at the moment of the red hydrangea, and his skin was comparable to the hardness of ordinary Lingbao. Splashing.

Xin Han felt at this moment that he was like a tomato that was smashed and burst.

The broken body quickly smashed towards the ground under the protection of Qian Kunding.

However, the following are the few human races. The only remaining fire is hope. If he falls, the power he carries will be affected within a thousand miles, not to mention these weak human beings.

Xin Hanqiang did not pass out, but a teleportation appeared in a place hundreds of thousands of miles away. There was a tribe with more than one hundred thousand demon clan survival.

After Xin Han appeared directly, the power carried on his body did not disappear, and he directly hit the tribal center.

Just like the eruption of an ancient nuclear bomb, a huge mushroom cloud erupted from the center of the tribe, sweeping thousands of miles around.

The power of this impact is that Jinxian can't stand it either. The patriarch and several elders are in the early state of Daluo. When they feel wrong, they have no time to escape, only to sacrifice a few pieces of body protection The acquired spirit treasure.

However, under these forces, the acquired spirits shattered into **** without even holding a few breaths. These golden immortals had no time to do anything, and they were caught in the horrific shock wave.

A tribe of more than one hundred thousand demon tribes was wiped out on the flood land.

For a while, all the creatures were frightened and frightened, and all of them were trembling under the quasi-holy!

The sage was angry, the sky and earth changed color, the sun and the moon mourned, and Nu Wa's anger was directly sustained by Xin Han, but this anger, but let the sentient beings feel the horror of the power of the saint.

As the heads of the two great races of Honghuang, Emperor Jun and Eastern Emperor have completely different moods from the twelve ancestors.

Above the heavenly court, no demon clan regrets the hundreds of thousands of demon clan tribes, but only joy at this time.

The magician Kunpeng admired and admired: "This is the saint, this is the prestige of the saint, unstoppable under one blow, all ants under the saint!"

His last sentence revealed the unwillingness of his heart.

Emperor Jun laughed: "Let the thief run wild again, and provoke my demon's heavenly saint. This time he will see if he will die!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to his brother Donghuang Tai, saying, "Should we say we should go and see, in case the thief dies, the Qiankunding, the Chaos Pearl, and the Xuanhuang Palace ..."

Kun Peng's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it. On the thief, two treasures and one Xuanhuang palace were almost fewer than the treasure. If all of them were available, Emperor Jun and Donghuang would be embarrassed to swallow it alone.

But Emperor Dongyi rejected the idea of ​​Emperor Jun and sighed: "Hongjun Taoist's disciple, and the Taoist said that the thief will prove it in the future. How long will it take to say this, how can it be so easy to die Let's wait and see how it gets better! "

The demon clan deflated Xin Han and suffered schadenfreude, but the Wu clan was different. The twelve ancestors did not care about Xin Han's life and death, but the power of one blow under the sage's anger.

Zu Wu Qiangliang swallowed and said: "Heavenly Saint, horrible!"

Xuan Ming frowned: "Compared to our Pan Gu Zhen body, but not much!"

Hou Tu worriedly said: "The greatness of the saint, in the immortal primal god, this is what our ancestors and witches lack!"

"You said, if Pan Guzhen fights against her, who wins and who loses?" Shebi asked suddenly.

She naturally refers to Nvwa, but at this time Nvwa proved to be a saint. This name cannot be mentioned. Otherwise, if you mention it, you will feel alive. If you discuss anything, everyone will know it when you think about it.

The other ancestors and witches knew who Shebi was talking about, and for a time the ancestors and witches fell silent.

After a long while, Emperor Jun said: "If it is a short-term battle, Pangu Zhen is not afraid of her, but for a long time, her Yuanshen pinned the void, the mana is endless, and the Yuanshen is immortal, we will definitely lose!"

After saying this, all the ancestors and sighs sighed at the same time, and after a while, the native ancestor and witch suddenly said: "The enemy of the enemy can become friends ..."


In order to protect the few remaining human races, Xin Han has completely withstood Nu Wa ’s anger. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, he was in a situation of several kilometers, about hundreds of meters deep Among the big pits, if a later scientist came here, it would certainly be a trace of the fall of a prehistoric meteorite.

But this big pit was really smashed by Xin Han's body. How could the power of the wind and thunder carried on the red hydrangea and the power of Nu Wa's easy blow be easily removed.

Although there is a treasure, Qiankun Ding, who has been used for a while, there is still a small part of it acting on Xin Han, and finally acting on the flooded land through him.

Xin Han, who was already seriously injured, was hit hard again during the collision with the ground. At this time, he at the bottom of the pit was similar to a pool of rotten meat.

If it wasn't for the glory and chaos of Qiankunding, if it shrouded it, it might have fallen apart long ago.

"Erke knows the wrong!" A whisper came from the chaos, and all living beings could hear it. It was the accountability of the saint.

Nu Wa stood in the snail imperial palace, staring at Xin Han in the pit through all obstacles, and asked again: "I know you are wrong!"

A lot of people suddenly appeared in the flood and sorrow, and the expression of gloating and misfortune, if Xin Han admits wrong at this time, even if he later proves his way, he will leave a stain, it will inevitably lower the head of Nuwa.

But if he didn't admit his mistake, the saint's anger, and the world changed, how could he bear this saint's anger!

They all waited to see how to understand this matter, this wrong, the arrogant thief, whether to admit it or not!

In the Wa Palace, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun couldn't bear it. At the same time, they got up and tried to persuade them, but they were swept by Nu Wa's eyes, and their souls were shaking and they couldn't speak at all.

To say that although Xin Han is like rotten flesh now, this face is protected but there is no damage at all. He spit out a **** sputum with golden blood: "Wrong ... Your uncle!"

Everyone was stunned. He was going to die!

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