Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1340: Face to face

Thirteen golden dragons were derived from the Tantric body-building practice 'Xiangxiang Bo Ruo-Gong' practiced by Xin Han at that time. Later, this kung fu was already fused by the first body-building practice in the Three Realms, the 'Nine Turns Xuan Gong'. This golden dragon aspect becomes dispensable.

But Xin Han just kept them for no reason. The reason is beautiful. The golden dragon is flying in the sky and the auspicious clouds are all around. The shape has been gorgeous enough to be added, which is in line with his aesthetic. Do not doubt that this product is so vulgar.

Evidence to prove, do not cut yourself, retain all your own preferences, I am still me, of course, the improvement of mentality is still important, but it does not mean that this will force myself to change his character, and become the same as a personal change.

Speaking of which, I have to say a few words. It is really not a black Buddha gate. In this respect, the Buddha gate and Taoism are not comparable.

For example, Buddhism and Taoism are both spiritual practice, Buddhism is generally only practiced, and the body is regarded as a stinky skin sac, while Taoism pays attention to double cultivation of life and life, in fact, the practice of mind is roughly the same.

But there is a very different point. Those who sincerely worship the Buddha and enter the Buddhist monk's house must cut off the dust. Many masters choose to become a monk regardless of their family's opposition. Whether parents or wives and children come and go, they can't be tempted. Such extinct humanity The behavior of the Buddha became great perseverance and great wisdom in the mouth of Buddhism!

If Xin Han said: "Bah! Big perseverance fart, Dahui root fart, is a big beast!"

Parents raise you adults, why do you have a filial piety? Your child is not yet an adult, and you have not fulfilled your parental responsibility. How can you become a monk or detach yourself? Is it so calm?

On the other hand, the Daomen is quite different. There is a saying in the Daomen, "Call the gods who are all filial in the world."

For example, the 'Han Xiangzi' among the Eight Immortals was Han Yu's nephew among the Tang and Song dynasties. He was raised by his uncle Han Yu because he lost his parents.

But Han Xiangzi did not rush to hide, but when Han Yu fell into distress, he went to take care of his uncle and waited until Han Yu returned to heaven.

In this contrast between the two sides, the moral character is high and the judgment is high.

A few words, some digression, just say that Xin Han issued these 13 golden dragons long ago by him to cultivate spirituality, this issued a lively flying soaring upwards, thirteen thousand golden dragons, directly towards the nine days above Shakya really blasted past.

How fast are these thirteen golden dragons flying, and when Shakya feels the horror power contained in it, he secretly screams badly, and it is too late when he wants to take the palm.

The golden dragon collided with the giant palm, and the silent giant palm shattered apart, and then a violent explosion burst from between the shakyah and the golden dragon.

The unlucky Lord of the Buddha Gate was directly restored to its original form by a thousand dragons, and then forced to "ride" a dragon to fly. Under the **** of the other twelve golden dragons, the ascension went straight into chaos.

It is estimated that this product does not need the ability to press the bottom of the box. When the 13 golden dragons explode, they may not come back.

Xin Han's soaring momentum did not diminish, and he immediately flew out of the sky with Dutianjian array and flew into the depths of chaos.

Here he can let go of his hands and feet, no matter how fierce the fight will not hurt the human world.

As soon as he stood still, four Buddha lights followed, and among them, the Dizang Bodhisattva rode to listen to the gods and beasts, and waved a glory.

That Guanghua burst behind Xin Han and turned into a golden portal. The portal was colorful and colorful, and the countless voices were full of temptation, as if to call Xin Han into it.

At the same time, there is a huge suction, want to pull Xin Han into the portal.

Although Xin Han had never seen this portal, he recognized at a glance that it was six reincarnations, and the Dizang Bodhisattva wanted to inhale him into the reincarnation.

Lengheng snorted, stretched out his hand, and wiped the door of reincarnation out of thin air. At the same time, the body of Jizo, who opened the door of reincarnation, was shocked, and seemed to be repulsed by the power of reincarnation.

"Dizang Bodhisattva, things here have nothing to do with you, go back quickly, I think you are the most pleasing to the eyes in the Western teachings, don't hurt the peace!" Xin Han took out the gold hoop and swept toward Wenshu and Puxian, turning Said headed towards Dizang.

He was telling the truth. Dizang was the only Buddhist man he looked at. He was doing good deeds in Jiuhuashan before he became enlightened, and accumulated merits. After he became enlightened, he could actually become a Buddha early, but Duobao and other Buddhist masters To be afraid, to pit him to send **** is not empty is not a big wish for the Buddha.

However, this is simply impossible.

After Xin Han finished speaking, Dizang shook his head firmly: "If Lord Xin retreated at this time, the poor monk would not be difficult!"

Xin Han sighed softly: "Then you go together!"

After speaking, the golden hoop and sticks were like mountains, and they directly rolled towards the four Bodhisattvas. At this time, his magic power was endless and endless. The power of this stick can break the stars.

Except for the Dizang Bodhisattva, the other three Bodhisattvas have all gone through the battle of the Five Elements Mountain. At this time, their faces have changed color and are extremely ugly. They have prepared for the improvement of Xin Han's strength, but they did not expect the other party to be so promoted. The degree of perversion.

Even with the strong wind of the stick shadow brought out by the iron rod, they couldn't get close either. No wonder they lifted Shakya's dragon-riding dragon while waving his hands. I don't know where to go.

Guanyin puts the net bottle in one hand and pulls out the willow branch in the net bottle with one hand, and pulls his hand towards Xinhan, then the willow branch instantly grows like a living creature, like a spirit snake and a dragon, breaking through the chaotic wind. The power of splitting the mountain and breaking the Yue came.

At the same time, the Bodhisattva Manjushri sacrificed the dragon pile. The Puxian Bodhisattva held the Wu Hou sword to emit a large thunder sound. The Tibetan Tibetan held a tin stick and threw both hands, which turned into a streamer. They all struck Xinhan.

"Come well!" Xin Han was too lazy to mobilize the treasure, and directly danced the gold hoop. The wind and rain were different in a sudden time. The spirit snake and dragon that the willow branch turned into were directly hit by a stick on his head. The baby was so powerful. Suddenly all of a sudden.

Guanyin quickly withdrew with distress. He wanted another baby to recover because he was worried about it.

The Dunlong Zigong and Dizang tin rods were drawn back by Xin Han with a stick. The speed was faster than when they came, which made Wenshu and Dizang go into a hurry.

As for the big Leiyin Buddha light, Xin Han's eyebrows were opened, and Ruyi God's eyes combined with laser eyes were shot directly. Ruyi Shenguang's fusion of laser light, in addition to the power of a higher level, it was almost Ignoring the time and space and breaking the other's Buddha's light, he hit Puxian almost at the same time and instantly flew the Bodhisattva out.

Xin Han laughed and was about to chase. Suddenly it was dark on his head, and something fell down. He quickly urged Qian Kunding to send out a chaotic blue bodyguard, and in his ears heard a dense metal collision like rain hitting a plantain. The sound rang outside, and the pressure doubled.

But it was due to the countless sword lights blocked by Qiankun Ding. When I looked up, I found out that the original Shakyah riding the dragon did not know when it had quietly returned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just now the other party controlled the Zhuxianjian figure from behind. Sneak attack.

This sub-divine is incredible. In the distance, the twelve-degree Celestial God is in a sword formation, and there is a trace of stagnation in operation. Although it blinks, it is no longer a big flaw in the eyes of the saint. Miaoshu, with a direct 'boom' sound, through this flaw, instantly scattered the twelve-handed congenital swords and scattered them directly.

"Xin Han, today is your death time!" Zhun Ti has been mad and has never been so embarrassed.

But what happened to make him more embarrassed at the next moment, at this time Xin Han's mana was comparable to the saint, and the ability to lock the void could not be fixed at all.

So Xin Han simply came a teleport sneak attack, and the moment he waved violently suddenly disappeared. At the same time, he appeared beside Zhun Ti, and the wave fell on Jun Ti's face, which formed a big mouth.

The speed was too fast, and I didn't even think about it. The body protection light from the "six pure bamboos" was directly smashed by Qiankunding and the immortal Tiangong, and I heard the sound of "crack".

Even Duobao Shakya, with the four big bodhisattvas, was stunned, and the saint was even mouthed.

Xin Han followed this for almost a teleport, which appeared directly next to Guanyin, startled Ci Hang, and directly threw the net bottle at him.

This net bottle contains water comparable to the rest of the world, and even the quasi-san can't stand it.

But Xin Han had a treasure protector at this time, and immediately grabbed the jade bottle and threw it into the heaven and earth, he laughed and said: "Go here!"

Between Lingxu's steps, the flashing again disappeared. And I must mention that a Vajra pestle fell through, and I took a step forward and waved the Vajra pestle and Qibao Miaoshu to break open the space to perform the teleportation technique, and chased it up. This beam is big, and it is endless today!

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