"Run quickly ... Tatar is here to grab the autumn food ..."

A peasant man wearing a rag, quickly ran in from the village entrance, panicked, shouting like crazy.

Following him was the rush of horseshoes behind him!

The sound of ‘hum’ sounded softly, and a feather arrow with the sound of breaking into the sky directly poured into the back of the farmer ’s man.

The man was struck by an arrow, and ran forward a few steps, before he vomited a bit of blood from his mouth and fell straight ahead.

When he was dying, his hand was always reaching forward, towards the head of the big locust tree in the village, with a strong unwillingness in his eyes, and a weak mosquito sound spit out in his mouth: "Quick ... run. ..... "

After saying this sentence, the man lost his breath, but his eyes looked straight at the direction of the big tree.

When it was noon, the sun was to the west, and some slackers in the village were chilling under the big locust tree, hiding from the autumn tiger. The screaming of the slacker had already alarmed these slackers.

But the distance was too far, and I didn't hear clearly. One of them looked at him: "That's Zhang Zhangsan, what did he call?"

Immediately after the sound of the horseshoe, there was a slight shock at the foot, and several people were shocked. A free man responded and shouted: "It is Tatar ... he shouted Tatar!"

When the words did not fall, these people saw that Zhang Laosan was struck down on the ground by a feather arrow, and then dozens of horses turned around the haystack at the entrance of the village and appeared in sight.

These knights were wielding long swords in their hands. They wore commoner's waist around the animal skin, but shaved their heads but shaved their heads. They wore colored silk and braided hair, and they dangled their shoulders. .

"Run!" A few slackers exclaimed and ran away, turning three steps into two, all hating their father and mother for giving birth to a foot, and yelling in the mouth at the same time: "Run, tatar Here comes, Tatar killed Zhang Zhangsan ... "

These slackers shouted that the village of only a hundred households was suddenly in a mess. Not far from the big locust tree, there was a small courtyard. At this time, when the courtyard door opened, a middle-aged woman with ordinary appearance rushed When he came out, he cried out, "You can't leave if you are the owner!"

The idlers ran past her house and kindly reminded: "Lao Zhang's family, run with your baby, hurry to kill ..."

Their good intentions are also limited to persuasion. If they are allowed to stop Tatar to save people, they will never do it.

This woman is Zhang Laosan's mother-in-law, and this small courtyard is Zhang Laosan's home. That's why he yelled here when he was dying.

The woman was reminded that she remembered the baby on the kang, hurriedly staggered back to the house, picked up the son on the kang and turned away.

But her family lived at the entrance of the village, and those tatars were riding horses again, and the situation was very urgent. When she first ran to the door, pay attention to it behind her head. Come in.

"Ah ..." The woman was so frightened that she couldn't speak. When Tara saw that there was only a girl holding a baby in the yard, she strode over and raised her long knife, even killing her directly.

The woman was full of tears on her face, screaming in fright, trying to turn around and escape to the house, but her feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't move.

At this moment, suddenly a black shadow flew down from the room, hitting the shoulder of Tatar, screaming at the tatar, one arm fell down softly.

Then it fell on the ground and broke into pieces, but it was an old tile.

This old tile was used when the old house was built in the previous generations of the Zhang family. Later, the life was not good. The house was repaired and repaired, and grass mud was used to replace it. The old tile on this house also had few pieces left. Drop a piece of help!

The woman was holding her child, thinking about whether her ancestors were blessing, she saw a man jumping from the room, holding a hatchet in his hand, and with the power of falling, the hatchet suddenly fell.

The knife was soft and weak, and obviously the person who shot hadn't practiced anything, but by the tendency of falling, it added power and made the hatchet roar.

The tatar only wanted to kill people to grab food, but did not expect anyone in the room to be hit by a tile and was injured, unable to dodge. The man in the room slashed into the neck diagonally.

The hatchet was so sharp that it cut off half of the neck without saying, even the chain bones were cut off.

The blood flew out of his neck instantly and sprayed the man who had fallen from the room.

The woman was even more afraid at this time, screaming and stepping back a few steps. His back hit the wall of his house so he didn't fall.

"Sister-in-law of the Zhang family, don't call me, it's me ..." The man was not tall, and he looked like a half-year-old boy. His face turned to blood, and he couldn't see clearly.

But the sound of listening to him was very familiar. The woman recognized it after looking closely, wiped away her tears and tried to ask: "Are you a Xinqier ...?"

A beggar means a beggar. He only knows that his surname is Xin, and he is also a native of the village. No one can remember what the name was. When the mother was born, it was difficult for her mother to give birth.

His father worked as a soldier in Shanhaiguan. When he was two years old, he died on the battlefield, leaving only the orphan to live with a tuberculosis uncle.

At the age of five, the uncle also died of illness, leaving the orphan to grow up eating hundreds of meals in the village.

It is said to eat a hundred meals, but no one has much food this year. The child is hungry and naturally learns to be sneaky. As he grows up, few people in the village will see this child.

Zhang Laosan is a sincere person. He usually takes care of this Xinqier one or two on weekdays. Zhang ’s mother-in-law has never quarreled with her man for this matter. When she saw this Qier, she often spoke coldly, but she did n’t expect to let him go today. Saved the lives of their own mothers.

"Sister-in-law, I'm famous, I'm not called a beggar ..." After finishing talking, the half-boy turned to pick up a hatchet. Who thought that the cut was deep and stuck in the bone, which made him a few times stunned. Not coming out.

Seeing this, the teenager simply picked up the long knife beside the tatar, and then said to the mother-in-law of the Zhang family: "Sister-in-law, let me go. I heard from Er Gouzi that Tatar grabbed dozens of miles away half a month ago. Tianjiabaozi, who did n’t have a live mouth, I watched Tartar going crazy, so I ’d better escape! "

The mother-in-law of Zhang's family said "Oh" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ She would go out with her child in her arms, but she heard people in the village shouting horses and chickens and dogs, and she panicked for a while and then backed away. .

The most terrible thing is that the sound of horseshoes came over. It was the **** that rushed into the village. Seeing that the **** that was killed by the boy did not move, someone came to check it out.

Zhang's mother-in-law had no idea and said to the teenager: "Brother, sister-in-law is sorry for you on weekdays. For your third brother's sake, you hug my son and go, I ... I can't run away of!"

The teenager frowned: "It's easy for you to run out next to the entrance of the village. After a while, I will go out to evacuate the tatar. You can see the chance to run out and drill into the wheat field. It's safe!"

At this time, the autumn grain has just been harvested by half, and there are still large areas of wheat that have not been harvested.

"Brother ..." What else did the woman want to say, and the sound of the horseshoe had reached the door, and the teenager copied the knife, and a **** in front of the door was about to dismount, and he raised his hand and cut it on the hip. on.

As soon as the horse was frightened, it ran out madly. The knight just about to dismount immediately fell down. One foot was stuck on the stirrup. The man dragged on the ground and screamed away. It is estimated that he will peel off without dying.

This series of movements immediately alarmed the looting tartlets in the village, and immediately several more tartlets rushed over.

At this time Zhang Laosan's house was still chained to a horse, apparently left by the tatar that had been chopped to death by a hatchet. The teenager climbed up clumsily, then patted the hip with a long knife and ran out towards the village entrance.

Zhang's mother-in-law hid behind the door, tears falling uncontrollably, watching the teenager's back and muttering: "Brother, sister-in-law is sorry for you!"

Waiting for some of the chasing Tatars to go far, the mother-in-law of the Zhang family took her children and ran out carefully. According to the teenager's idea, she went into the wheat field beside the village entrance.

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