Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1431: Who else is not convinced?

The second one is later, upload before zero


"The prosperous one will prosper, and the rebellious one will die!" A simple sentence demonstrates Xin Han's domineering and determination. He is the leader of the martial arts leader.

The sound waves were thundering, the sound waves were rolling, and the ears of these martial arts people were hurt, and they were shocked for a while.

The abbot of Shaolin looked at Master Zen, and originally closed his eyes to recuperate his mind. When he opened his eyes at this time, he could not help revealing a strange look and praised, "What a profound skill!"

He turned his head toward his proud disciple, and the first Master of Cong Chong of Bodhidharma said: "This adult is not simple, and his skills are not inferior to being a teacher. You must be more careful in the future and remember not to be an enemy!"

At the same time when the latter nodded and nodded, Yu Cong knew that his master had been practicing the "Yi Jin Jing" divine skill for twenty years, and the young commander in front of him was not inferior to the master.

Wudang ’s newly appointed Tsinghua true man, forty years of age, had an unpredictable Tai Chi skill. He originally did not put the court ’s Jin Yiwei commander in his eyes, but the other party said in a sentence, the voice contained deep internal force, but it was Let this instructor be impressed.

This martial arts conference was convened in the name of the Huashan faction Mu Renqing. These martial arts all gave face to the world's first master before coming to the meeting.

Nowadays, a young and disreputable commander of Jinyiwei even said at the martial arts conference that he would become a martial arts leader. All the people participating in the conference could not help but speculate in his heart. Does this mean Mu Renqing?

Even though there were many people in Jianghu who were angry and looked up at Chao Mu people.

The "Sword Sword Fairy Ape" sat under Xin Han's hands, his eyelids drooping, silent, and everything was given to the ancestor.

In the southwest corner of the hall, a sturdy monk stood up and said loudly: "This martial arts meeting, we are all coming to the name of the old man of the Huashan School of God Sword and Ape. What does this mean now, the Huashan School does Did the court eagle dog? "

The monk said this, and immediately the group of heroes echoed and applauded, all saying, "The monk said it was reasonable."

He also said: "The Zen master is right. Has the Huashan School turned to the court?"

Xin Han swept his eyes, and saw that the big monk who was talking was tall, muscular, with thick knuckles on his hands, and the temple that protruded outwards, obviously he had already reached the realm of internal and external cultivation. A good hand.

He saw at a glance that this man's martial arts could not compare with Huang Zhen and Gui Xinshu, but he was comparable to Feng.

Immediately asked faintly: "Who are you? What kind of school do you represent?"

The monk laughed but didn't answer. He asked: "You are a good servant, and the family advises you to go back and eat more milk for two years. Wait for Mao Changqi to come and ask the name of the family!"

At this time a disciple of Huashan who was serving beside Xin Han quickly bowed:

"Patriarch, this man is the" Bronze Luohan "lawless master of Tianhe Temple in Jingzhou. The thinner monk sitting on his right is the first master of Tianhe Temple's" Lead King Kong "not empty master. Both of them have become fascinated. Hard work, famous martial arts! "

The disciple finally added another sentence: "Tianhe Temple is the same as my Huashan School before, and it secretly supports Li Chuang's school!"

"Oh? It turned out to be a chaotic thief!" Xin Han thought, and his face became cold.

The lawless monk spoke badly to Xin Han, and Mu Renqing still stood up, and the apprentice Feng Nannian behind him quickly said: "Master Zu, let this matter go to the apprentice!"

Xin Han waved his hands and asked the two to retreat. He stood up: "This unscrupulous master, did you do the master of Tianhe Temple?"

‘Unlawful monk’ laughed loudly: “So Xiuwa also knows the name of her family ...”

He was smiling, his eyes suddenly glared, his hair was all blown up, and I saw that he was still seven or eight feet away from him. The doll commander standing in front of the throne had brought out a phantom, blinking in the blink of an eye. When he reached himself, his palm was already pressed toward his heart.

How could it be so fast!

The rapid reversal of this body, like ghosts and charms, makes people feel quite unreal!

‘Unlawful monk’ had already felt bad at this time, and this doll turned out to be a master.

However, he was not afraid of relying on a hard qigong. "Hah!" Shouted and exhaled, and the whole body was inflated like a blaze.

This is the "Thirteen Taibao Heng practice" hard qigong of Tianhe Temple. It is said that the boy's body must be guaranteed when practicing. After he has finished, he cut a white mark with a knife and stabbed a white dot. Great hard work!

After the "lawless monk" came to Gong Gong, he did not retreat and took a step forward, hitting Xin Han's palm with his chest.

But at the next moment, not only the ‘lawless monk’ was shocked, but also the group of heroes present were taken aback and could n’t believe their eyes.

It turned out that the moment the palm of the "boy commander" was in physical contact with the "lawless monk", it slowly began to dissipate, as if everything was an illusion for everyone.

That turned out to be a residual image!

Shaolin's Guanzheng Zen Master suddenly recited the Buddha's trumpet and shook his face. The shock on his face slowly dissipated, and instead of sadness, Sadha replaced it.

At this time, many talents discovered that the ‘junior commander’ did not know when it had appeared behind the ‘lawless monk’, and a finger was pointed on the back of the ‘lawless monk’.

‘Unlawful Monk’ stood there motionless, his face full of unbelievable looks, but his eyes were dull, his expression stiff, and he had stopped breathing in detail, and was dead!

Because the muscles and muscles of the "illegal" death are all tight and exercised, the "legal" still stands still in a straight position after the death.

Xin Han withdrew his fingers and joked: "Frightened the governor to jump, it turns out that you haven't practiced your brain!"

As a modern man, Xin Han naturally knows how fragile the human brainstem is. He ca n’t believe how hard and powerful Qigong is, and he can also practice the position of the brainstem in the back of the brain.

Of course, Shaolin ’s ‘Vajra is not bad at all’ has a qi protection body, so let ’s talk about it.

And this kind of 'Thirteen Taibao Henglian' obviously doesn't work, so he pointed at the brain stem of the 'illegal' back with one finger.

Although he didn't even puncture his brain, the sunflower vigorously penetrated into the body and directly twisted the brain tissue. After Xin Han's fingers left for a moment, the illegal body began to flow out of red and white things. That is his blood And brains.

"Senior Brother!" Master Tianhe Temple's "Stop King Kong" is not empty master, suddenly got up, urged the hard skills to fit and slammed into Xin Han to prepare for his life.

When one person was killed, Xin Han evil thoughts were excited, and his figure flashed, and **** were inserted into the eyes of Master Bukong!

It was another place where no hard skills could be practiced, and the energy penetrated into the brain. Between breathing, the master of Tianhe Temple died again.

Immediately after his body flickered, four or five monks of Tianhe Temple, who came to the meeting with the two "Flawless" and "Not Empty", were instantly killed by him and died on the ground.

At this time the hall was completely quiet, all stared at the scene in front of him.

Everyone knows the weakness of hard work, but if you know it, you can only hit it.

The strengths of the "lawless" and "not empty" are placed in the martial arts. They are all characters who can stomping their feet when they stomping their feet. Unable to do this is incredible.

The other party is too fast, and has reached a weird level, like ghosts and charms. If these people in the martial arts have not seen it with their own eyes, I am afraid they can't believe it if they hear it!

Xin Han killed the people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ walked to his place, took the Luopa sent by his wife Jinyiwei Qianhu, and wiped his hands while saying: "Submit the order, within ten days, destroy Tianhe Temple! "

Thousands of households took orders and immediately went out to order. Everyone in the martial arts in the room felt awkward. The subconscious throat shook and swallowed. It was too cruel. This method killed people directly, and then they had to destroy the door.

Xin Han walked to his place and turned back and asked indifferently again: "Who else is not convinced?"

There was a silence in the hall for a long time, and no one spoke for a long time. Just as Xin Han was going to carry out the next plan to continue to intimidate the crowd, a group of men with scarce hair in the northwest corner, but wearing vulgar clothes stood up, the head was bright 'S man, soundtrack:

"We at Jinding Gate in Jinzhou are under the command of General Zu's soldiers. It is the duty to kill Tatar, but they cannot be dispatched by command. Our brothers will leave now!"

After talking, he arched his hand proudly and wanted to leave.

A Jinyiwei town ambassador whispered behind Xin Han: "Du Du, this is the man who lives in Shanhaiguan's army!"

Xin Han suddenly realized that no one in this group of people had scarce hair, and that some of them had brighter heads than those monks. Is n’t that the Golden Gate that Lu Dingji turned to Wu Sangui for?

It is not surprising to think that Wu Sangui was Zu Dashou's nephew, and later became the chief of the Shanhaiguan Customs. This Jinding Gate followed Wu Sangui reasonably.

Xin Hanren smiled and waved his hand, then a team of Jinyiwei appeared outside the hall, blocking the portal. The people at the Jinding Gate stopped to guard their body and mind. Before speaking, the man who spoke before, arched towards Xinhan: "Master , I do n’t know what else to order! "

Xin Han directly said: "You will feel comfortable working for the governor in future, as for Zu Dashou, someone will inform him!"

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