Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1441: Great opportunity

Xin Han finished his plan, Jinyiwei naturally looked at him as the leader, and the martial arts leaders basically had little military experience. No one except the nod blindly followed.

Looking at these martial arts people with an expression of incomprehension, erratic eyes, and incomprehensible movements, Xin Han sighed in his heart, knowing to speak with the gang of martial arts in vain.

"It's so decided!"

Immediately pulled up the team and went north along the 'Guanning Jin Defensive Line'. They experienced a big battle. Fortunately, the horses were still there, and the food and grass were sufficient. Plus they were all martial arts practitioners. The speed of advancement can be described as very fast.

It only took a day to cross the Xiaoling River. It is worth mentioning that after the previous battle, the Shaolin monks all collected their kindness, and when passing a few small tribes to supplement their supplies, they actively gave up their shots. To other schools.

In order to ensure that the news is not revealed, these martial arts people can ignore so many, do not need Xin Han to speak, directly cut the grass and remove the roots, and one will not stay.

Of course, Xin Han wouldn't be silly to regard the old, weak women, children and children as successful virtue. This is a group of martial bandits who voluntarily do it, and it has nothing to do with him.

The people rested for one night. On the second day, they rushed to the grass and frightened the snake. Xin Han led the people around the Yizhou City and spent two hours, running wildly for hundreds of miles.

Let the horses rest for a while, and after lunch, passing the Daling River in the afternoon that day, to the 'Kalka Department' in Mongolia. In this way, as long as you go east, bypass Guangning, and cross the Liaohe River, you can Pointed directly at Shengjing.

Guangning is not the Guangning county of Guangdong in the later generations, but it is the military center of northern Ming Dynasty. It belongs to the commander and commander of Liaodong.

Unfortunately, with the rise of Jiannu, Guangning has already fallen into the hands of Jiannu.

Xin Han did not plan to be as scrupulous as before, and walked around quietly. When he passed by Yizhou before, he was afraid of playing grass and snakes, but now it is different.

Just after crossing the Daling River, he received the Flying Pigeon Biography from Shanhaiguan, and this secret letter changed his mind.

Shanhaiguan ’s Jinyiwei ’s Flying Pigeon Biography, in order to ensure delivery and confidentiality, basically every time a book is delivered, dozens of well-trained pigeons are sent out according to a certain time rule.

And the letters in it are also specially encrypted files. There is no high-level manager in Jinyiwei. Don't let anyone else know what is written in it.

So even if a pigeon falls into the enemy's hands, it can guarantee that other pigeons will deliver the message. At the same time, even if the enemy receives a secret letter, he does not understand what message is conveyed.

After reading the secret letter from Shanhaiguan before, Xin Han frowned first and then surprised.

Frowning is that ‘Zu Dashou’ clearly did n’t take his ‘Governor of Liaodong’ in his eyes, playing with himself ‘will be outside, the monarch ’s life is not affected’, of course he is not the emperor, this is just a metaphor.

Was pleasantly surprised that the other party had created a rare opportunity for him.

It turned out that the accurate information obtained by Shanhaiguan, Zu Dashou did not report to Xin Han, and he unauthorizedly planned to wait for the opportunity in the west of Dalinghe with the 3,500 soldiers of Jinzhou and Songshan, which might be the one to lure the enemy and then wipe it out. But he didn't play well, and the enemy was annihilated!

The fifteenth son of Jiannu ‘Nurhachi’, ‘Aisinjueluo Duo’, led his department to react quickly and directly attack.

The ancestors lost their lives, the army collapsed, and Duoduo ordered people to chase their way. From Jinzhou to Songshan, the number of gains could not be counted.

The next day, after the victory, Doze was still stationed in Guangning, and the news came back from the Jinyi Wei agents. When he returned to the army, Emperor Jiannu and Emperor Taiji also went out to meet in person!

This means that both Tawasawa and the emperor Taiji, who are now slaves, are in Guangning. This opportunity is a once in a lifetime!

Xin Han took out the map and studied it carefully. This important town in Liaodong was not so easy to win, not to mention the heavy guards, and the offensive was definitely not enough, then you could only use the martial arts to go to the night.

He immediately called the main leader of Jinyiwei and the heads of the martial arts factions to his side, and then said his plans soon, and everyone heard the emperor Jiannu near, and he was excited.

Xin Han said in a deep voice: "The crazy one has become the name of Qing Shi, and will not be pursued by the Jiannu heavy soldiers. If you can't stand it, you can't escape, you will have your destiny in life and death!"

He finished his hand and said: "Everyone thinks about it, do it or not!"

The martial arts are full of blood, and there are far fewer scruples than ordinary people, but no one thought that this time it was Wudang who taught the Tsinghua Taoist people: "Tianyu will not take it, but he will be blamed. Such a good opportunity is not Grab it, then let's all go home! "

The other leaders also nodded, Xin Han threw a pie to improve morale: "Since everyone is so refreshing, this leader can not be stingy, the head is not counted, and the first level of the Emperor Taiji is rewarded with the" Nine Yin Zhen Jing ". Easy forging bones, killing the Duo Duo reward "Three Dragons before the Eighteen Palms!"

No doubt, Xin Han is so shameless, he is now gradually accumulating merit values ​​due to the implementation of exemption, plus the merit value obtained after this exit is enough to exchange these two peerless martial arts, but he will These two martial arts were dismantled and sold!

He used this method to learn from Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong who were the beggars at that time, and those who made merits were rewarded with one trick or two, which was the gift of heaven.

However, after he finished speaking, everyone's expression was dumbfounded, and even the beggars helped Ma Dazuo asked: "I don't know what kind of magical skills are" Jiuyin Zhenjing "and" Jianglong Eighteen Palms "?

Xin Han really wanted to point at his nose and scold, and then ask no wonder you are called Ma Dazuo, who is Ma Dayuan?

He pressed his anger and asked, "You are a beggar gang master, you don't even know the beggar gang town martial art" Jianglongzhang ", what more food do you need, go to be a monk as soon as possible!"

The head of the North and South Shaolin is suddenly black, let ’s not take it like this, how can it sound like cursing, and the people who co-operate for food are stronger than the monks!

Xin Handang will explain two kinds of martial arts, one is the "first divine skill" in the world during the Southern Song Dynasty, which is better than the Shaolin "Yi Jin Jing", and the other is called "the first palm of the world". The beggar helps the peerless to master the law, and the fierce is the best in the world!

This group of martial arts suddenly made a sensation, and they all knew that martial arts are now weak, and various martial arts can't compare with the Song Dynasty hundreds of years ago. What was the martial arts and mastery that were regarded as the world's first. Great, no wonder the leader only took out part of it as a reward, it should be!

A lot of masters are trying to grab this power, and even the heads of the two schools of Shaolin in the North and South are also very interested. If they say that this 'Easily forged bones' article is integrated into the Yijin Jing, wouldn't it be more powerful? !

The beggar gang was happy to smoke. At this time, the beggar gang did not fall. Without the prestige of the martial arts gang, it had been reduced to the Jiulu school.

Didn't expect to have the opportunity to recover the lost martial arts skills of the beggar gang, how could he not be excited, thinking in his heart that he didn't want the Emperor Tatar and killed the Prince Duduo!

Xin Han is happy to see everyone like this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But he is afraid that his own people will have to explain in advance in order to get cheats from each other:

"Even in the evening, everyone will take their posts and assassinate the Emperor Jiannu. Of course, they must pick up the martial arts and high-powered people to go. As for other gangs, don't be discouraged. It ’s no problem to redeem all the cheats! "

"The ugly words said that if any of you dare to lag behind and dismantle each other, resulting in a failure of this action, let's not use the rules of martial arts, and deal with the crime of passing the enemy according to the law of the imperial court."

All the heads of the heads nodded, which is what they are worried about!

Xin Han then said: "In addition, in order to prevent someone in the team from passing through the enemy, causing news to leak, we are on the way, no one is allowed to leave the team within ten feet, and no one is allowed to leave the line of sight of everyone. There are three other martial arts who follow, and the offender kills without amnesty! "

Everyone can understand the orders of Xin Han. After all, among many schools, some secretly supported the rebels before, and some simply secretly traded with Jiannu, that is, smuggling!

Who knows if there is a traitor who has ruined his heart and intends to vote against the treason. If the news is leaked, then Guangning is not a place where everyone is famous and rich, but a **** that opens the door!

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