Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1443: Pursuit of Huang Taiji

Identified the head of Prince Yu, "Aixinjueluo Duoduo" among the piles of corpses, everyone was happy, and the abbot of North Shaolin observed that the Zen master had pronounced the Buddha:

"Really retribution of cause and effect is unhappy. If this prince of slaves had repeatedly committed my border to slaughter the Han people, and did all the bad things, how could he die under the power of Lao Gang's Donkey Kong, hey ..."

The people next to him were stunned. For the first time, I saw that the master witness had such a shameful side. You are a King Kong, and you have a ghost, so there is only one head left. Is your palm a five-pronged corpse or a chaotic blade? Split body?

Wudang teaches Tsinghua ’s true humanity: "The difference in the words of the masters, although the head of the Duduo was cut off, it is not as pale as the ordinary dead, but it is slightly reddish. , The shock dissipated the whole body and blood, so his main cause of death was still shocked by the poor Taichi internal force! "

The head of each school is speechless again, is this the Taishan Beidou of Wulin? Pointing to a dead man's face without a trace of blood, said it was slightly reddish, so nonsense with his eyes open, how did you do it?

For a time, the heads of various factions fought for credit. This was said to be a fist, and the other was that he was slashed with a knife.

What ’s more, a ‘black tiger **** fist’ fan said that Duo Duo was hitting him with a ‘seven eight eight palms’, so he only shattered his head!

The most desperate beggar gangster who wanted to get the three strokes of the dragon palm, shouted loudly: "Come, give Lao Tzu a palm, you beat Lao Tzu all the way, even if you kill!"

The head of the black tiger **** fist suddenly languished, and his mouth murmured: "It's all bragging, don't I just blow it up, why is this!"

This group of people argued for a while, and finally found Xin Han's comment.

Xin Han was stunned on the side, and he could not see anything on the surface. In fact, he was crazy in his heart!

This is Duo Duo!

The Prince Tatar Yu who ordered the "Ten Days Unsealed" in Yangzhou, the fifteenth son of Nurhaci, the culprit in Yangzhou on the tenth, the butcher and executioner-Aixinjueluo Duo!

Yes, it was this multi-duo. When he attacked Yangzhou, he encountered the famous general Shi Kefa and led his troops to resist. After the city broke down, in order to vent his anger and deter the Nanming regime, he even ordered the "10 days without a knife"!

This order directly led to the massacre of hundreds of thousands of people in Yangzhou.

The late Ming Dynasty poet Wu Jiaji once described the post-war situation in "Guo Bing Xing": "Yangzhou city's remnants cry, and the remnants are half-armed" and then said: "When you enter and boil, how many times have ten houses burned nine rooms. For a while, the dead wood was dead, and the flesh and the family were gone. ’

It can be seen from the poem that the prosperous and affluent Yangzhou Mansion at that time, which was ‘Washing a Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Crosses and Riding a Crane to Yangzhou’, has been transformed into a ten-room, nine-empty human purgatory under Duoduo ’s butcher ’s knife.

But now, Duo Duo is afraid that he will never have the opportunity to go south, so he died in the hands of the masters of the Central Plains.

Xin Han didn't know how the system calculated merit value. After Jin Yiwei's men used his portrait to determine the identity of the human head, he subconsciously communicated with the system to find out that there were more than four million merit values. .

If you go on like this, what is "Eternal Life", "God of War", "Vajra Bad God Skills", it's not a dream!

Imagined the beautiful picture of soaring sky and broken void in his mind, and was awakened by the masters of various major schools: "Leader, you come to judge ..."

Wait for Xin Han to come back and understand the disputes of these masters. This anger in my heart, brother is broken and empty, you wait for me to fly out of the earth to see where is calling to die? Daydreaming is so easy to do!

He was unhappy, his face also appeared, and his face was heavy: "Fight for a fart, who shot it just now, I haven't asked the question yet, Duo Duo has found it, if the Emperor Taichi can't find it, you all give it to me Points deducted! "

The chief executives saw him soaring, they were honest, and no one wanted to touch the brow of the leader.

Jin Hanwei in the busy comparison of Xin Han Dynasty asked: "Have you found the Huang Taiji?"

The Jinyiwei replied: "Yududu, dozens of heads have been compared several times, and no Huang Taiji is found in it!"

When Xin Han heard it, his heart was tight: "No? How is it possible, find me again, and bring me this owner!"

Just now, the martial arts people were fighting to kill the Duo Duo and others who were dressed in luxurious and extraordinary temperament, so that this family of rich slaves had escaped the claws of the hungry wolves!

A row of Jiannu was overwhelmed and Xin Han knelt in front of him. The male owner was an old man in his fifties. Looking at the dress and the blushing face, he knew that he belonged to the class of landlord Lao Cai.

Was kneeling beside his three twenty-something sons, and the other wives and concubines were kneeling behind him.

"I'm here to ask you, where did your Emperor Tatar Emperor Jiannu go?" Xin Han asked, staring closely at the old man, Shen Sheng.

A Jinyiwei who had spent time in Liaodong immediately translated it to the old man in Tatar.

The old man shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know!" Unexpectedly, this old man actually spoke Chinese, but it's not surprising to think about it. This Guangning originally belonged to Da Ming, and this old man immigrated is probably not too small Let slavery bully the Han people.

Xin Han nodded, then pointed to a 27-year-old Tatar youth kneeling beside the old man and asked, "Is this your son?"

"It's the eldest son!" The old man's face was pale, and he didn't know what the powerful young man in front of him asked what to do.

Xin Han had a look, and the Qianyiwei Qianhu, who led the way beside him, drew a knife and chopped off without a word, and immediately slashed the young Tatar.

There was a moment of crying from the kneeling person. The two young brothers next to him struggled to stand up, but Jin Yiwei poked in the waist, immediately no strength, and kneeled down honestly.

Xin Han looked at the old man with pale eyes and blushing, and asked, "I will ask you again, where is Huang Taiji?"

"do not know!"

Xin Han gave the old man an eye-catching look, and then pointed at another Tatar youth: "This is your old man?"

"Old ... the second son!"

The silver light flashed, and the young man of Tatar had a sword in his eyebrows and fell to the ground. This time it was Xin Han who shot it personally. He had no patience.

Next, under Xin Han's instruction, the old man's young son and his wife of the same age were all killed in front of him. The old man was still not relieved.

Xin Han nodded, quite admiring: "Who said that there is no loyal martyr among Tatar ..."

He also expected that the old man would not say anything. It would be better to give them a happy heart, and a beautiful young woman will be beheaded with a wave of a sword, which happened in this dramatic scene.

The old man Tara flew over at once: "Don't kill my concubine, I said!"

Xin Han: "......"

Jin Yiwei: "......"

The heads of martial arts factions: "..."

In the collective petrochemical speechless, Nima kills your son, you do n’t say, kill your wife, you do n’t say, kill your concubine, what are you saying, old beast!

"Say!" Xin Han pressed the urge to kill immediately, and squeezed out a word from his mouth!

"The emperor left the city yesterday and returned to Shengjing. He said that he was going to hold a grand meeting with the princes and nobles of the 16 Mongolian ministries in Shengjing!" .

Xin Han suddenly realized, no wonder he did not meet the leaders of all the tribes from the grassland, it turned out that they all went to Shengjing!

His eyes flicked: "How do you know these things?"

The old man sighed: "My son-in-law was a lieutenant under Prince Yu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you were just killed together!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and said, "I have said it all, please let us go!"

Xin Han dragged the old man out of his feet for more than five meters, and hit the wall before stopping: "Old things, your wife and son are dead, let you and your concubine live a happy life, dream!"

Everyone around the martial arts applauded, saying, ‘good kill! ’

He took the map and studied it carefully. The emperor ‘Emperor Taiji’ traveled a few hundred miles from Shengjing in Guangning Road.

He was thinking, suddenly Mu Renqing walked over and said anxiously: "Patriarch, Cheng Zhi is gone!"

Xin Han was stunned: "I saw him just now!" Suddenly he suddenly remembered something, and laughed: "Huang Taiji can be regarded as his father's enemies. This kid must go after it, don't worry, let's go now After catching up with the Emperor Tatar, the meat in front of him can still make him run! "

After finishing his speech, Xin Han hurriedly greeted everyone out of the city to chase down. As for who was responsible for the beheading of Duduo, who counted on killing Huang Taiji!

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