Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1463: 2 explosive news

When he returned to the dormitory, Stan specially brought a chicken leg to Erha. He liked the dog very much and said that he had one at home. Unfortunately, Erha ate his chicken leg, but he ignored him and only used it. An unsatisfied expression looked at his unscrupulous master.

Xin Han forgot to bring food to Erha, but he couldn't fetch something from the space in front of Stan. He looked at the pitiful 'tu dog' and complained: "It's really troublesome!" Open the dormitory door Let him go outside to find his own food, but warn him not to cause trouble!

Erha rushed out of the wind, and after half an hour, he was reading a book of "Introduction to Magic", Xin Xin, and heard the sound of scratching the door. After opening the door, Erha, whose belly was round, walked in with a trace of his mouth. Red blood.

Xin Han froze for a while, thinking that the goods were eating people, and finally saw a fiery red feather in the corner of Erha's mouth. Then he felt relieved and seemed to catch a bird to eat.

There are many flame elements on the fiery red feathers. It is estimated that it is still only Warcraft. This will be enjoyed when it arrives. Xin Han is thinking about it. When the mouth is greedy, he will ask this goods to catch two birds of Warcraft to make a beast Solution greedy.

Let Erha lie on his own in a corner, where he picked up a foot thick "Introduction to Magic" and looked at it with relish.

Regardless of the dog, Stan kindly took a mat and laid it on the corner floor, letting Erha lie on it.

Xin Han's attention was completely attracted by this one-foot "Introduction to Magic", which contains the basic knowledge of some magicians, such as basic meditation, magic runes, various props, tools, and herbal medicines.

There are also some low-level small magics, such as ‘Blast’, ‘Pyrophor’, ‘Grass Bound’, ‘Clear Flow’, etc., all of which are supplementary techniques.

Stan is also reading this book, which is a must-have book for apprentices of magic.

But Stan watched the roommate's rapid flipping speed and couldn't help but shook his head secretly. After thinking about the roommate's performance today, he could not help but persuade in good faith:

"Arthur, your method of reading books does not allow you to grasp the true meaning of magic. If you remember something wrong, it will have a profound impact on your future!"

He saw a smile from Xin Han, and was not angry with his words, so he continued:

"I think you should treat magic, a spell, a potion, a recipe with sincerity as the teacher 'Faya" said, it is worth at least one hundred times a day until you forget it again Don't let it go! "

"Okay Stan, thank you for your kind reminder. I just flipped through the catalog. Rest assured I will read it with my heart!" Xin Han shook the book in his hand, then stood up: "Want to drink something?" "

Xin Han remembers that there is a kind of honey in the dormitory that can be taken for drinking. It is similar to the coconut on the earth, but it is sweeter than coconut, but it needs to be diluted with water when drinking, and it needs to be heated to appear that sweet. taste.

He found two cups, made a hole in the honey, and got the thick juice out. Stan was embarrassed to make Xin Han busy and quickly came down to help.

Xin Han smiled and said: "No need, you just wait!" After talking about the use of a "clear flow technique" immediately surrounding water elements began to gather, forming a clear spring, fell in the glass and diluted the juice.

Then he used another igniter to immediately start a cup of flames from the palm of his hand, and heated two glasses of juice in a moment. With the heating of the juice, the cup smelled of honey, which was generally fragrant and sweet.

When he handed one of the cups to Stan, the child was already in a state of sluggishness, only to wake up when he smelled the sweet honey juice: "You ... how could you do these two spells!"

It turned out that the apprenticeship of magic apprentices is limited, and they can only choose an auxiliary magic study from "Introduction to Magic", and use this spell to pass the freshman trial.

Because of this, many people will choose more practical magic, such as the "Arthur" that Xin Han turned into and the "Jeff" that he does not deal with with him. Cory's learning is 'grass-binding'.

In this way, Jeff can bless Cory ’s ‘surge’, and Corey ’s grass-binding technique can deal with ordinary beasts. They have a high chance of passing the team to complete the trial.

As for Stan, because he also has the reasons for team selection, so he is learning ‘Clear Flow’ to provide clean water for the players, which is why he has to come down to help.

Stan clearly knew that his roommate 'Arthur' was learning the blast technique, but what about the "fire" and "clear flow technique" just now?

And when "Arthur" casts a spell, even the spell and the magic wand are useless, this ...

Xin Han also had some regrets at this time. He just learned something, and he wanted to try it subconsciously. The result was trouble, and he immediately looked at Stan's eyes: "Stan, I have a secret, that is, my mental strength is stronger than others! "

"Arthur, are you a magical genius?" Stan exclaimed in disbelief. It is important to know that people who are born with strong mental strength are all magical geniuses in the history of the Divine Realm. They have achieved amazing achievements.

At this time, Xin Han was just an apprentice magic apprentice who had just entered the school, and he was able to cast three auxiliary magics. This is not a genius.

Xin Han nodded: "Maybe, but my friend, I don't want people to know about this matter, can you help me keep a secret?"

His eyes flashed inexplicably, and he performed hypnosis mentally.

The laws of heaven and earth in this world do not exclude the role of spiritual power, because spiritual power is the foundation of the mage, so all abilities related to mental power can be used in this world. This is Xin Han ’s speculation and quietly do it with mental power Conclusions drawn through experimentation.

The boy named Stan was immediately affected, and some nodded nodded: "I will not talk to others, Arthur who will help you keep secrets!"

At night, when the night came, Xin Han felt that Stan had fallen asleep, and quietly got up and got out of the dormitory. Erha had to follow him. He stared back at him and went to sleep.

After leaving the dormitory, his appearance began to change instantaneously, and became the appearance of Jeff's red-haired follower. According to the route in 'Memory', he found Jeff's bedroom.

I pressed the button inside the door of the dormitory, and opened the door of the dormitory. Jeff and Cory, who knows how to bind grass, had fallen asleep.

Jeff, because of his heavy splits during the day, his legs were stiffly resting on the bed at this time, and his body did not dare to move a little, and he did not dare to turn over. Xin Han felt tired when watching him sleeping, so he kindly helped him .

Grab him by one foot and lift it up violently to help him complete a very difficult horse.

"Ah!" Jeff woke up in his sleep, and made a terrible cry.

Xin Han cracked his mouth, this time it was estimated that it was an egg, otherwise it would not be how to howl.

The call also awakened Corey on the bed. Corey saw the scene at this time and exclaimed: "What are you doing, Matthew?"

Xin Han walked over and kicked Corey directly on his stomach, then threw him on Jeff's bed with his hair in his face, and beat him in a burst of fat.

After playing, take a bottle of powder from your pocket and don't spill money on the two. This is still where Tian Boguang got good things, and there has been no chance to use it.

Carefully put all the clothes in the room including the clothes of the two people into the space, and then withdrew from the dormitory. "A moment is worth a lot of money." People spend a good month ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He is not too much to bother.

However, Xin Han deliberately opened the door wide. After all, the movement of the two people inside was extremely violent. What should I do if the door was closed and lack of oxygen? The gods can learn from it. He definitely comes from a good heart.

The next day when Xin Hankestein had breakfast in the cafeteria, he heard two pieces of explosive news. The first one was that when a male student got up early in the morning, he heard a weird voice and walked along. It turned out to be Jeff. The dormitory, found the door is not closed, go inside and take a look at this spicy eye.

I just wanted to quit, but did not expect to be half a step late, but was met with the poisonous hands of the two inside, a good young boy, so the innocent body was contaminated by two beasts.

The tragic cry for help attracted the guards in the academy. Fortunately, the guards were trained, otherwise, they would also be poisoned. It is said that the pictures that the teachers saw after they arrived, it was called an unsightly, it was called beyond imagination. , The teachers feel that they have learned a lot.

This hot event shocked the college and has been submitted to the top level, waiting for the results of the investigation.

The second hot thing is that a fourth-order "fire pigeon" of Atwood, the director of the fighting spirit department and the "big swordsman" who practiced the fighting spirit of fire, was killed, leaving only some scattered feathers and a small amount of blood .

This fire pigeon was raised by Atwood since he was a child. With the support of countless elixir magic crystals, I heard that he will be able to advance to fifth-order Warcraft in half a year, and after advancing to fifth-order Warcraft, he will be able to practice fire. A person with grievances plays an auxiliary role in cultivation, and achieves the result with less effort.

As a result, Atwood raised for ten years and immediately succeeded. Who would have thought that the feathers would change overnight.

Xin Han listened to other classmates saying that this 'big swordsman' was carrying a long sword to find the murderer everywhere. He thought to himself that he must check Erha when he goes back. Don't leave any evidence. . Mobile phone users, please browse and read,

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