Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1468: Start of assessment

Today has Gagen


This semester assessment is not an ordinary final exam, but to complete the unfinished freshman test. According to the college's regulations, if you fail to pass the assessment, you will be dropped out.

Therefore, all freshmen who have worked hard for a semester stubbornly want to pass this test.

The assessment site is set in the arena of the academy, just like the venue of the later generations gymnasium, where thousands of freshmen waiting for assessment are scattered.

In the center of the venue is a high platform about 20 square meters in size. In addition to the necessary equipment for evaluation, the teachers of the magic department and the grudge department are also sitting on it. Listed.

Perhaps the atmosphere is different. The teachers of the Starry Sky Academy do not engage in formalism at all. The students come together in twos and threes to discuss the cultivation experience and the assessment in front of them.

Stan saw Xin Han coming over from afar, and quickly apologized to a classmate who was talking, and then quickly greeted him: "I said Brother Arthur, why did you come here? Teacher Faya has already named , If you expect to be dropped out of school a little later! "

Xin Han looked at Stan and smiled: "It's nothing, just Erha hasn't been active for a long time. The fat one is like a ball. Today, I don't need to go to the library, so I take it out for activities!"

Aside from recognizing Xin Han's freshman, he couldn't help but stick out his tongue. He said that this is who they are. I don't know if the assessment is related to the student status. This product is not well prepared and went out to walk the dog.

Stan also smiled bitterly and took Xin Han to report to the Faya teacher who was in charge of them during his freshman period.

Faye saw Xin Han, with a weird look on his face. After thinking about it, he asked, "Classmate Arthur, how are you preparing? You must know that the regulations of the college are not allowed to be violated. If your assessment is not done this time, If it can pass, even the Dean ca n’t keep you. "

Xin Han nodded casually: "Thank you Ms. Faya for your concern, I am ready!"

Faya speaks a long-term focus, but when he saw this called Arthur, he answered quite casually, he could not help but shook his head secretly, and reminded:

"In this assessment, in addition to the basic mental strength test, you must also assess the cultivation situation after the sub-division. You are a student of the dark law department, and the dark magic is also to be assessed."

Xin Han nodded and swept his eyes to find a corner of a small number of people: "Is there any other thing if you know Teacher Faya?"

"You ..." Fayya saw that he kindly reminded him, but in exchange for the other's impatient look, he said that this kid did not know what happened, and immediately said: "It's alright, I hope you won't be dropped out after a while. it is good!"

"Thank you for your blessings, definitely not!" Xin Han pulled Stan towards the place where there were few people.

Faya has never seen such a student who has no good at all. He said: "Is that a blessing, I am angry, okay!"

Stan also said the rules of this assessment in the corner. The basic assessment is carried out in a unified manner for all freshmen. The spirit of magic is tested by the spirit, and the strength of the temper is measured by the spirit of temper.

The sub-division exam is different. The test questions are determined by the instructors of each Ministry of Magic.

In a while, the basic assessment started. Falla stood on the assessment desk and read out the name of the freshman. The freshman who was shouted the name in all things took the stage for assessment.

The basic assessment of the Douqi system is to apply the doji to the long sword, and then try the person who left the sword mark on the sword stone. Even if the mark is qualified, the depth of the sword mark is good for one centimeter and excellent for two centimeters. Of course, there are corresponding ratings.

The evaluation of the Department of Magic is even simpler. As long as the person who evaluates presses his hand on the crystal column to meditate, the strength of his mental power will be detected.

The crystal column is similar to a thermometer. There are scales on the outside and a golden line inside. During meditation, the gold line will rise as the spiritual power diverges. Compare the scales above to know the spiritual power of the person under assessment. What's the point.

Waited for a while, Faya shouted Stan's name in his mouth, the latter nodded to Xin Han, and then walked onto the examination stand.

Stan majored in ice spells. It happened that Falla was still his teacher. After seeing him come up, Falla encouraged: "Don't be nervous, relax, just meditate like usual."

Stan nodded, took a deep breath, put his hand on the top of the crystal column, and then slowly closed his eyes, probably because he was too nervous to enter the state, so that the gold thread in the crystal column did not have the slightest mobile.

Faya reminded again: "Relax your heart and treat it as an ordinary practice!"

Stan nodded again, after a while, finally relaxed and entered the state of meditation, and as he entered the state, the gold thread in the crystal column also slowly increased until it finally stopped.

Faya glanced at the scale corresponding to the gold line and showed a satisfied smile: "Yes, I have upgraded from the spiritual power of the apprentice magic apprentice to the advanced magic apprentice. I believe you will become a real magician next semester. Come on! "

Woke up, Stan also looked at his achievements with joy, and then thanked the teacher Faya, and then walked happily.

The assessment of the Douqi Department is only qualified if it leaves a mark on the test sword stone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And the Magic Department needs to get rid of the status of apprentice magic apprentice.

Before Stan, most of the freshmen of the magic department only reached the spiritual power of the primary or intermediate magic apprentices. As Stan can achieve the spiritual power of the advanced magic apprentices, there are only a few. It seems that Stan ’s magic talent is not simple. What.

The next assessment continued, sometimes the laughter passed by the assessment passed joy, sometimes the failure of the assessment sigh, or the sound of crying loudly.

After a while, finally shouted the name ‘Arthur’ in Phaya ’s mouth.

For a time, the freshmen in the same class all put their eyes on this freshman who was said to have no orthodox study and spent all day in the library.

Many people are speculating that this student named Arthur could not pass the test.

Claude, the instructor of the Ministry of Darkness, stared blankly at this new student who belonged to the Ministry of Darkness but was not his student. His eyes fluctuated and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the prompt of Falla, Xin Han also pressed his hand on the crystal column without closing his eyes, and the gold thread rose rapidly, and an incredible burst of exclamation came from around him.

"He didn't even close his eyes, is he meditating?"

"Wouldn't it be the fault of the testing instrument?"

But before they responded, the golden thread stopped abruptly and stopped instantly, corresponding to the position of a junior magic apprentice. ) !!

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