Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1474: Little trouble

Being caught in the arm, Xin Han felt a little uncomfortable and pulled his hand out and asked, "Don't cry, Misha. What happened? Is Gordon sick?"

Misha gave Xin Han a surprised look. When Master Arthur talked to her before, she would call her aunt Misha. She now feels that Master is different from before. Maybe she has been to the Starry Academy and has the aristocratic restraint.

She didn't care about these things. When the matter was about to be repeated, it turned out that when Arthur went to school, most of the money in the family paid him the tuition fee. When Arthur left, there was no fixed income in the family, and the burden was over. .

It was better at the beginning, and in the end, in order to give the young lady with legs disabilities, Arthur's sister, "Tia", something nutritious, Gordon took out some antique furnishings in the house and sold them.

But a few days ago, when Gordon sold the thing again, he met Jeff whose father had just been promoted to Earl. Somehow, Jeff wrongfully stolen Gordon's things and sold them.

This matter even alarmed the referee. After the referee's investigation, this thing was originally Jeff's father, bought from an antique shop, which means that the evidence is very bad for Gordon.

Gordon also remembered this time. When the old man had not broken down, this thing was a gift from Jeff's father.

But after he said it, Jeff refused to admit it, which means that Gordon was convicted and the referee was fairly fair. He personally asked Count Daniel Ralph, the father of Jeff, about this matter. Whoever expected the other party also denied it.

According to the laws of the empire, civilians stealing noble items were sentenced to death on the spot, but unexpectedly, Count Daniel Ralph pleaded for Gordon, and finally executed the torture, which was used on his face. The soldering iron burned out the scar of 'I am a thief'.

But Daniel Ralph said that he lost a lot of things in his home, and asked the referee to allow him to enter the mansion of the ‘Pendragon’ family to see if his things were stolen by Gordon.

Gordon would rather die than be involved in the family, and demanded that he be hanged on the spot, refusing to let anyone check his master ’s house.

But the arm couldn't twist the thigh. Under the pressure of Count Daniel Ralph, the referee agreed to the proposal of Daniel Ralph.

Poor Gordon's sixty-year-old man, after being held down, scared the thief's brand on his face.

Then under the witness of the referee, Daniel Ralph took away dozens of objects from the mansion of the Pendragon family, including the heirloom of the Pendragon family A pair of Mageweave armor.

Misha was there at the time, and to her surprise, ‘Daniel Ralph’ was able to find witnesses to prove that these things belonged to him.

"Tia" was stunned and stunned, and Gordon spurted blood. It seemed that it would not be a few days. Misha was helpless, and then came to the Starry Academy to find his young master.

Stan listened to Misha's words, and immediately filled with indignation: "It's so mean, how can Jeff do this, you can rest assured, Arthur, I will go to him and you to judge this time!"

Stan's magical talent is good, and he has become a real mage this year, even if his strength is only a little worse than that of last year's Faya teacher.

Xin Han waved his hand: "Stan, I can do this without you, I can do it myself, and I bully the door. I can't always be a tortoise!"

"But ..." Stan was still a little uneasy and was just about to say something. Xin Han had made a reassuring gesture to him and called Shang Erha to lead Misha out.

By the time Stan chased out, he had lost the trace of two people and one wolf. He couldn't help but be surprised: "This kid is amazing again, it seems that I can't catch him in my life!"

I thought about going to the dormitory, but when I thought that Xin Han was going to face an earl alone, I couldn't help but feel at a loss, and hurried to the lab of my mentor Faya.

Xin Han took Misha out of the house and took off directly, using wind magic to fly straight out of the academy. When Misha just vacated, she screamed, but when she shouted, she found that the young master was watching her with a smile. This only reflected that it turned out to be Master Arthur's magic.

She couldn't help but look over: "Master Arthur, are you already a magician?"

Watching the master shake his head, Misha couldn't help but feel disappointed, but the next sentence of Xin Han made her a middle-aged woman in her forties who couldn't help but cheer.

Only Xin Han smiled and said: "If an ordinary magician can't fly, my realm is probably the dharma god!" He shook his head after he finished, as if he was quite dissatisfied with his achievements in the past year.

Watching Misha cheering, Xin Han smiled and said: "It's nothing great, but I want to participate in the exchanges of the top ten colleges and participate in the ranking competition one year later. . "

Misha nodded vigorously: "Come on, Master Arthur, Misha uses her life to ensure that she will never say this!"

Xin Han shook his head and smiled: "It's not that serious, it's more troublesome, maybe that's what I expected!"

Regardless of Misha's blank expression, Xin Han flew past the big house of the "Pandragon" family in memory. Half an hour later, a large castle in a garden appeared in front of her.

Flying close, I saw the unmanaged weeds in the yard were all waist-high, and even a lot of weeds appeared on the floor tiles in front of the old castle. The castle was also worn out because no one was maintaining it. Years ago, the memories were very different,

Xin Han couldn't help shaking his head: "The nobles are all piled up with money. If there is no money, it will be a year or two of effort!"

With Misha and Erha, they landed in front of the gate of the castle, pushed in directly, and went to the second floor to meet their unseen sister.

When Xin Han pushed open the door of the girl's room, I saw a 15- to 16-year-old girl with exquisite appearance, sitting in a wooden wheelchair and looking out of the window. When I heard someone open the door, I saw her brother Arthur, weeping with joy: "Brother, you are finally back!"

Xin Han sighed in his heart and said that Arthur you are hung up, I have to help you deal with these bad things in your identity.

After sighing, Xin Han already smiled and walked over: "Tia, you know I don't like crying girls, the princess of the Pendragon family must learn to be strong, do you know?"

He finished walking and leaned over: "Let me see your legs first!"

Regardless of whether they agreed or disagreed, he opened Tiya's skirt directly, exposing a pair of legs like dead bones.

"Brother ..." Tia was a little panicked. Since she couldn't walk, these legs became her nightmare. The deepest scar in her heart never touched.

Now the brother's behavior is like uncovering her scars, and one can imagine how terrified she would be.

"Relax, I'm already a magician, maybe heal your legs!" Xin Han remembered that after Tia's legs couldn't walk, Count 'Winston' asked the pastor of the church to see Yes, but nothing happened.

However, Earl Winston had always been suspicious that someone had cast magic on Tia ’s legs and could not walk, so he went to the emperor to find a friend who was a bishop in the emperor. News of the death of Earl Winston.

The Knights of the Knights surveyed that Earl Winston was killed in the wilderness when he encountered robbers and struggled to resist.

Although Xin Han has this memory, he doesn't care about the things in it. Just looking at Tia's legs, he knows that this is a high-level dark magic "bone rot".

After this "bone decay technique" is applied to a person, the bone marrow will gradually wither at the site where it is cast, then the skin and blood vessels, and finally the bone will also rot.

It's no wonder that the priest that Winston found in the church was not forceful. If this advanced magic is not proficient in dark magic, even a master like a magister is difficult to see at a glance.

However, Xin Han's attainment of dark magic has reached a very deep level. The rank is only higher than that of the dharma god, so at a glance, there are many dark elements in the bone marrow.

Immediately waved to absorb the dark elements, and then first washed Tia's legs with the softest water treatment.

Although the effect of water treatment is unsatisfactory, it is softer, and it is suitable for Tia to use now.

Tia soon exclaimed: "Brother, my legs feel!"

Xin Han smiled and changed the water treatment to the natural treatment "Bone Bone Spring". The legs, which were like bones, became plump instantly, and it took only a moment to restore the appearance of a normal person.

Finally, Xin Han used the light system to cure the magical "light" to remove the remaining dark elements of Tia's legs, and helped her make a whitening.

It only took less than twenty minutes for Xin Han to turn a pair of boneless legs into white tender and tender legs.

When Tia rejoiced, seeing his brother still clutching his legs, he could not help but feel a shyness, and quickly took his legs back: "Brother, please go to Grandpa Gordon, he may not be able to!"

Xin Han smiled and got up: "Relax, I can't die in Gordon!"

He and Misha came down from the second floor and were about to see Gordon. He heard footsteps from outside. A white butler-like white man walked in from the main entrance of the castle with a few swaggers.

When he saw Xin Han, he couldn't help but stunned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then he laughed: "You are the waste of the Pendragon family, I am the steward of the Ralph family, our young master said By the way, how many things did you steal from our family, and send them back quickly, but you do n’t have to bother, let ’s find it ourselves! ”

Xin Han looked at the corner of their mouth and whispered: "Misha closed her eyes!"

Although Misha did not understand what Master was doing, she closed her eyes!

Xin Han waited for Misha to close her eyes, waved her hand, and used the advanced magic 'Great Corruption' in the dark magic.

When Misha heard Master ’s “eyes open” order, the housekeeper and his entourage of the Ralph family had disappeared, and the ground on the first floor was recessed by more than a foot, even the floor was gone.

"Master, what about them?"

"They know they are doing evil, so they wish to the Lord God and are willing to go to **** ahead of time. It is estimated that they have already gone!"

Xin Han said that he took out a bag of gold coins and handed it to Misha: "Make a good job at night. By the way, find someone to repair the floor!"

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