Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1486: Come on together



When the deans of the top ten colleges learned the reason, the deans of several victim teams were furious. The dean of the Thunder Academy, Patrick of the Thunder Sword Saint, scolded: "Shameless, you Star Academy are robbers. act!"

The Dean of the Storm School, Cyril of the Wind Dharma Saint, and Samuel, the Dean of the Celtic Academy, the Golden Sword Saint, also scolded shamelessly. Fiction

Although the teams of ‘Shenren Academy’ and ‘Tulong Academy’ have not been dealt with badly, the two colleges and the ‘Star Academy’ are close enemies, so naturally they are not afraid of any help.

The Dean of the 'Star Academy' coldly glanced at several Juggernauts and Dharma Saints, and hummed: "The rules of the first stage of the qualifying competition are not limited to killing others. Did n’t you do it, so what the fuss? Why ca n’t you lose? "

He said that the chief deans were all stupefied. Indeed, as Myron said, this kind of thing is not foul. The dean of the Thunder Academy 'Lei Sword Saint' Patrick said angrily: "Even if we grab equipment, we recognize it. , But who has seen the thing that even the underpants are robbed? You starry sky college is insane! "

Originally straightforward and sturdy, Myron coughed with a guilty conscience, looked at Xin Han next to him, and said that this kid was too thorough.

Giving the latter a reassuring look, Myron turned his old waist and started playing rogue: "What is grabbing is not grabbing, just ask you, we fouled no foul!"

While the ten deans were arguing endlessly, the great saint of the temple was finalized: "The rules are the rules. Since the rules are not broken, it is naturally not a foul. You go to rest first and start the second game tomorrow!"

The deans of the ten major academies are all saint-level strong men, but when facing this great saint, there was an indescribable sense of oppression. When they heard the words, they nodded their heads, led by the monks in the temple, to their respective rooms. Go to rest.

The teenagers who were robbed of their clothes finally got rid of the ‘environmental protection suit’ that had wiped their faces and replaced them with the services of temple monks.

However, when they saw that Xin Han did not return to the room, but when visiting the ancient buildings of the temple, several strong men in the team walked to Xin Han and looked at him fiercely, saying:

"Obviously a strong swordsman of the great swordsman level, regardless of identity, he pretends to be a surprise attack by the master. There is really no dignity of the strong!"

Xin Han looked sideways at the strong men in these teams and spit out two words: "Fool!"

Although a few people did n’t know what Xin Han said, but they knew it was not good, Thrall sneered: "Now that you know your means, you will naturally not be attacked by you again, do n’t think you are a great swordsman and win I ’ll tell you, I ’m also a great swordsman, and wait for our revenge on the ring! "

After they finished speaking, they all smiled at Xin Cold, and then turned to follow the leading monks to rest in their respective college rooms.

Several people are geniuses of their respective colleges, the arrogant of the heavens, and the people valued by the colleges, naturally have the means of resigning their enemies, but Xin Han does n’t mind. Too.

He and the Starry Academy also have a feeling of incense. This time, even before leaving this world, they became famous for the Starry Academy.

That night, Xin Han used the Rune of Thunder that had not been used for a long time to bless the equipment of several teammates.

This rune of thunder is much higher than the existence of ordinary magic runes. When he was in the space of the main god, he was converted to the gods of this world, and only the gods can control the runes.

Xin Han changed these runes with his own understanding, completely changed it, and then blessed his teammates ’equipment. Although the effect is still the same, even if Thor is in person, he ca n’t see any problems. He only feels that there is thunder magic. A new rune created by a peerless genius.

In the early morning of the second day, all the people from the ten colleges gathered in the center of the temple. In the center of a pool, there was a blue stone platform and a paved path connected between the shore and the stone platform. This is the ring race Location.

The top ten colleges sit on the stands of the four sides of the pool. The great saints of the temple also know the relationship between the starry sky college and other colleges, so they specially arranged their positions to the side of the `` Endless Dark Academy '' and `` Death Abyss College ''.

The deans and team members of the two colleges were extremely polite to the Star Academy. Even the team members who came to the competition came to say thank you to Xin Han. They knew that they were not stronger than other colleges. Underpants are the reason why others are expensive.

Under the auspices of the great saints of the temple, the ten principals all worshipped the creation statue, and then held a lottery ceremony before the creation statue.

The teams that were victimized in the first stage thought that they were attacked or sneak attacked to make the 'Star Academy' squad take advantage, so today they are eager to try to come to power first. I didn't expect that the partial student is the neutral school of 'Endless Dark Academy' The first long sign was drawn.

‘Undead Magister’, the captain of the ‘Endless Dark Academy’ team, stood up and said: “I ’ll come in the first game!”

After talking, he blessed himself with a magic of 'endless magic energy'. A dark breath from **** wrapped him up. I saw that he did not bypass the stone road on the stage, but waded directly from the pool. .

Moore took a step, and the water under his feet quickly formed ice. When he walked up to the stone platform, a thick ice road had formed in the middle of the pool water.

The use of this hand of magic suddenly won a lot of colorful voices, and Xin Han nodded secretly. This Moore is worthy of being a magister. He is flexible in the use of magic, but he is a talent.

After Moore took the stage from the water, he said aloud: "Moore," Endless Dark Academy ", accept the challenge!"

"I'm coming!" A swordsman from the Thunder Academy exploded in fighting spirit, and a foot leaping ‘dong’ fell on the stone platform with a heavy sound.

This time there was an applause.

Xin Han's disgusting, this is far from light power, OK, so loud landing, you did not throw yourself to death.

The swordsman who took the stage paid a tribute: "Thunder Academy's swordsman Thorne, challenge you!"

As he came to power, a transparent magic shield was raised around the pool. Xin Han knew that this should be the defensive magic array of the battlefield. With this shield, the people inside can let go and do it. Worried about hurting people around by mistake.

Moore nodded: "Come on!" While speaking, a dark magic shield was directly in front of him. This guy named Thorne called Xin Han in the thousands of miles of the forest and picked a clean one. Borrowing the big sword of both hands, under the impetus, the golden light directly exploded on the big sword.

With the sound of ‘Om’, the long sword was directly chopped on the magic shield, and a sound of ‘clang’ crashed into metal.

The Dean of Thunder Academy suddenly shouted, "Be careful!"

But before he finished speaking, he saw that the magic shield had been divided into two halves. From the black magic shield, a demon from **** rushed out, and a claw was holding the blade of the two-handed sword, and the other A sharp claw was cut directly on the swordman called Thorne.

Thorne was still quite conscious, and when his paws were not deep into his body, he burst into a grudge, and jumped back into the pool, and at the same time shouted, "I admit defeat!"

Moore hid a summoned demon in a magical shield. The use of this spell was beyond imagination.

However, Qiangzhong has his own strong middleman. After five rounds of competition, Moore was forced to retreat by Thrall of the Thunder Academy and automatically conceded defeat.

Thrall is the strength of the great swordsman, and the rank of the magician is the great magister. Under the strength of the crush, Moore can support several moves, and he also received applause after losing.

At the end of the battle, the magic shield disappeared. Thrall stood on the stage, holding a large sword with both hands in one hand. The blade pointed at Xin Han: "You, dare to fight me!"

All eyes were gathered on Xin Han in an instant. The latter stood up and fell on the platform with a sudden jump. When he landed, he kicked on Thrall's chest, and the goods were directly sprayed with blood. Go out, this foot is too fierce, Thrall spewed out the internal organs in the air.

Xin Han looked around and said to the crowd of people around him: "Xing Han Academy magician Xin Han, accept the challenge!"

Everyone awakened from the consternation, and all were disgusted by his words. Nima even shameless, kicked a big sword master, and even claimed to be a magician!

At this time, the people of Thunder Academy had lifted Thrall back, and when he went back, he had no breath, and no matter how many treatment magics were cast on him, there was no response at all.

Several senior members of Thunder Academy instantly became angry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shouted at the Great Saint: "He attacked, the magic shield has not been opened, he shot, he must be killed to avenge Thrall ! "

If they did not dare to indulge in the Temple of Creation, they might have rushed up to fight with Xin Han, and the genius that came out of the millennium fell like this. Nima, who can bear it.

The Great Saint was silent for a long time: "According to the rules, even if the challenged player comes to power, even if it is on the battlefield, this does not seem to be a sneak attack!"

Suddenly, it was unexpected that the Great Saint even told them that the mean boy named Arthur did not sneak attack, but the Great Saint immediately warned Xin Han seriously:

"There is no precedent before, but from now on, you can only start after the magic shield is opened!"

He ignored the protests of several colleges and announced: "The challenge continues!"

The meaning of the great saint is that he has never seen such a shame before. This is the first time, so be it, but it will never be allowed next time.

Xin Han looked at the following people who were filled with indignation and gave a group of ridiculous smiles: "It's too much trouble to go one by one, you go together!"

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