Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1494: The origin of "Zhantian"

Zhan Tian took Xin Han to sit down on the stone chair under the apple tree, and then showed a playful expression:

"But I know that you have the space ability. Don't tell me that there is no private collection in your space. Those food, wine, etc., take it out and solve the greedy for my elderly!"

Xin Han shook his head with a smile, and said that the semi-finished product was the one you gave me. Of course, you know that I have the space ability, and I am not stingy immediately. I took out the delicious food and wine he prepared in the space. . .し w0.

Dragon liver and phoenix pith, precious flavors and flavors, syrup and jade liquid, together with flat peach fairy fruit, a table is set up, which is exactly the posture to open the flat peach meeting.

Zhantian, or the creation **** of the God Territory world, although it is the most powerful and top-notch existence in this world, is also full of praise for the treasures of the wild world.

In particular, this flat peach is no worse than that of the elemental fruit. It is even more than that. The best is the nine thousand-year-old flat peach. One can be transformed into a fairy and placed in this world. One step into God!

This flat peach is almost the same as a normal deity.

Looking at the creation **** Hu Haisai, who had n’t eaten for three years, Xin Han was embarrassed to disturb him. After he ate and drank almost, he could n’t help asking again: “I said Brother Zhantian, you too It ’s time to talk about the reason for the original thing! "

Zhantian put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "Well, since you want to listen, I will tell you the whole story!"

When he spoke, his eyes became out of focus, as if he was thinking about the distant past.

As Zhantian told, Xin Han also gradually understood the hope of things.

Chuangshi God is Zhantian, but Zhantian is not Zhuangshi God. This sounds a bit chaotic, but it will be clear after the explanation.

The thing is to start from the beginning. The creation **** is the first creature in this universe, a bit similar to the wild Pangu, they were also born when the world and the world are not divided.

The creator **** also cultivated great magical powers in the chaos. Of course, the cultivation method of his realization is very different from the cultivation system of the wilderness, that is, the elemental law is condensed into a divine personality and the existence of the rule of the master.

This is a big gap between him and Pangu, because Pangu had incorporated the laws into the blood veins at that time. Those things were just supernatural powers for Pangu. This was also after Pangu fell, and the blood veins became the twelve ancestors and witches who mastered the rules the reason.

Although the creation **** is not as good as Pangu, he also has the ambition to open the sky, but if he can't do it as hard as Pangu, he can't do it, so he changed the method and slowly figured it out.

After countless years of hard work, he finally succeeded in opening the sky, but after the opening of the sky, Tiandao was born. Of course, in the word of the God of Creation, Tiandao is called the "universe will"!

The script is the same as Honghuang. After the birth of Heavenly Dao or "Cosmic Will", the people who open the sky are destined to fall, and the accumulation of countless years before must be returned to the new world with even profit.

Pangu is a spirit of flesh and blood, and skin and hair are all given back to the wild land, and the Genesis God is also facing such a situation.

However, where his countless years of life would be so cheap, Tiandao, fortunately, there is still a ray of vitality, because he opened the sky not overnight, but slowly drawing it, so his consumption and suppression by Heavenly Dao are relative to Pangu , Very few.

Therefore, he used the occasion of heaven to rebirth to force himself to do the right thing, that is, he did what Hongjun's ancestors did later, trying to merge his remaining strength with the newly born cosmic will.

Of course, the difference is that Hong Jun is united with Tian Dao, and most of his thinking is controlled by Tian Dao. The purpose of the Genesis God is to devour this cosmic consciousness. Although the two are in harmony, his thinking should be the main one.

This fusion is the end of countless years, and the creator **** has only merged 50% of Heavenly Dao. Then no matter how hard he tried, there was no progress.

At this time, he can influence some heaven and earth. For example, in the law of heaven and earth in this world, only the cultivation system that allows the cultivation of elemental energy is for this reason.

Although the body of the Genesis God is integrated with half of the "cosmic consciousness", it is also trapped in the cosmic consciousness and cannot advance or retreat.

Although Genesis God did not fall, and his body did not turn into a continent, the universe still followed the rules of heaven and earth, condensing itself into a vast continent like a wilderness. This is the "Continent of God Territory"!

With the passage of time, countless souls were born on the road of God Territory, but because there was no spiritual nourishment of the creation god, no powerful life like Sanqing and Twelve Ancestors was born on the mainland.

However, both humans and Warcraft can rely on absorbing elemental energy to achieve the purpose of making themselves powerful, but there is no corresponding practice, even if they are powerful.

Under the intention of the Genesis God, his cultivation skills were gradually passed down, so some people successfully condensed into a divine personality by condensing the element law, thereby becoming gods. These people are the earliest gods in the mainland of the God Territory, that is, the ancient gods. .

After the spread of the cultivation system, in the endless years that followed, things that did not happen to the creator **** happened, and at the same time, he also saw the hope of fully integrating the 'universe will'.

An alternative existence appeared among the practitioners. Some people even realized the space element, and some people realized the time element, thus condensing the law of elements and forming a divine personality.

It is important to know that these two elements are that neither the creator of the creation itself has ever possessed, nor have ever felt it, but in the eyes of the creator, it is clear that these two elements are the foundation of the universe.

He has already mastered all the elements of the system except these two fundamental elements. If he can master the elements of time and space again, it means that he has mastered the entire universe. The so-called cosmic consciousness is naturally not afraid.

So he began to study these two elements, because he could not sense himself, he divided a ray of consciousness and turned it into an ancient god, specializing in grasping the possession of these elements of time or space, gouging away their bodies, bones, cells, Careful research and inspection.

When Xin Han heard this, his face had changed, and he looked into the eyes of Zhan Tian in front of him, and he was no longer grateful.

‘Zhantian’ seemed to feel Xin Han ’s change, and gestured with his hand: “Do n’t worry, listen to me slowly!”

He calmed Xin Han for a while, and then talked about it. After he killed all humans who could perceive the elements of time and space on the road, the research entered a dead end, and he could not solve two problems.

The first problem is that the elements of time and space, which should have been complementary, cannot be integrated into a body.

The second problem is that although the creator God understands the mysteries, he still cannot sense the existence of these two elements,

Many years have passed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A wizard who can sense two elements at the same time appeared on the continent of God Territory. The appearance of this person gave Chuangshi God hope.

With the secret help of the creator god, this wizard has successfully condensed the time and space gods, and has successfully become the first ancient **** who has both these divine powers!

So the creator **** started with this wizard, and he needed the finished godhead.

The ancient **** of the creation **** has fought countless days and nights with the ancient **** who mastered the power of time and space. The opponent's unexpectedly powerful, let the creation **** pay enough price to make the ancient **** fall in the case of the ancient **** of fall. It also fell at the same time, and the creation **** also successfully obtained the finished time and space personality.

Originally God of Creation wanted to integrate himself with this Godhead, but no matter how hard he tried, he ended in failure.

But the God of Creation is the God of Creation. Do n’t take the wrong path. He once again splits a Divine Avatar, draws out 50% of the Divine Power in the Space-Time Divine Power, and reincarnates with the Divine Avatar, and finally merges through the compatibility of the mother and child. In one place.

Later, the doppelganger was born, and the name was called ‘Zhantian’!

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