Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 149: Curiosity

Xin Han carried the sword and slowly approached Yu Renhao, who was fighting, step by step, with a grudge on his lips.

Yu Renhao dealt with the two Huashan Jianzong fame alone, and although he could barely withstand the evil spirits, he wanted to defeat the enemy but was delusional.

Originally, he thought of supporting the master and brother to kill the enemy, and then came to help him, but he did not expect that the brother was beheaded and the master was entangled by Yue Buqun.

Take another look at the fiercely starry star Shaxing who is running with a smile and a sword. He has no courage to fight immediately. He shook his head and ran away. He shouted, "Master, rest assured, I will Revenge for you. "

In fact, he could n’t wait for Yu Canghai to be hacked to death. You Yu Canghai would just cut the machine and practice his sword. He would force his apprentice to do the same. Ghosts are not alive and alive.

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters were both tragically dead, he said: "If you kill you again, you will be a fool."

Cheng Buyou and Cong Buqi did n’t expect Yu Renhao to throw away his master and escape alone, so he even forgot to chase after a while, but he thought about it when he thought about it. How could such a master really make people sell his life for him? .

The two men slayed toward Yu Canghai with the sword, this is the big fish, and his hatred with the Huashan faction can no longer be resolved. If this person is left, he is afraid of endless troubles.

Yu Canghai wanted to speak at the moment when Renhao escaped, but Wang Yuanba's lifeless attack, or even a defeated attack, coupled with fierce swordsmanship. The impetuous Yue Buqun made him unable to even speak.

Cheng Wuyou, Cong Buqin, and when Xin Han came over to him, Yu Canghai was afraid. Qingshan was left with no worries and no firewood. If everyone died, what would be the use of the evil sword technique? If he hadn't dominated the martial arts, wouldn't it be a white-cut machine?

Thinking of this, Yu Canghai suddenly broke out, and Jianguang surged. Shengsheng forced Lao Yue back two steps and pulled away.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yuanba saw his thoughts, did not retreat, but moved forward, facing Yu Canghai's sword light. Yu Canghai's sword was in the middle of Wang Yuanba, and he passed through his right chest.

Wang Yuanba was so fierce that he grabbed the sword that pierced his body with one hand, and with the other hand, the sword was chopped without cutting. Yu Canghai was unable to draw the sword, and was being cut on the arm holding the sword. The sword's arm was severed.

The two screamed at the same time. After Wang Yuanba's move, he eventually stayed on the ground and was soft. Bright red blood kept flowing from his mouth.

When Yu Canghai broke his arm, he suddenly spouted a blood, and suddenly his body speed doubled, and he fled towards the distance, screaming in his mouth: "I Yu Canghai will never destroy Huashan and Wang's door in this life, and swear not to be human."

He is twice as fast as before. It was like a piece of blue light, blinking. Everyone couldn't keep up, and could only watch him run away.

The people present couldn't help but be horrified. Feng Buping, who was not involved in the battle because of his injury, kept his eyes on Yu Canghai. At this time, he could n’t help but say: “If he had just waited for this speed just now, I am afraid that we would have beheaded one by one, Huashan in the future It's difficult. "

Yue Buqun and others nodded, it seems that Huashan will add another enemy in the future.

Xin Han shook his head and said: "Under the attack of Master and Master Wang, it is difficult for someone to hide his strength. I think he suddenly broke out. It must be a life-saving move that costs a lot of money. It is impossible to use it often, so everyone does not have to. worry."

After thinking for a long time, Yue Buqun confirmed Xin Han ’s statement: "When Yu Canghai broke his arm, he spouted a blood. I once heard that there is a kind of kung fu on the rivers and lakes that can forcibly increase the strength to a level, but it hurts the spirit afterward It takes a year of cultivation to recover. I want to come to Yu Canghai just like this method. "

Everyone couldn't help but nod, thinking that Yu Canghai's right arm was broken, and the combat power would be greatly reduced.

Wang Yuanba was penetrated by Yu Canghai's sword into his right chest, hurting his lungs. Fortunately, he had profound skills. Yue Buqun personally used Zixia Gong to heal his wounds, and finally saved his life after some treatment.

Wang Zhongqiang was shattered his heart, Wang Jiaju was cut off his head, Wang Bofen was cut off his arm, and the royal family of the golden sword in Luoyang suffered a devastating blow in a day.

For several days in a row, the Wang family held a funeral, and Huashan sent all its disciples to help. Although the incident was caused by Lin Ping, the Wang family did not change their attitude toward this grandson and the Huashan school, and were even more enthusiastic.

Because they still have to rely on the Huashan faction to support it, Wang Yuanba and Wang Bo have suffered terribly. The Wang family now has no one to support the facade. Wang Jiajun also found Yue Buqun yesterday to hope that the Huashan faction could be a guest at the Wang family for some time.

After thinking about it, Yue Buqun responded.

After Wang Zhongqiang and Wang Jiaju entered the earth to settle down, the days finally calmed down. Ling Hu Chong still took out half a day to learn the piano, and came back to Xin Han to cheat and drink.

Xin Han diligently practised internal strength every day, and his life was quite boring. Linghu Chong went out to learn the piano again on that day, and when Linghu rushed away, Xinhan suddenly thought.

"That Ren Yingying is the heroine in the original book. You haven't seen a long look yet. It's better to quietly go over and look at it."

With this thought in mind, I lived without disturbing the others. I left the Wang family and went all the way to Dongcheng. On the way, I also found an inn to change my clothes to prevent Linghu Chong from discovering himself.

When I arrived near the place where Lvzhu Weng lived, there was no one around me. The bones around me fluttered for a while, and my body became a different person. Then I sneaked in.

In front of the bamboo house, an old man was making baskets with bamboo. It should be green bamboo. The faint piano sounds drifted out of the bamboo house and overflowed the entire bamboo forest. The picture and sound were combined, giving people an instant experience of a free cloud wild crane. I have a leisurely mood.

Xin Han listened, and knew that the song should be "Qing Xin Pu Shan Man", because he realized that the song could calm down the chaotic thoughts. Make people easy to quiet down.

He glanced at the Green Bamboo Weng, and he was shocked. He quietly spared a large circle and reached the back of the bamboo house. Only then did he find that the bamboo house was actually two rooms together. There is also a small house on the left, and the sound of the piano is the small house on the left.

Xin Han thought to himself that this is where Ren Yingying lived. He crept, leaning carefully towards the little house, and saw that there was only a bamboo window on the little house. He leaned over and looked inside quietly.

This one couldn't help but a moment of disappointment. I saw Ling Hu Chong turned his back on the piano, and the gurgling sound came from his fingertips.

Not far before Linghu rushed, a veil was lying across the room.

Xin Hanning looked away. I only vaguely saw a personal image, but I couldn't see the facial features at all. I couldn't see it at all. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I knew I might not see Ren Yingying.

Most of him was curious, and wanted to see what the original book's heroine looked like, but she had no other thoughts, except for a little disappointment. No other feeling.

Since he couldn't see it, Xin Han wanted to retreat, but he saw Ling Huchong suddenly stopped the sound and turned back suddenly. The two eyes just looked at each other.

"Who's that!" Ling Huchong stood up abruptly, coming out of the door carrying the sword and coming to check.

Xin Hanxin said: "Fortunately, the window and the door are not in the same direction. When you turn around, I will have run away for a long time."

He was unwilling to meet Linghu, and wanted to run back, but unexpectedly, a cold hum came from the gauze. Then three black needles shot out of the gauze and shot through the window towards Xin Han.

Xin Han is turning back. I didn't expect that Miss Ren would attack herself through the screen and the window. The consequence of the carelessness is that when he found out, he only had time to avoid two.

Suddenly felt a pain in the back, and the last black needle was halfway into it.

After a moment of numbness in the back, he fell and fell to the ground, swearing in his heart: "Too important! It was actually hurt by this Miss Ren."

His delay Linghu Chong has come to the front, the shot is Huashan swordsman stab at his leg, to see if it is necessary to restrain the people so that they can understand.

Where did Xin Han make him succeed? He pushed forward with the numbness of his back, slammed it in his arms, and a bunch of things were thrown out by him, shouting, "Look at my peerless weapon" Three thousand! '"

Linghu Chong was really bluffed by him. Seeing that something was thrown over, and hearing the name of the hidden weapon 'overbearing' in Xin Han's mouth, he couldn't help being more careful. Everything is broken.

It was just that among the many weird hidden weapons, he did n’t notice that a small packet of oil paper was also picked up by his sword, and a white smoke was scattered and was suddenly inhaled by him. The rest was blown by the wind, and many of them floated along the bamboo window. In the small house.

"Not good, poison." Ling Huchong immediately held his breath, but felt that there was a surge of blood on his body, he couldn't care about his own safety and chasing Xin Han, thinking that there was a mother-in-law in the small house, and hurried to check in.

The green bamboo man over there also heard the movement and hurried over, chasing towards Xin Han.

Xin Han's important things have always been included in the void ring, and the things in his arms are only some useless things and scattered silver.

He threw things back and ran away. He didn't notice the scene afterwards, and the green bamboo man was also a good hand, and he couldn't keep up with him.

If it was usual, he had already thrown the Green Bamboo Weng far away, but today he got a shot in the back, the numbness gradually expanded, and even his mind was dizzy, and he could not throw it away.

The two rushed out of Luoyang in tandem and went straight to the outskirts of Luoyang.

When he arrived in the suburbs, he ran to the edge of a wood and saw that the green bamboo man was about to catch up. Xin Han's eyes turned and he laughed suddenly: "That old man, what are you chasing? "

Lvzhu Meng stood swiftly, looked at Xin Han who couldn't see far, stomped his hate, turned back and ran back, a word came from a distance: "No matter who you are, you will pay for today's things. "

Xin Han sees the green bamboo Weng retreating, and then he enters the woods, sits cross-legged, and transports the 'Zixia Divine Skill' to begin to force drugs.

It may be the reason that he was strengthened by the t virus. The poisoning was very smooth. The internal force was dizzy and the sense of numbness receded. The black needle in the back was automatically discharged by the peristaltic muscles and landed on the ground.

Waiting for all the negative feelings to disappear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xin Han felt terribly grateful. After looking back, he was shocked immediately.

I saw a black needle in the pool of black blood, and a black needle was suddenly wrapped in it. The grass within a foot of it was already withered. It can be seen that this toxic and flaming abnormality can't help but make me feel shocked. If I haven't merged the virus, I want to come to this moment. It ’s like these dead grasses.

Besides, Green Bamboo Weng, hurriedly returned to the bamboo house, and heard faintly that there was a rapid sound from the two of them. He was about to check, and he heard Ren Yingying ’s voice: "Give me ... far away from ... Far away, no ... not called upon calling! "

Although the voice was intermittent, there was a meaning that could not be refused. Lvzhu Weng hurriedly withdrew from the alley and stood at the entrance of the lane. His eyes showed strange colors, but he did not dare to think.

And remind myself from time to time: "I did not think about it, I did not think about it." (To be continued)

ps: Thanks: Monthly ticket and suggestion of Brother Kuroki Yibai, thank you brothers who reward.

Today, the account of Brother ‘Dongfeifengwu’ has been stolen. I regret for summer. Thank you again for your previous support. Please pay attention to protecting your account. I just saw a post saying that many starting accounts have been stolen recently.

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