Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 155: Turned out to be him

Xin Hanqi said: "I have told you that my" Zixia Divine Skill "was replaced with other cheats. You have to learn to find your father."

Yue Lingshan immediately became listless: "If my dad taught me, what would you do? Even the nasty kid was taught, my daughter is not as good as an outsider."

She is Lao Yue's daughter, and Xin Han is not surprised to know what Lao Yue passed on to Xin Han's "Zixia Shen Gong".

"Well, if you want Zixia cheats, you can exchange them for other cheats. If you don't, don't bother me."

Yue Lingshan's eyes rolled back: "I have a set of unique swordsmanship in the world. Can I use this set of swordsmanship to change with you?"

She said that Xin Han was interested: "Oh, there is such a sword? What is the name, who created it?"

Yue Lingshan smiled with interest at Xin Han: "This set of swordsmanship was created by two masters. What is the name of the swordsmanship called" Chongling swordsmanship "? How about changing it?"

Xin Han laughed at the time: "Wouldn't the two masters be you and Linghu rush?"

"How do you know? Did my brother use this sword technique on rivers and lakes?" Yue Lingshan looked curious.

"Please, can you change the name of this sword technique when you deceive people, such as what is Thunder and Thunder, tell others to call it" Chong Ling Sword Technique ", and let people guess that it was you and Linghu.

Yue Lingshan's face was red and he had not spoken for a long time.

When Xin Han was about to fall asleep, Yue Lingshan suddenly said: "Mei Zhenming, don't you lie to me, how come it sounds like you don't have a real name?"

Xin Han almost fell from the tree, but did not expect this girl to guess.

In the evening, Xin Han planned to eat something to deal with a bite, took a piece of barbecue from his arms and chewed it.

Yue Lingshan heard the sound of his food and looked up and looked at him in amazement: "Did you even bring food?"

"Of course. Knowing how to do it at night, without a little food, how powerful is it, and am I not stupid?"

As soon as Xin Han finished talking, he heard Yue Lingshan's stomach gurgling, and saw the girl's cheeks flushed blushingly.

Can't help laughing, tossing the barbecue in half and throwing it over: "Here, fool!"

Although Yue Lingshan was embarrassed, she came here only after a long time on the mountain road. She squatted in the tree for half a day and had not eaten two meals. He was really hungry, but he reached out and took the meat.

The girl was a little bit worried, took a silver hairpin from the hair bun, and stabbed twice on the barbecue, and saw that the silver needle did not change color, so she ate it with confidence.

Xin Han couldn't help but shook his head: "Let me teach you to be a good one. The silver needle test can only test out a small amount of poisons such as arsenic, which has no effect on most poisons."

Yue Lingshan was startled: "Are you really poisoned?"

"Next you big head ghost, don't eat and get it back!"

Yue Lingshan saw him asking for it. After two or three mouthfuls, they ate, and then smiled at Xin Han: "What kind of meat are you?

"Beef!" Xin Han said, looking at the situation in the distance.

"Nonsense. Beef is not the taste."

Xin Han simply ignored her, and Yue Lingshan was just talking.

Two more hours passed, and when it was noon, Xin Han and Yue Lingshan came down carefully from the tree. Sneak all the way to the cottage below the sentry tower.

After careful observation, I found that the thief is a thief, and the quality is really not good. Although there were two sentries, this time they were dozing on the sentry tower.

Although the sentry tower is built of wood, it is more than five meters high. As soon as Xin Han jumped up more than three meters, his toes climbed on the wall a little on the toes. Two palms passed, and the dark and energetic A thief got it.

He bowed his head towards Yue Lingshan and gestured for safety. The Huashan woman hero only performed light work and crossed the fence.

After the two came in, they discovered that the inside of the wall was actually a Taoist temple. The plaque on the main gate looked old and old, but the handwriting could still clearly read the words "Qingsong Guan".

At this time, the Taoist gate was closed and no one was guarding the door. The two looked at each other and smiled. They both rushed to Taoist temple and flew to the wall.

Xin Han looked around for a while and found that there was no dog to be relieved. The two slipped down the wall. Yue Lingshan whispered to Xin Han: "Let's break up to find someone, save the person first and then talk.

Xin Han nodded: "Okay, be careful, don't let me save you."

Yue Lingshan glanced at Xin Han: "Don't underestimate people." After speaking of Zhan Qinggong, he ran towards the courtyard.

Xin Han looked around and chose a house. He flew up, and his vision was clear from the height. He found that the innermost hall was still lit.

Xin Han simply flew across the room and went straight to the main hall. He progressed silently on the room. Some patrol and sentry bandits underneath could not find him.

He can glide in the air with the help of his mind, even if the two houses are more than ten meters away, he can easily cross, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the hall.

Faintly hearing someone talk, Xin Han quietly descended to the ground, scratching the window paper with his nails and looking inside. This look scared him.

In the middle of the hall, there was a man sitting on the Taishi chair. This person he knew was one of the four shows in Qingcheng. Yu Renhao, who had escaped from the Wang family before.

Xin Han thought of Qingsongguan's name, is it related to the Qingcheng School.

I saw a young man sitting on the next chair and was talking with Yu Renhao. I saw that he was angrily said: "Brother, how did you come to be like this time, and your temper became strange, these days How many merchants have you killed in the past? And today you also led people to rob the Fuhu Dart Board, but behind the Fu Tiger Dart Board is the Shaolin Temple, are we offended? "

Yu Renhao pinched the orchid finger and said with a smile: "Tomorrow you will be married, and my elder brother will not hide you. I practiced a kung fu. It is very tight, but there are also disadvantages. I am afraid that we will be out of date. The family is pointing at your expenses, and it is for this reason that you are married. "

The young man was shocked and angrily said: "At first, Dad tried his best to send you to Qingcheng to practice martial arts, in order that our Qingsongguan will have a dependence in the future. You learn this ... are you worthy of Dad?"

"Shut up!" Yu Renhao shouted sharply, the sound was exactly the same as Yu Canghai, just like a woman.

The young man was irritated when he saw him, and he stopped talking angrily.

For a while, Yu Renhao said: "Azhi, I can't turn my head back. But it's not a problem for you to be a backer. The reason why I have been crazy for the past few days is because I want to do the last one and earn us all my life. The endless silver, and then hide far away, waiting for my deeds to be done, no one will dare to stop what we want to do. "

"As for the Fuhu Dart Bureau, you don't have to be afraid. When we go, we will kill all the men. That little lady looks good and just happens to be your wife. You can marry a few more, and we can be prosperous at home."

Xin Han heard clearly outside. Secretly said: "It turns out that Yu Renhao was actually born as a bandit, and this thief's den belongs to their family."

Just when Xin Han wanted to go in and kill the Renhao brothers, suddenly the barking of the dog in front came, and then someone sounded a gong to warn him. Others shouted loudly: "Someone has broken into the mountains."

The young man named Azhi stood up suddenly in the hall: "Did Shaolin kill the door?"

Yu Renhao said: "The case that was only done in the morning, how can it be so fast, we must go down the mountain and grab people. When it was found, it attracted a fool who wanted to be a chivalrous soldier, let us see."

Yu Renhao now speaks with a charming meaning, which makes his younger brother can't stand him, so he robs the door first.

Xin Han flew to the upper room as soon as he came out and flew past the place where the cry came.

I saw a brightly lit courtyard in front of Taoist temple, and the sound of swords crossing also came.

When Xin Han arrived at the place, he looked down on the room and saw that Yue Lingshan was leading a wave of people confronting the bandits. It is correct to say that he was surrounded by a hundred bandits on the back of the courtyard wall.

There were more than ten corpses of evil dogs on the ground beside it. It seemed that Yue Lingshan was killed with a sword.

There are also dozens of thieves' bodies next to it.

Behind her, it was actually the person in the Fuhu Dart Bureau that Xin Han was looking for, thinking that she was found in the right place to release the person.

It's just that these people are a bit miserable now. Zou Liang's arm hangs softly and is supported by some embarrassed Zhang Guizhi. The dartsman behind him is wounded by everyone, and he doesn't seem to have much combat power.

Only listen to Zhang Guizhi and Yue Lingshan said: "Girl you go quickly, don't care about us, this Qingsongguan has a master, you can't go away when he comes."

Yue Lingshan looked a little dignified: "Sister assured, there is another person who came with me. We will be safe when he arrives."

At this time, the two thieves took advantage of Yue Lingshan's speech and were distracted, one holding a plate axe and the other holding a steel knife, and rushed up at the same time.

Yue Ling Shanjiao drank, and a move of ‘Gubsensen’ pulled out two sword flowers and opened a mouth in front of the two men. The two were killed at the time.

If you say that this bandit will fire a lot of punches and weapons, but if you can't compare with Huashan swordsmanship.

Seeing Yue Lingshan's fierce swordsmanship, these thieves shouted, "All around, don't move, wait for the big master to pick her up." His voice didn't fall, and someone behind him shouted, "The big master came, and flashed away . "

The thieves automatically diverged a path, and wherever Zhi Zhi passed, the thieves shouted, "Big master."

A Zhi followed Yu Renhao, and the two brothers had just walked into the crowd, reflected by the torches, and Yu Renhao and Yue Lingshan recognized each other at the same time.

"It's you?" Yu Renhao was shocked and stopped his younger brother to step forward and clenched his fist: "I don't know where Yue Zhang's head is now, let me bear the guilt in front of me."

The so-called superior in Zhang Guizhi's mouth is naturally Yu Renhao, and everyone in the darts board was relieved to see that Yue Lingshan had such a face.

How do you know Yue Lingshan said: "My dad didn't come, why are you here? Hurry up and put all the people you caught today, or I will tell my dad that you are doing something wrong here."

Xin Han patted his head, this silly girl.

Yu Renhao heard that Yue Buqun did n’t come, and his face changed two times. Suddenly, he changed into a somewhat greasy face, but he was still so mother!

Only listen to him whispered: "If I leave you here, guess Gu Yuequn will know you are here?"

He said that after his body shape moved suddenly, he appeared even more ghostly under the reflection of the torch. He reached Yue Lingshan in the blink of an eye, and the long sword pierced his throat towards Yue Lingshan.

He had planned to kill Yue Lingshan here, and she went back to the province to report the news and alarmed Yue Buqun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ By that time, the hypocrite had found clues, and he and his brother might not be able to fall away.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind on his head, and the speed came very fast. He had reached the top of his forehead. He could not kill Yue Lingshan, and the long sword swept upward, and he heard a bang, and a tile was smashed by his sword.

But the strength carried on the tiles made him retreat five steps in a row, his hands shook, and his sword was almost released. (To be continued ...)

PS: Let ’s talk about Yue Lingshan ’s plot first. She originally planned to arrange an emotional drama for her and the protagonist, but just after showing her signs, she was strongly opposed by the readers, so all the emotional dramas in the summer were cut from the writing, Yue Lingshan. You will get lunch only after you show up in the '158 Chapters'. Everyone will be patient.

All the manuscripts afterwards will be invalidated. Sadly, I will learn the lessons next time. When I open a new world, I will ask everyone first, whether you can accept it, who you will accept, and then write it. Please forgive me for this accident.

In addition, the summer will speed up the process and strive to get rid of Xiaoao as soon as possible.

Thanks: Thank you brothers for singing the national anthem every day. Today, two chapters are sent together, and another chapter is uploaded after 10 minutes.

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