Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 284: 3 player scuffle

The biggest difference between Qiao Feng's eighteen dragons and his palms is his momentum. This is what Xin Han felt when he shot Qiao Feng.

When Xin Han used the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, I was invincible and pressed against others, that is, only myself had no enemies in my eyes, and regarded the enemies like grass and mustard.

In addition to this point, Qiao Feng also has an unprecedented momentum of coercion and dominance, which makes Xin Han instantly feel an irresistible feeling.

However, Xin Han is not so easy to succumb. On the hard fight of the palm, he has never served anyone. The same tactic "Kang Long has regrets" greeted him.

Two sounds of Long Yin suddenly sounded between the two of them, and the palms touched, but no one backed away, but the ground under their feet exploded, and a wave of turbulence broke out from the palm junction, making Duan Yu and several people watching the battle. The woman couldn't help but take a few steps back subconsciously, and her clothes were hooted by the strong wind.

The pair of palms of the two, Xin Han suddenly understood, no wonder Qiao Feng is so fierce, this man is actually a natural divine power, coupled with the practice of external power in Shaolin Temple since he was a child, he worked hard, and his strength broke out. A blow from his 80% strength.

Qiao Feng was also very surprised. In his lifetime, Xin Han was the first person who dared to take him down to the front, and he felt that Xin Han still had the power to spare.

"Happiness!" Qiao Feng did not panic and rejoice. After so many years, he finally met a rival with considerable competition. As a fighting madman, how could he not be pleased, retract his right arm, and shoot it on the left palm. The eleven palms are 'suddenly'.

Xin Han went up with ‘Shocked Baili’, which Qiao Feng ’s style changed, his body changed, and a ‘time by six dragon’ hit the Xin Han ribs.

The two no longer fight hard, but compete with the dragon's eighteen palms, Xin Han will not be refined, where can I compare Qiao Feng's martial arts wizard who has realized the ultimate skills, and only a few strokes will fall in the wind. .

In terms of the eighteen palms of the dragon alone, perhaps in Qiao Feng ’s hands, he can truly be called the name of the first palm in the world.

The original book once said that Qiao Feng was a martial arts wizard, and he encountered a few moves with similar skills and then defeated him. Meet someone with higher skill than him. In the end, they often win.

Xin Han didn't believe it. At this moment, he personally fought against it, but he couldn't believe it. It must be said that he had Du Gu Jiu Jian as his foundation. Seeing any moves can give a glimpse of the mystery and directly contribute to its flaws. But the dragon palm is in Qiao Feng's hand, even if it reveals flaws, it is full of murderous opportunities. People dare not move lightly.

If a sword is in hand, Xin Han will dare to break through. But he didn't dare to attack with his palm alone. He knew that if he used only Dragon Palm and Qiao Feng, he would definitely lose. Immediately flipped with one hand, a flame knife split in the past.

Fortunately, his time for practicing the flame sword was too short. This invisible sword gas could not help Qiao Feng's palm style at all, and it was broken by him, and at the same time his palm kept nonstop. Straight shot.

Xin Han stroked Tai Chi Yun's hand and wanted to draw Qiao Feng's palm, but Qiao Feng felt that Tai Chi was taking advantage of his strength, but his arm was shrunk and stretched. .

Xin Han had no choice but to launch Lingbo's micro-step to avoid this trick, and then started a battle with Qiao Feng, Jiuyin God clawed to greet him constantly, but Qiao Feng was all resolved.

The two played for a long time, Qiao Feng is still a set of dragon drop palms, and Xin Han has already done everything except the Yiyang finger and the six-veined sword Jian Duan Yu recognized, they ca n’t help this beggar gang master .

Xin Han really convinced, not to say how powerful Qiao Feng is, he needs to use his mental power to win in minutes, if he uses the six-pronged sword sword, Qiao Feng may not be able to compete, he admires Qiao Feng This kind of fighting literacy is definitely the most powerful he has ever met.

Perhaps Zhang Zhenren, who is over a hundred years old in Yitianli, can be compared with Qiao Feng's combat literacy based on his hundred years of experience, but Zhang Zhenren is a century of martial arts experience. How old is Qiao Feng?

In the case of Kumomochi, Xin Han feels that the skills of Little Dove and Qiao Feng are similar, but if the two are against each other, in the end, Kumomochi must be killed by Qiao Feng.

This is Qiao Feng, it is so domineering! If it is said that the descending dragon palm can increase the combat power by 100% in Xin Han's hands, it can be increased by at least 200% or more in Qiao Feng's hands.

Finally, Xin Han determined his current fist and foot moves. If he could not beat Qiao Feng without using the six pulses, he said in a battle: "Qiao Bangzhen is a martial arts wizard. Xin Han pays a victory in the move but cannot help him. How about comparing our weapons . "

Qiao Feng was so addicted that he immediately smiled and said, "Just get the experience."

The two stopped, and Xin Han came to Longquan Baodao from Zhou Zhiruo: "Qiao Bangzhu be careful, this sword in my hand is an authentic Longquan, which can cut iron like mud."

Qiao Feng praised Xin Han bluntly. He drew a crystal green bamboo stick out of a long bag on the outside of his right trousers. It was the token of the beggar gangster who played the dog stick.

After taking out his dog stick, he said, "Despite the peace of mind, Brother Xin can help this weapon with a dog stick hard to hurt, even the sword and sword."

Xin Han naturally didn't believe it and could resist the Longquan sword Thaksin, but if he took out Yitianjian, he would certainly cut off the sword with a dog, and then Qiao Feng would cry!

But he couldn't do anything like this, and immediately took a sword tactic: "Qiao helps the master be careful." He said a sword to Qiao Feng's shoulder.

Qiao Feng used the dog-stick method to dispel the hits, dissolve this trick, and then pumped Xin Han's feet with a backhand.

Xin Han immediately launched the Dugu Nine Sword and Qiao Feng's dog-bat technique. This situation was reversed from the previous one. Qiao Feng was fighting Xin Han just now, but now it is Xin Han's long sword Qiao Feng can only be defended, there is no room for attack.

The dog-sticking technique is the true secret of the beggar gang. The eighteen palms of the dragon can also teach one or two tricks to the active disciples. The absolute non-gang master of the dog-sticking technique is not allowed to teach. To.

The later generation Hong Qigong accepted Guo Jing, but Huang Rong became the gang leader, but Guo Jing didn't learn this trick. It wasn't that the nine-finger beggar didn't like it and didn't love this stupid apprentice. Qi Gong can't go against it either.

This shows the extraordinary features of this set of stick techniques. All the martial arts in the world are skillful and exquisite in strength, and the dog stick technique can definitely rank in the top three.

However, even if it is subtle, there are still tricks to follow. As long as there are tricks, you have to be restrained by Du Gu Nine Swords. Even if Qiao Feng fights to cultivate Tianlong first, such a subtle stick technique is also beaten by Xin Han. Merit.

Xin Han fought more and more coolly, and the moves like antelope hanging in the corner were nowhere to be found. Every sword that was made would definitely help Qiao Feng. It is expected that the enemy plane first, this aggressive attack of Qiao Feng did not have the strength to fight back. The depressed air of the opponent's empty hand is released, and his heart is very comfortable.

He did n’t think it was refreshing enough, he put a long sword directly on it and put Duan Yu on the sidelines: "Second brother, you also come up together, let ’s fight with the three of us, let me and Joe help you to learn your six veins. How about the Excalibur. "

He asked in his mouth, in fact, he was not relentless at all, and the two swords put Duan Yu in the battle circle.

Qiao Feng saw that Xin Han's swordsmanship was extremely invincible. He had wanted to stop, but when he heard that Xin Han said that Duan Yu actually knew the six-sword sword, he couldn't help but touch his warlike heart. He wanted to see this legend. Martial arts

Now I can't help but drink: "Okay, Brother Duan, let's fight a bit, and also ask Qiao Mou to see your Excalibur."

Duan Yu's most admired at this time was the brothers who had rescued him several times, and Qiao Feng who felt arrogant at first sight. Since both of them said this, he was suddenly so arrogant that he usually failed. The spirit's six-veined Excalibur was also played casually.

I saw his right thumb pressed, and a sword gas shot out, shouting: "The two elder brothers are careful."

Duan Yu's shot was a true sword spirit, Qiao Feng's body flickered continuously, and he would use dog sticks to dance against the wind and rain, and Xin Han also temporarily gave up attacking Qiao Feng. The sword qi that came was resolved one by one.

Chennai Duan Yu's six-pulse sword is a long-range attack. With all his moves, he gradually forced the two to retreat to his side and opened the distance, and this time he took advantage.

Duan Yu's Liumai Excalibur is not very skilled, and he must give it to the masters such as Xinhan and Qiao Feng, but then it is a three-person melee. Xin Han and Qiao Feng have to guard against each other when dealing with the Six Veins Excalibur. The attack of this kind has given Duan Yu the upper hand.

After dozens of other tricks, Xin Han suddenly said: "Stop the game and stop playing. If you hit it like this, it won't make a difference."

Qiao Feng also smiled bitterly: "That's why, it's hard for you and I to care about each other and let go of our hands and feet. Qiao Mou has long been thinking about strike."

Xin Han admired: "Brother Qiao's martial arts are really powerful, Xin Han really admires."

Qiao Feng also said: "Brother Xin's swordsman Qiao has only seen in his life, and he can be called unparalleled in the world." He praised Xin Han's swordsmanship and did not mention his fists and feet. Obviously, he did not dare to compliment him.

Qiao Feng's voice changed again and again: "But Brother Duan's" Six Veins Excalibur "is indeed extraordinary. If he is skillful, he may also compete with Brother Xin's sword."

Duan Yu waved his hands again and again: "I can't do it, these six-veined divine swords don't work when they are working."

Xin Han took the opportunity to propose: "I and Qiao Gangzhu saw the same thing, it is better to be a brother."

Qiao Feng felt that Xin Han and Duan Yu were very good, and moved this heart early, and was happy to say: "Qiao Mou also has this intention, I don't know how Brother Duan?"

Duan Yuxi said: "The younger brothers can't do what they want ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The three of them described their age on the spot. Qiao Feng was older than Duan Han, who was naturally the older brother, Xin Han ranked second, Duan Han ranked the second, Duan Yu was the smallest, and the current three The soil is incense, and he worshipped the gods for eight weeks, and he has since become a brother.

Xin Han introduced Qiao Feng to his four wives, and Zhou Zhiruo's four daughters all came to visit Qiao Feng, who was called Big Brother.

After everyone saw the ceremony, Qiao Feng asked about Xin Han Wugong: "I watch your second brother, you have unparalleled swordsmanship, but the kung fu on the fists and feet are very problematic. When you just passed the move, all of the kung fu you used was extremely martial arts, but you seemed I ’m not very skilled, I ’ve learned a lot, but I do n’t have any specialization. "

Xin Han knew about his own affairs, and immediately sighed: "That's why, I learned too much boxing and kung fu.

Qiao Feng nodded and persuaded: "Second brother, you'd better pick a kung fu to understand thoroughly, and reach the peak of the summit, otherwise you will not be a master in the boxing."

Xin Han said that he was being taught, and Qiao Feng turned to Duan Yu again. He heard Duan Yu saying that when he used the Six-Sword Excalibur, he felt amazed. When asked in detail, he couldn't help but laughed amazedly. Behind him, he didn't know how to use it. He immediately gave instructions and asked him to practice more. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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