Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 337: Unwelcome passenger

"Man, thank you very much!" When Jack Squad boarded the deck, the black Mitchell enthusiastically gave Xin Han a big hug.

Xin Han quickly refused: "Hey ... man, I'm not interested in men."

Mitchell laughed: "I'm not interested!"

"What's wrong with you? Has the ship hit the rocks?"

The technician of the Jack team, the timid Kerr complained: "Don't mention it, it's worse than that, our ship fell vertically from the waterfall over there ..."

"Uh ... you are really lucky to be alive."

Bill, the captain of Scarlet Mary, smiled bitterly: "Yeah, it's really lucky that the engine was scrapped when turning."

"Okay, guys, let's go in and drink something?" Xin Han led these people into the living room on the yacht.

When Bill and his Asian man entered the living room, they saw that Alice was wiping with a sand eagle in her hand, and she immediately made a defensive posture. The Asian man even pulled out the dagger capital.

The people on Jack's team are a little bit confused, and I don't know what to do for a while.

Xin Han's eyes were cold, and he grabbed the Asian man's neck and lifted it up directly: "Understand, I saved you, and dare to draw a knife for my woman? To be honest, the second thing I hate is the YinNi monkeys. . "

When Xin Han mentioned him, he directly pinched the opposite direction, and this Asian Asian could not lift his hand at this time, and hung down softly.

The dagger in his hand fell naturally, and was copied by Xin Han's left hand. With his wrist turned, the dagger was directly placed on the neck of Bill who was about to rescue his partner: "Don't move."

"Man ... no ... this gentleman, I think you must have misunderstood, they are not malicious."

Bill looked at Xin Han and knew that the two of them were overreacting, which made the host here uncomfortable and immediately said: "We used to be a soldier. The situation just now was a subconscious reaction. I hope you understand ... and. He. Not a YinNi monkey ... he is Han nationality. "

Xin Han let go of the Han nationality, and then flicked his left hand. The dagger shot straight from the hatch and fell into the water.

"Okay, it should be a misunderstanding. Next time, don't have an excessive reaction with me, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

After the Han nationality was released, he coughed loudly, breathing the fresh air greedily, watching Xin Han's eyes filled with a trace of fear.

"Sit free. I think you are tired too. Can Alice prepare some food for our guests!"

Alice placed Sha Ying on the bar counter of the bar and smiled at Xin Han: "Good dear." She said that she handed the gun to Xin Han and she ran to the kitchen to work.

Xin Han put the gun on the coffee table in the living room and invited everyone to take a seat.

The members of Jack's team, who were initially afraid of him, were relaxed when they saw his attitude calm down, and they sat down on the comfortable sofas.

Jill came down from the upper level and brought some hot juice to everyone, everyone thanked. Gil smiled and said, "You're welcome." Then he kissed Xin Han and went to help Alice.

The black Mitchell pointed at Gil's back in surprise: "You ..."

Xin Han smiled and said, "This is also my wife, and there is a wife above me who is sailing. I took my wife out for a trip this time."

Mitchell enviously said: "Guys, look, this is the life of the rich."

Jack came in a timely manner: "As long as we gain something this time, we will all become rich."

Everyone gave him a deep glance, and now the boat was gone and they got a fart.

The Han Chinese people have come to a halt at this time and said to Xin Han: "You are very powerful. May I ask if you used Chinesesekungfu?"

Xin Han nodded: "Not bad ... It's the fur of Kung Fu."

Han people said happily: "Can you teach me. I can worship you as a teacher."

Xin Han shook his head: "Sorry, I don't accept disciples. In addition, although you are not an inkpad monkey, I don't like Han people. Because they always think that all the good things in the world are from Han."

As soon as Xin Han finished speaking, everyone laughed. Bill was afraid of the conflict between the two, so he grabbed the Han people and said: "Man, drink something."

The Han people were not angry, but just smiled: "I think you are right. Although our Han country has a small territory, it should have its own strength. The people you said are just because they lack confidence. Deceive yourself with such ridiculous remarks. "

After listening to this, Xin Han looked at the Han nationality a little, and nodded at him, and then said to everyone: "Yes, there is a shower below, you can take a hot bath."

The hostess Sam and the black senior female executive Geer immediately cheered, ignoring the men talking, and went directly to the bathroom.

Xin Han hosted a sumptuous dinner for everyone and let them thank them again and again. After dinner, everyone chatted in the living room.

Jack pondered for a while and said to Xin Han: "Mr. Xin, I want to talk to you about something."

Xin Han glanced at him: "Say it alone?"

Jack smiled: "It's not necessary, it's like this. We came to Borneo this time ..."

Jack talked about the blood orchid, and he was excited: "Mr. Xin, this is a great breakthrough in the history of human medicine. Think about it. When you take a few pills every day, you can stay young forever, we will Was written into the annals of history. "

Xin Han knows that Jack is a bit stunned for fame and fortune, so he deliberately teases him: "What does this have to do with me?"

Jack hurriedly said: "Our ship has sunk, there is no way to reach Xuelan, but your ship can, as long as you send us to go, I will give you money after the event ..."

Xin Han laughed and pointed around: "You see this yacht, more than ten million dollars, but in my eyes it is just a toy. You said you would give me money, one billion dollars, if you have, I think about it, otherwise, we have already planned to return to the end of the holiday. "

Others also looked at Jack with idiot's eyes. Do you see if people seem to be short of money? How dare you talk to them as much as you can.

Xin Han stretched a lazy waist and said to Lei En: "Baby. Go back to flight and go back tonight." Then he said to everyone: "Sleep the rooms on the ground floor, let's rest, I'm sleepy."

Ryan, who was driving the boat, knew Xin Han was cute again. Immediately laughing loudly: "Good dear, now return, according to the speed of this ship, we will appear at the dock tomorrow morning."

Seeing Xin Han standing up to rest, Jack was anxious. Stand up and stop in front of Xin Han:

"Sir, you are thinking about it. I can take the lead to share 1% of your shares. You need to know that the blood orchid is only open for seven days. If you miss it, you will have to wait another seven years. If we return, we will use other ships. The speed is too late ... "

"Please, think about it."

"I'm really sorry, I really don't have any interest, sorry. Let me go to bed, everyone take a rest early."

Xin Han knew that Jack was a scientific researcher and had studied blood orchids, so he tried to force him to nowhere, and then proposed conditions for him to do things for himself to study the efficacy of blood orchids, and Jack ’s fame and fortune could satisfy him. , As long as he can give himself a satisfactory answer.

But no one expected, Jack took the coffee table with one hand, and picked up the sand eagle that Xin Han laid down, and then faced Xin Han: "Listen. Stop the boat immediately and drive in the direction I said, no Do n’t blame me for being rude. ”

Everyone was stunned. Bill and the Han nationality stood up. Look at Jack.

Sam, the hostess who came back from the bath, went to pull Jack's arm for the first time: "Jack, what are you doing?"

Jack threw her away: "Blow me away, I know what I'm doing. People will praise my greatness in a few years, and you ..."

He shot Xin Han with a gun: "It's just a stumbling block to the progress of human medicine."

Both Mitchell and Kerr hurriedly said: "Jack. Are you crazy, you are breaking the law."

Jack shouted: "This is not the United States ... we will kill him no one will know, and we will get a huge benefit ... as long as he kills the boat and goes to the place where the blood orchid grows, we will Everything is there. "

Everyone couldn't believe it, and with a smile on his face, the sunny Jack had such a thought.

Bill and the Koreans quietly moved two steps toward Jack, preparing to knock him down. After all, Xin Han also helped them and could not revenge.

Xin Han suddenly shook his head and smiled: "You are so sure that that thing can hurt me?"

After he said that everyone felt that there was a flower in front of him, Xin Han had grabbed Jack's neck and used the same method as he did with the Korean, directly holding his way.

Xin Han took Sha Ying directly: "Okay, I declare that you are considered an unwelcome passenger by the captain. You can swim to find Xuelan."

After finishing speaking, he went directly to the outside of the cabin, and threw the white-eyed wolf into the river in the exclamation of everyone. Of course, Xin Han unleashed his way when he threw him. You can live a little longer in the river with Sen An, so you can enjoy a little more fear.

Sam and the others quickly ran to the deck and shouted: "Jack ... Jack ..."

But as the cruise ship moved forward, Jack had long disappeared into the night, but he could hear the cry for help farther and farther away.

Sam shouted to Xin Han: "How can you do this?"

Xin Han's face was cold: "How? You have to know that I saved you, and he just wanted to kill me. I'm already very polite to let him leave my boat. Are you uncomfortable? Then jump down and accompany him." All right."

Sam glanced at the dark river, and he suddenly lost the courage.

Mitchell sighed and pulled Sam back: "Jack is my friend, but to be honest, he has done too much. If in the United States, Mr. Xin has the power to directly kill him, this is replaced by I will do the same, I think we still make a phone call to the patrol team to save him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Everyone nodded. They were very uncomfortable when they saw Jack for the first time. .

Mitchell used a satellite phone to dial the patrol phone and said where Jack fell into the water.

Xin Han did not stop because he knew that the goods would not survive when they were rescued.

Bill and the Korean were all soldiers, and the one who looked down on the most was Jack, a man who avenged his revenge. Both spit in the river and raised their thumbs at Xin Han.

No one saw Jack, who had been struggling to swim to the shore in the river, suddenly fell suddenly, and he never floated up again. (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks: ChrisWFW, zenmewangle, Liu Lijin, Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County, Panyi Corpse God, Qiqianxingyu, pits with pits, small watermelon cakes, thank you brothers for their support.

Thanks: Pluto №, Big 88, Big Sword Nowhere, Bored Lord, Free YSW, thank you for the monthly ticket support of several brothers.

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