Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 399: Play slowly in another world

Ouyang Feng only felt that the white light that flew out of Xin Han's hands hit his body and only scratched his skin, but did not cause harm. He was pleasantly surprised. Is this person a silver-like pewter head, which is not useful?

He rolled over and squatted under the ground, his hands bent over his shoulders, like a big frog, summoning a sumo, and the old cow squeaked in his mouth.

Xin Han only felt that he was locked by an extremely subtle spiritual force, and it seemed that he would attack with fierce strength as soon as he moved.

"Huh ~!" Xin Han didn't expect this toad to practice to such a degree as Ouyang Feng, and even came into contact with something in the spiritual realm. The name of Ouyang Feng's master is well-deserved.

But Xin Han would be afraid of him. Fei jumped up and shot Fei Long in the sky. For a time, the sound of Long Yin in front of the pavilion was masterpiece, and the strong wind actually twisted the air.

Everyone felt that the twisted air looked exactly like a dragon in front of him. After the angry dragon appeared, he rushed towards Ouyang Feng squatting on the ground.

'Gugu' Ouyang Feng took a deep breath in front of the huge pressure, and the power in his body was surging, he was like a giant frog who wanted to swallow the sky, welcoming Xin Han and the dragon-shaped energy rushing over. , Head up.

With a loud bang, Huang Yaoshi guarded Huang Rong, and his sleeves flicked, and then the flying qi was dissipated.

Look again, Ouyang Feng has been taken out by Xin Han in seven or eight battles, overwhelming a piece of green bamboo, his clothes are ragged like a beggar, and there is a big pool of blood on his chest.

Ouyang Feng couldn't stand Xin Han's trick? !

Dong Xie and Hong Qigong, who are also the same as the five, can't hide the shock in their hearts. Although they know that Xin Han is powerful, he did not expect it to be so powerful.

Ouyang Feng spit out a few sips of blood and struggled to get up. The trick Xin Xin just didn't hit the killer just now, but was shocked, and the toad work copper skin and iron bones of Xidu were not in vain. The ability to resist.

After seeing Ouyang Feng get up, he staggered again toasting. It seems to be desperate.

Xin Han stood with a smile and looked at him playfully, but he was not at all concerned about the attack that Xidu was about to launch.

When Ouyang Feng was lucky again, he suddenly felt where he was hit by Xin Hanbing. It was very itchy.

He felt bad in his heart and didn't attack anymore. He took several detoxification drugs from his arms and took them in. He claimed to be the second in the world. No one dared to claim the first, so he was very confident in the antidote he carried. .

But half of the incense sticks past. The itching was getting heavier and heavier, and there was no relief at all, and there was acupuncture-like pain, just like a ant biting.

He finally couldn't bear it, ignoring the master's manners, and began to grab on his body, only a moment of blood rushing out of his body, and he teared hard, and he couldn't stop shouting: "Little thief, why is my antidote elixir ... a little effect Nothing! "

Seeing that the life and death signs were on, Xin Han put the little python into the void ring. Listening to Ouyang Feng's inquiry, he smiled slightly and said, "It's very simple, because I'm not using poison!"

After another moment, Ouyang Feng rolled up, Ouyang Ke experienced this pain, and naturally saw it as a life and death sign.

He turned his head to look at Xin Han, his eyes full of hatred, but he saw his uncle like this. After biting his teeth, the hatred was crushed by him again, and he ran to knees in front of Xin Han: "Please forgive my uncle!"

After he could not stop talking, he raised his head, and his forehead had broken his head and the blood flowed, but this man seemed to be unaware of the pain. Knock again.

Huang Yaoshi and Ouyang Feng are both enemies and friends. Seeing his uncle and nephew so uncomfortable, he said, "Han Er, Feng Feng is also a generation master anyway. How about letting him go this time?"

Xin Han nodded and walked over to take a few shots on Ouyang Feng before Xidu stopped. It was like a serious illness paralyzed on the ground, panting heavily.

Just when his breath was slightly flat, he suddenly stood up, and took a shot towards Xin Han. What was his status as a poison? Since Wuyi became a master, he raised his hand to kill a little when he was unsatisfactory. Who is not afraid of the world, where has he been so insulted? , He couldn't swallow it in his breath.

Xin Han fought each other with his left hand and used Tai Chi as his lead. His right hand pressed him a few times in succession. The instantaneous life and death signs recurred. Ouyang Feng instantly fell like a shock and fell directly to the ground and howled as usual.

This time, Huang Yaoshi no longer dissuaded his face but cooled down, dared to attack his son-in-law seriously, and did not look at Ouyang Ke's pleading.

Hong Qigong shook his head and sighed: "You can't live by your own abuse!"

Zhou Botong woke up wandering at this moment, and was relieved to see that the little python was not there. The first fear in his life was Yinggu, and the second was the fear of snakes. They were all a sight, a touch, all his nemesis.

Seeing him waking up, Hong Qigong asked, "Old naughty boy, are you okay?"

Zhou Botong recognized Hong Qigong and chuckled: "It turned out to be the old flower." He pointed to Ouyang Feng who was rolling on the ground and asked: "When did the old poison join the gang?"

Seeing that Xin Han was almost done, he kicked a few more feet on Ouyang Feng. At this time, Xidu had exhausted all his strength and had no power to attack at all.

"My means, called" Life and Death Sign ", this life and death sign hits one day, one day at a time, and itchy and severe pain gradually increased by nine hundred and ninety-one days, then gradually decreased, and after eighty-one days, it increased again, so From beginning to end, it never ends. "

When Ouyang Feng heard Xin Han say this, he shivered all over. The taste just now was as good as death, and he didn't even dare to think about it at this time.

"You killed me, but please release Kerr. In return, the old man can give you everything he has learned all his life. How?" Ouyang Feng has been desperate. He now only asks to keep his only blood.

Xin Han chuckled: "I can't bear to kill you!" He walked over to seal Ouyang Feng's body and sealed all his skills. Then he turned back to Huang Yaoshi and said: "Father-in-law ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I Take him away, go back and go. "

After saying hello to Huang Rong, he reached out and grabbed the two uncles and nephews of Ouyang Feng, and flew away.

After Xin Han left the line of sight, he took the two of them directly to the Luding World and appeared in the Forbidden City, letting the Yuqian guards shut the two in the palace's cell and lived 'care and care', but don't kill him .

After explaining what happened to Ouyang Feng's uncle and nephew, Xin Han did not rush back to the carving world. He wanted to completely convince Ouyang Feng in Luding World and take it as his staff.

Using this time just to accompany Jian Ning and Su Quan, these two women did not follow him to lean on the world, but in Luding World to help him manage the world, take care of all kinds of things, Xin Han felt guilty, and found nothing They should be there to accompany them. (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks: Bloodsucking Earl Dragon, Seven Thousand Stars, Half of Mind, Huashui No. 1, Foodie Otaku, Xiaoyao 100, Lemon Stealing Books, Wind § Evil, thank you brothers for their rewards, summer thanks.

Thanks: Lemon, lc43, which is discontinued, loves tired, and steals books. Thank you for the monthly ticket support of several brothers. Thank you.

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