Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 408: Complex parent-child relationship

This is a yellowish picture of three handsome young men standing side by side with a happy smile on their faces.

Tony recognized that one of them was his father, Howard Stark, and how a handsome Asian teenager in the middle looked and familiar, and on the far right was a white young man in a military uniform.

He looked up at Xin Han and compared the young man in the middle of the picture.

"How is it possible ... this is your grandfather?" He asked Xin Han. He now finally believes that Xin Han has something to do with his family, because the young Asian boy in the photo looks exactly like Xin Han.

Xin Han shook his head: "That's me ... the one on the right next to it is Steve. This is the photo we took after the raid on the Hydra Factory."

Tony feels that his genius brain can't turn around: "Who is Steve?"

Old Howard sat on the sofa, with a look of memory in his eyes: "Steve was your favorite idol when you were a kid ... Captain America!"

Xin Han's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable: "Howard, do you say Tony adores Steve?" This is so incredible, you know that Tony is not used to the US team in the movie.

"Old man, do you remember correctly ... I will adore the product of a god-creating movement? A pseudo hero!" Tony cried awkwardly.

He said so, Xin Han and Howard's faces are full of unhappiness, Tony is as arrogant and self-righteous as in the movie.

Xin Han pointed to Tony and said, "Boy remember, the Captain America thing is real. Your dad also participated in that plan. We are all witnesses!"

Tony disdainfully said: "Don't be amused, do you really believe that the government said, or do you want to be my uncle because you look like the people in the photo?"

"Stinky boy, Captain America does matter, and the person in front of you is even more powerful than Captain America ..." Howard said to Xin Han: "Xin, help me teach this ignorant boy!"

Tony's eyes lit up when he heard them. Stand up and take off your coat is still on the sofa. Standing in the middle of the living room, he beckoned Xin Han and said, "Come on, I'm practicing boxing every day. Let me see someone who is more powerful than Captain America. How powerful!"

"Are you sure?" Xin Han asked Howard.

Howard chuckled: "As long as you don't beat the disabled, you can give him some lessons. He doesn't know that the sky is thick."

"Okay!" Xin Han lazily stood up, walked across from Tony and waved at him: "Come on. Give you a chance to punch!"

"Boy, I bet you can't even take a punch!" Tony stepped on the butterfly step in boxing. Shake your shoulders constantly, so that the opponent can't see whether he is punching left or right.

It really looks like a practiced one.

"I hope you have bought insurance for yourself!" Tony slammed his shoulders continuously and hit a straight face with a right hand in Xin Han's face.

Xin Han flashed Tony's fist as soon as he went wrong. With one hand pressing on his chest, Tony flew out as if hit by a shell.

Before becoming Iron Man. Tony realized the fun of free flight in advance.

"Boom" Tony flew more than five meters away, knocking the wall of the living room behind him into a big pit, and the whole person was embedded in the wall.

Howard was shocked: "Sin. I let you teach him, I didn't let you kill him ... you ..."

Xin Han laughed: "Relax, he has nothing at all. I used a special technique. The power through his body acts on the wall. Although this explanation is unscientific, it is true!"

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Tony's voice rang: "You two old guys, get me out soon, I am stuck by the wall!"

As soon as Howard saw that his son was fine, he immediately rejoiced: "It's really magical. Sit down and drink a glass of wine. Let's talk about how you have lived in these seventy years!"

Xin Han said with fun: "Well, then I will start from the first year, that year I ..."

Tony exclaimed angrily: "You two old guys, don't you let me stay on the wall waiting for you to talk about all the things that have happened in seventy years!"

Howard smiled at Xin Han: "This is so interesting, so what's interesting about you the next year?"

Tony shouted: "You will regret it! You offended a genius."

"In the fifteenth year, I ..."

Seeing that the two were unscrupulous, Tony finally broke down: "Okay, okay, dear dad and uncle Xin, please get me out of the wall, trouble!"

Howard laughed when he saw his son serving softly, "This is a human word, Xin looks at you."

Xin Han Zhaohong waved his hand back: "Go get my big nephew!"

Red Queen smiled and walked towards Tony.

Tony is speechless, don't play me, what can a woman do for him, he ridiculed: "So beautiful, are you going to give me the power of love? Kiss me, and then let me be a beast, from this **** Jump out of place? Then make an in-depth negative contact ... "

Red Hung's hands suddenly turned into two metal blades, inserted into the concrete wall beside Tony, and cut like tofu.

When the dumbfounded Tony was dug out of the wall by Hung Hou, Hung Hou smiled and asked, "Do you want to make further contact?"

Tony shook his head again and again: "No, I suddenly found that even if I am a genius, there are women I can't deserve. Obviously, I can't deserve you ..."

Howard, of course, saw everything and asked in surprise: "Sin, what's going on? She ..."

Xin Han smiled and said: "She is Red Queen, do you remember? I just found her a body!"

Howard opened his mouth: "The original version of Jarvis!"

Red Queen came over to be next to Xin Han, dissatisfied and said: "I am Red Queen, Jarvis is just my copycat version."

"Madam, I should say I am your evolution!" Jarvis said dissatisfiedly.

Hong Hou disdainfully said: "I can walk and jump now. What's the difference with humans? You come out and let me see!"

Jarviston was silent.

Tony also walked over and said: "Sin ... Uncle, what kind of metal is her body, can you give Jarvis such a body too!"

After the matter just now, Tony has believed his father's words, this uncle must have the ability to exceed the ordinary people.

Xin Han shook his head: "This is hard. This liquid metal robot is not the technology of this world. I just grab it and don't know the structure of it. But I can let Red Queen cooperate with you in research. If it succeeds, Copy this technology to me. "

Howard Lang said with a smile: "No problem, my brother, this liquid metal has aroused my desire to study. You can rest assured, as before. There is nothing I can't do!"

"Don't blow it, you can't get pregnant, you are outdated dad. Compared to my absolute genius brain, you still have to use it when you are a girl!"

Tony dismantled Howard's desk. He smiled again to Xin Han: "Uncle Xin, you should know the evaluation of me by the media, but I am known as the super scientist with the strongest brain."

Howard disdain: "Don't think I don't know that the female editor who wrote the report has a leg with you."

Xin Han patted Howard: "Well, old man. What's so noisy about this? I'll just provide you each with an experimental body."

He gestured towards the red. Red Queen unscrews two buttons from his clothes and puts them in front of them. The two buttons are released from the hands of Red Queen. Instantly became a small group of liquid metal.

"My God, this is simply amazing!" Howard quickly found out the two materials and put the two groups of liquid metal in, and threw it to Tony.

The two felt the metal like this mercury, which was incredible.

Xin Han reminded: "The two groups of metals must not be lost, they will be returned to me after the study."

Howard carefully put away the liquid metal and said to Xin Han: "Let's go, let's go eat something and talk while eating."

At the table, under the control of Jarvis, the housekeeping robot kept serving various cooked foods. The three of them raised their glasses and touched them. Howard asked, "Sin, I do n’t know where you got this liquid metal robot from. ? "

"This is a long story. I accidentally went to another parallel space ..." Xin Han said about the Terminator world again.

Howard was surprised: "It turns out that there are really other parallel spaces. Xin one day you take me to other spaces to play. I also want to see how the beauty of parallel space is different from the earth."

Tony worried: "It turns out that artificial intelligence threatens humans so much, then Jarvis and ..." He glanced worriedly.

Howard laughed: "You don't have to worry about this. I reprogrammed the program after giving Red, using the order of obedience to Xin as the first criterion. If you betray, it will be disordered and automatically destroyed, so unless you want Uncle Xin If you destroy mankind, you will never make trouble! "

Tony was relieved. He looked at Xin Han and asked carefully: "Uncle Xin, can you ask a more personal question?"

Xin Han put down the knife and fork in his hand and smiled: "That depends on what the problem is."

Tony laughed: "Can I ask ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You should be about the age of my father, how come you look so young?"

Howard said: "Look at your father and me, there are more than ninety people, looks like fifty or sixty, this is all your uncle Xin's credit, he taught me a set of mysterious oriental exercises, which only made me Delay aging significantly, you see, students are like this, not to mention teachers. "

He didn't tell his son about the super soldier's potion, because Howard knew that as the current helm of the Stark enterprise, Tony's most indispensable are all kinds of spies and reporters. Xin Han will cause unnecessary trouble.

At the age of Howard, all national interests are nonsense. Those who are in power are tricked by the government. The government is controlled by major consortia. Their interests are not worth the friendship between themselves and old friends.

Tony asked angrily: "Why haven't you taught me such a good thing?"

Howard pouted: "Since you are sensible, you will learn to confront me. Why should I teach you, if I want to learn, then I will first look at the girl, you must not fight ..."

"Old and unreasonable, you still have to be shameless!"

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