Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 569: Please Mao Xiaofang to see Feng Shui

After finishing the speech, Mao Xiaofang was afraid that Xin Han would n’t understand it and explained: "Nine stars in Yangzhai, one is the wolves Jupiter, the other is the giant gate Saturn, the third is Lucun Saturn, the fourth is Wenqu Mercury, the fifth is Wenqu Mercury, the fifth is Martian Mars, and the sixth is Wu. Qu Venus, seven are the broken army Venus, eight are the left auxiliary stars, and nine are the right but Mercury. These nine stars have different functions in the Yangzhai, but each plays a vital role. "

He said here, and smiled slightly: "Brother Xin, you changed the door and broke the nine stars in the two houses. Do you think the problem is not big?"

Xin Han heard five puzzles and three things, and he didn't even understand the specific things, but he didn't care about them. He just wanted to get in touch with Mao Xiaofang, so he took advantage of it and asked: "Isn't that troublesome?"

Mao Xiaofang smiled and shook his head: "The problem is big, but it's not troublesome. Just re-orient the portal and reset the nine stars. When I take the apprentice to the door tomorrow, I'll take a look at it and ask some people to change the courtyard. Layout structure, it's all right! "

A smile appeared on Xin Han's face: "So I will bother Master Mao!"

Mao Xiaofang waved his hand and said, "This is all within the responsibility of our monks!"

After drinking enough food, the banquet was removed, Song Zilong slept on the table, and Mao Xiaofang chatted with Xin Han for a long time, and the captain Song woke up drunk.

Song Zilong rubbed his forehead and embarrassedly said: "Brother Xin's wine is so tempting, he unknowingly drank too much, it's a gift!"

Xin Han smiled and said: "Why, Brother Song is a person of true temperament, don't have to worry about it!"

When Mao Xiaofang saw Song Zilong woke up, he immediately offered his farewell. Xin Hanxiang sent it to the door and took a bag from Alice and handed it over: "Master Mao, this is a hundred silver dollars. Please look at the deposit of Feng Shui. under!"

Both Mao Xiaofang and Song Zilong were shocked. This is too rich. The deposit is only one hundred silver dollars. How much do you have to wait for?

It's no surprise that the two were surprised. You know that this was the early period of the Republic of China. At this time, the purchasing power of silver dollars was still very strong. The ordinary people in the provincial capital spent only two or three silver dollars a month. Self-sufficiency saves even more money. A family only needs about one dollar of money a month.

That is to say, Xin Han took out the deposit of 100 yuan of silver and saved it according to the consumption standards at that time, enough for ordinary people in Gantian Town to live for ten years.

"No, Brother Xin, this is too much, no, no, you quickly withdraw!"

Mao Xiaofang sweated all his palms. He showed Yangzhai Fengshui on weekdays, and when he came down, he only collected ten silver dollars. The Xin brothers had more than a hundred silver dollars in their shots, and they were only deposits. I suddenly felt a bit burned.

Xin Han waved his hand and said: "Master Mao and I see each other as we see it, and we are very close to each other. The extra money should be the incense money for Fuxi Daotang!"

In addition to catching ghosts and demons on weekdays and looking for dragons, Mao Xiaofang ’s incense money from Fuxi Daotang is also one of his important sources of income, but nominally all incense money dedicated to gods.

Xin Han said this, Mao Xiaofang refused to accept it, Song Zilong also persuaded: "Since it is incense money, Master Mao, you still accept it. Wait for the first day of next month. That's it. "

Mao Xiaofang saw Captain Song saying this before accepting the money, and nodded happily: "Since Brother Xin said it was incense money, it would be mine if it were to be pushed again. When the first incense of the first day of next month, it must be kept for Brother Xin. "" He put the money bag away and left Song Zilong.

Early the next morning, Mao Xiaofang took two apprentices to see Feng Shui, and met Xin Han to introduce to him: "These two are my apprentices, the short one is Xiaohai, and the higher one is Yu Dachu."

"The two of you haven't given the courtesy to Mrs. Xin and Mrs. Xin!" Mao Xiaofang turned around and saw the two apprentices staring straight at the three daughters of Alice.

Suddenly, he felt that his face had lost his face, and he kicked it all alone: ​​"Let you see Master Gong and Mrs. Xin, but I heard you didn't!"

The two goods covered their **** and whispered: "Which is Mrs. Xin?"

Seeing the funny look of the two, they all laughed out loudly, but Xin Han couldn't be angry, and some couldn't help smiling.

Mao Xiaofang really wanted to go up and give the two disappointed apprentices one foot, but after thinking about it, he endured it, and said bitterly: "These three are all Mrs. Xin, it's not good to see you!"

Xiaohai and Yuda first heard that the three were Mrs. Xin, and they suddenly collapsed, knowing that they were already married and had no drama.

At Master's urging, he walked up to Xin Han, Alice, Jill, and Reine, and said weakly: "Good boy Master, good Mrs. Xin!"

Mao Xiaofang's face was dark, and he said: "Did you both have breakfast? It's a jerk!"

It ’s not good for him to go on talking anymore. The two undisciplined disciples in the province are showing off their moths. He said to Xin Han immediately, “Brother Xin, let ’s start now!”

Xin Han nodded with a smile: "Okay, Master Mao, please!"

The three daughters of Alice returned to the inner house. Xin Han led the three apprentices and turned around in the mansion. Xiaohai and Yu Dachu couldn't help but secretly see the scale of the house.

The two exchanged eyebrows and thought that Xin Han was the rich second son of the rich son of the rich family. No wonder they were able to take three such beautiful babes. The taste that they couldn't express immediately in their hearts is now all kinds of envy and jealousy.

Mao Xiaofang took out the compass and watched the compass while walking, and said from time to time: "Here we will dig a pond and raise a few gold carps."

"It's better to build a rockery here. If it's troublesome, you can get a gazebo!"

"Three cypress trees are to be planted here!"

"This well is to be filled, and another well is dug out ten steps to the southeast, so that the layout of the entire house has been formed. By then, the wind and gas will be kept in good luck, and the home will be safe and prosperous."

After Mao Xiaofang and Xin Han explained, put away the compass and turned back to the two disciples: "I just wrote down what I said just now. Brother Xin is a friend of the teacher. Looking back, the two of you must supervise the work yourself. I ’ve done the right thing! "

Xiaohai and Yuda were stupid at first, they just lamented their fate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Why did I not be a rich and powerful person, I didn't listen to Mao Xiaofang's words at all, and immediately said bitterly, "Master, just now we Didn't hear clearly, or you can say it again! "

Mao Xiaofang looked cold, snorted, and ignored them. He was really afraid that he would be angry with these two apprentices.

He was afraid that Xin Han felt that his ‘Fu Xi Dao Tang’ was unreliable, and said to Xin Han: “Brother Xin is assured, I will find a craftsman later, I will personally supervise the work!”

Under the scolding of Mao Xiaofang, Xiaohai and Yu Dachu quickly went out to find artisans. They ate Feng Shui for dinner. Naturally, they had familiar craftsmen. They not only had good craftsmanship, but also fair prices.

After Mao Xiaofang explained how the craftsmen transformed the house, he sat in the yard and supervised the construction of the craftsmen. We must know that feng shui has lost everything, and the truth is a thousand miles. The effect of Feng Qi Qi will be gone, and may even bring disaster to the main family.

Xin Han brought refreshments and chatted with Mao Xiaofang, and Xiao Hai and Yu Da came together when they first saw refreshments.

Xin Han smiled and said: "Come, let's eat together, there are still many!" (Unfinished. To be continued.) Launch new website

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