Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 629: Guobei County

"My son, what kind of world is this? Why do these people look yellowish and skinny, like they can't eat enough, and there are so many people on the street with weapons, is it impossible to be in troubled times?"

On the streets of Guobei County, a white-dressed barefoot, beautiful elf-like girl asked beside a handsome young man wearing a moon-white book gown.

This woman is so utterly beautiful, she seems to be a fairy in the sky. The place where she travels attracts the attention of all men, and the handsome and beautiful person next to her stands with the girl like a pair of heavens. people.

After hearing the girl ’s question, the handsome young man nodded and sighed: “Although the world is not as wild as the end of the Sui Dynasty, it is worse than that. Gods and Buddhas are not present, monsters are rampant, and corrupt officials and bullies are like cattle. Life is really unfortunate for ordinary people! "

"Chick, go with the uncle, this little white face can't satisfy you! Hahaha!"

The white-clad scholar's voice had just fallen, and a strong man with a ghost-headed knife brought a few men with fierce faces and stopped them in front of them, saying very arrogantly.

The student in white raised his eyebrows: "I think everyone in Yintang is dark, and today there seems to be a **** disaster. Be careful."

As soon as the scholar boy finished talking, he saw the splendor of the elven woman's hands, and no one around saw how she could move. Several light-handed men in front of them all covered their throats with their hands, and kept blood from their fingers. In the next moment, these people fell to the ground and died.

The people on the street were very busy, and at this moment, the clatter was all spread out, desperately away from the white men and women.

"Your son, you are too accurate. Just now you said that there are so many bullies in the world, and that monsters and ghosts are real? I'm so scared, you have to protect me!"


Looking at the murderous and pretending girl, the scholar boy was speechless for a while: "I said Wanwan, can you not be so fake, it is better to protect me!"

"That's not bad!" The girl hugged one of the scholar's arms: "Son, I already wanted to protect you!"

This pair of men and women is the Xin Han and Wan Wan who have come across from the Heavenly World.

In the world of "Ghost Story", the demon rampage is too dangerous. Xin Han didn't want to involve her woman in danger, so she didn't want to bring one, but this time Wanwan heard that it was a mythical world that she was going to, and she begged He brought himself.

The women also wanted Xin Han to be served in another world, so they all persuaded.

Xin Han thought that Wanwan's strength was close to Grand Master. On that day, the magic treasure blade was contaminated with a trace of magic, which could break the qi and hurt the spirit. He nodded and agreed to come down, and this is the current scene.

This time Xin Han did not choose to enter in advance, but appeared directly on the beginning of the plot with Wan Wan.

The two turned around for a while on the streets of Guobei Town, and found that the towns of this world are worse than those of Yitian or Datang, and they no longer meant to continue shopping.

"Go, let's go to Lan Ruo Temple!" As soon as Xin Han said this, the lively streets around it were quiet, and everyone looked towards this side.

Xin Han who has seen the movie has long known that the people in this town are nervous, and the ghost was indeed worthy of people's fear, but it was not so exaggerated.

"Every time you see it, you will be eaten!" Xin Han yelled around, pretending to be terrible.

"The monster is coming, run!" The people on the street ran away with some legs. Some of them fell over and were trampled on by the people behind them.

Wan Wan twitched her tongue and smiled: "Is it so exaggerated, I really want to see what the monster looks like, is there any me beautiful!"

Xin Han smiled and scraped her Qiong nose with her hand: "You, you can say everything to listen to me, if you add chaos to me, I won't bring you out next time!"

"Knowing your son, let's go to Lan Ruo Temple!" Little Witch's pretty face flicked away from Xin Han and ran to the front, only a few steps later, she turned back and said softly: "The son comes after me, look at us Who will arrive at Lan Ruo Temple first! "

Xin Han shook his head with a smile, and was about to catch up, and he saw a stall selling paintings on the corner of the street. The owner had to run away with the people on the street, but he couldn't help his paintings and calligraphy, but was desperately closing the booth.

At a glance, Xin Han saw a portrait of a beautiful woman shampooing on the stall. The woman was beautiful and beautiful, and she moved her heart. When she moved her heart, she said to the boss, "How did you sell this painting?"

The boss had long seen him and Wanwan killing people, and heard that the two were going to Lan Ruo Temple. Lenovo, a man and a woman who looks like a fairy, but started fiercely, became more and more doubtful as a demon.

Seeing that Xin Han came up to ask for the price at this time, he only hoped that the other party would leave quickly, and he said with a sad face: "Da Xian quickly took it away, even if Xiao Xian respected Da Xian ..."

Seeing that Xin Han did n’t catch up, Wanwan came back to find out, and heard what the stall owner said, knowing that the other party took two of them as monsters, and he was agitated in his heart: "We are like people with white dignitaries! Hold it, find money. ! "

After that, he threw a copper plate to the boss.

Seeing that there was only one copper plate, the boss was almost crying for money. Where can I find money with a value lower than this face value to find you?

While he was hesitating, Wan Wansu's hand pressed on his stall, and a three-inch thick wooden board suddenly showed a neat palm print, transparent on both sides, even worn by Wan Wan.

"I'm looking for ... I'll find the money right away!" The boss talked about today's harvest, and even the broken silver and copper plates were all piled up on the stall: "The two gods spare their lives."

Xin Han shook his head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ took down the beautiful shampoo painting, rolled it up, and said to Wan Wan: "Don't be naughty, hurry up!"

"Yes, son!" Wan Wan stared at the boss, and said to herself, she waved away all the money piled up in the stall, turned back to catch up with Xin Han, and hugged the painting in her hand: "Master, I'll get it for you! "

After the two left, a group of people holding weapons came out of the secret: "Brother, those two murderers are as numb, they will not be wanted criminals, it is worse than us ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was knocked by the leader: "Stupid, you also said that the murder is as numb. Just now, who can see the woman's killing trick? You kill them to receive the reward? Give yourself first Find someone who has collected the corpse .... "

At this moment, the sky changed abruptly, the rainstorm suddenly dropped, and the pedestrians on the street hurriedly searched for a place to hide from the rain, but the leader who had just spoken grew up and pointed at the distance for a long while.

He and his men looked in his direction and saw that a man and a woman who had not yet left the town did not find a place to hide from the rain. Instead, they just walked forward laid-back and leisurely, but the downpour was automatically in. The two were separated beside each other, so they couldn't touch them at all. They looked like a gas mask in the distance. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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