"I am more interested in the matter of the Black Mountain Demon. Tell me what you know, and what he was doing just now, why is it disappeared by my claw and disappeared, and it has not come out until now!"

Knowing yourself and knowing each other is a battle, Xin Han just wants to pick out the demon pill of Montenegro, so it is better to be able to find out the details of Montenegro.

The ghost will smile cheaply: "Hey, it's not impossible to say, just ..."

Xin Han was about to get angry, Yan Chixia took out a handful of yellow paper from her arms: "You have to say, these are yours!"

The ghost will nod with a smile: "Just burn it to me first!"

As soon as Yan Chixia urged mana, that piece of yellow paper was all lit and instantly became black and gray, and the ghost would inexplicably have many silver foil gold paper in his hands. He smiled and nodded with delight.


"Too little!" When the money is in hand, the ghost will show a more mean expression.

Yan Chixia was angry this time: "You play me right!"

"Either kill me, or add money!" The ghost put on a hob of meat.

Yan Chixia angrily shook her head toward Chao Xinhan: "I just brought so many yellow papers ..."

With a black face, Xin Han took out a stack of ordinary yellow paper prepared for opening the altar from the Void Ring: "These are all burned to you. If you fail, I will kill you. Let's take a break!"

"Good!" The ghost would see so many yellow papers that he couldn't close his mouth and promised again and again.

Xin Han handed the yellow paper to Yan Chixia, who burned it to the ghost general.

Holding a handful of gold paper and silver foil, the ghost will be very satisfied, and he will shove it in his arms. This thing in the underworld is also magical. No matter how it is installed, the clothes will not swell.

"It's time to say this time! Say everything you know, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!" Xin Han hasn't let go of the hand holding the ghost and holding his neck, although it can be a killer.

Although the ghost will not be satisfied in his heart, he said beforehand that the ghost and the person must follow certain rules in dealing with others. He nodded and said reluctantly: "Well, I will know what I know Tell you."

"It wasn't Lord Montenegro that appeared just now, but his doppelganger. His deity is preparing for the wedding in Heishan Village. Do you think that you really saved Nie Xiaoqian? Master Montenegro has long seen that she must be attached to the picture, and now the picture scroll He has been taken to Heishan Village. Heishan adults can take away Nie Xiaoqian ’s ghost at any time! "

Xin Han was stunned, and quickly took out the Soul Charm from the Void Ring, and released Nie Xiaoqian: "Your painting!"

Panic on Nie Xiaoqian's face: "That picture was taken by Master Montenegro!"

Xin Han turned to the ghost general: "Where is Heishan Village?"

The ghost will point to the black mountain in the distance: "That is Montenegro, the village of Heishan is at the foot of the mountain, there are 100,000 Yin soldiers stationed, there are two ghosts and a demon and three generals. Are you sure where to go?"

Yan Chixia's face appeared worried: "Brother Xin, the land of the land should not be left for a long time, then the Black Mountain is the Longtan Tiger Cave. Let's leave as soon as possible."

Xin Han didn't seem to hear it, and then asked, "Tell me what is the difference between the old demon of Montenegro and the three generals of the two ghosts and one demon!"

The ghost will receive the money, and there are naturally questions that must be answered: "Adult of Montenegro is said to be a ignorant teenager who died after death, but his soul returned to Yin, but his grievances were not dissipated. Some people were buried in Feng Shui treasures, nourished by the spirit, and finally resented into a monster!"

"After the adult of Montenegro became a demon, he exerted great magical powers and moved a fengshui splendid peak from his burial place from the sun to the underworld, which is now the Black Mountain!"

"It is said that the adult of Montenegro is resentful because of his resentment, so he is changeable, gathers randomly, and is not afraid of any attacks. As long as the body is not extinguished, his demon body will not be destroyed. Even if the demon body is killed by someone, it will be in a period of time. Montenegro is reunited! Therefore, in this prefecture, it is so powerful that even the judges of the prefecture are impermanent and unwilling to provoke!

"So where is his body?" Yan Chixia heard the hope of exterminating the Black Mountain and couldn't help but come to the spirit and asked.

The ghost will also confess: "I don't know this, and no one knows. I only bury it in this Montenegro!"

After thinking for a while, Xin Han asked, "What about the two ghosts and one demon?"

The ghost will be proud: "Here is the wealth fan of one of the two ghosts. It is the loyalty of the general of Qi State, who sold his prince due to the vengeance of the enemy country, resulting in the death of the great prince, so he was hanged by the king and became a wealth fan after his death. Ghost, after being solicited by Lord Montenegro! "

"Bu loyalty ... unfaithful! You sold the young master for the yellow and white things, really hanged, not much, the black mountain demon did not even have the brain to dare to accept you as a man, it is a strange thing not to be betrayed! "Yan Chixia shook her head again and again. This unfaithfulness was simply the best."

The ghost smiled happily, without rebutting, and then said: "Another ghost will be a gluttonous ghost, said to be meat-fighting, it has no skill, just eat everything and is extremely resistant."

"There is also a demon general who is a dog demon. It is said that there is an older brother on it, so the name is Ergou, and the owner ’s surname before becoming a demon is Wang. Therefore, the main character is named Wang Ergou. This demon is a color embryo. It is said that After becoming a demon, it killed the master ’s life, and slept the woman mistress in the house. Afterwards, the magistrate went to kill him and was rescued by the master of Montenegro. This became the demon before the adult drove. ! "

"Is there anything left to say?" Xin Han asked casually.

The ghost will smile and shake his head: "All I have to say is, I betrayed the Master of Montenegro, this Montenegro can't go back, so I will go far away, and everyone will leave!"

The ghost was about to ask Xin Han to let go of his palm. He did n’t want Xin Han to close his fingers. Instead, he pinched his neck tighter: "You are full of grievances, and you might be doing countless things that hurt you. Where are you going! "

"Did you talk?" The ghost thought Xin Han was going to kill him, and could not help screaming in shock. He had just won a lot of money and had not spent it, and now he could not bear to die.

"I've never promised to let you go, but you can rest assured that I have a way to drive out ghosts, and wait for me to erase your consciousness into a puppet, so that you can slowly accumulate good deeds around your son to repay the sin you owe How good you look at the debt! "Xin Han finished, and the other hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ took out the soul-fixing mantra and stuck it on the ghost to fix it.

Then he took the peach wood sword, chanted words, and released the Four Spirit Mirrors to forcibly erase the spirit of the ghost general, and sacrificed him into his own puppet. It took half an hour to complete the work.

Yan Chixia wondered: "Is this the legendary five ghost porter?"

Legend has it that Taoism has a spell that can drive ghost pawns for their own use. Because ghosts have the ability to penetrate matter, they are often used by the caster to steal things, so this spell is also known as the five ghosts porter, but its practicality The ghosts that come to steal things are ordinary ghosts, and the truly powerful mages drive out ghosts to fight or defend themselves.

Xin Han used the secret technique of expelling ghosts from Dragon and Tiger Mountain to turn this ghost into his own ghost servant and put his own brand on top of his ghost.

At this moment, Xin Han's order, this ghost will surely be carried out faithfully. With one thought, this ghost will be able to disappear, so it will not betray at all, just an obedient puppet.

Take away a jade pendant, and at the order, the ghost attached a whine to the jade pendant, and Xin Han hung the jade pendant around his waist. From now on, the ghost will be his ghost servant. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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