Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 782: What is the ambulance, just artificial respiration is OK

A telecommunications operator that started with a joint word pinched my broadband. I had to change the optical fiber. I explained the annual change. Now I use it every day. He said that my line is aging. Uncle ’s is aging in less than ten years. Obviously I used it last night. I stopped it in the middle of the night. I was crazy. I heard that my internal working friends said that many telecom operators now do this in order to seize the optical fiber market. Today I updated these two chapters to run my parents ’house code. Tossing, really depressed, this behavior is too unethical. (Free of charge)


Due to a murder case at the Hot Spring Hotel, the police pulled up the isolation belt in front of the door early in the morning. When Xin Han and others wanted to go out, some police asked some people to go back and ask questions.

Fortunately, Ma Xiaoling reported the Yamamoto Group's name, and Kuang Tianyou, who joined Gao Bao, also said that several people were his friends, and this was only let go by the police uncle, so that several people did not have to go to the police station to run.

Xin Han Zhaokang Tianyou thanked, Gao Bao shouted on the side: "Hey, as long as you report your identity, Mr. Xin, can the Japanese Police Department dare to stop you?"

Ma Xiaoling curiously said: "What identity can he have?"

Gao Bao just wanted to preach, Xin Han quickly pretended to be a stupid and said: "What identity can I have, of course, I invested in Japan, I opened a lot of restaurants in Japan, does the small Japanese police department still not give me face ? "

"You really think it's great to be rich, okay, I'll go first and call you when I'm finished!" Ma Xiaoling gave Xin Han a white glance and greeted the hotel. Someone sent her to Yamamoto's house.

For convenience, Xin Han gave Ma Xiaoling the number 4 in this world, and told her to finish the call.

Seeing Xin Han's mobile phone is also available in Japan, making Ma Xiaoling envious and jealous.

"Kang SIR, we are going to ski at Mount Fuji, why not go play together and relax?" Xin Han invited Kuang Tianyou and Gao Bao.

Wang Zhenzhen also said: "Yes, everyone is a Hong Kong Islander, it is rare to meet in Japan, it is better to be together!"

"Okay, okay!" Having the opportunity to get in close contact with the world's richest man, as well as the passage of beautiful women, Gao Bao directly forgot to book the flight ticket to Hong Kong Island, and nodded in agreement.

Kuang Tianyou pulled him back angrily and nodded to Xin Han: "Thank you Mr. Xin, we still have official duties, next time!"

"Okay, by the way, don't be so out of the way, just call me Xin Han!" Beckoned, and stopped a taxi with Wang Zhenzhen, went straight to Mount Fuji.

After reaching the picturesque Mount Fuji, Xin Han did not go to the ski resort, but led Wang Zhenzhen together, and walked around Mount Fuji like a walk. Every distance he walked, he held a finger long and thick chopsticks. The wooden cone inserted into the ground under the snow.

Wang Zhenzhen thought he took it out of his clothes pocket and didn't care, but he was curious about what he was doing and asked, "Xin Han, what are you doing?"

Xin Han kept on the hand and smiled: "I am destroying the feng shui of Japan. This country and our China came from natural enemies. They destroyed their feng shui, even if they avenged the people who died in the war. . "

Wang Zhenzhen naturally did not believe what Feng Shui said, only thinking that Xin Han was joking, but he did not agree with what he said about revenge, so he said softly:

"This country has made mistakes in the past, but after all, many years have passed, and even if the war was that year, only a small number of people have made mistakes. I believe most Japanese people are still kind."

Xin Han inserted the last one, sealed the dragon peach pile, stood up, and pointed to the bench beside the side road: "Let's rest for a while!"

Wang Zhenzhen was also tired, and nodded immediately: "Okay!"

The two sat on the bench and Xin Han lit a cigar and said to Wang Zhenzhen: "Have you heard the story of Momotaro?"

Wang Zhenzhen was originally an elementary school teacher. Of course, she knows a lot about these fairy-tale folk stories, not to mention the famous Momotaro. She wondered: "Of course I have heard." What happened?

Xin Han took a sip of cigar and smiled: "Can you tell us what this story tells us?"

"Yeah, I want to hear it too!" Suddenly a voice rang next to me, and a long-legged beauty sat beside Wang Zhenzhen and hugged her.

"Xiaoling, why did you find us without calling?" Wang Zhenzhen was startled by the sudden appearance of Ma Xiaoling.

Ma Xiaoling proudly said: "Who am I? I will know you are here when you pinch your fingers!"

"Really?" Wang Zhenzhen asked incredulously.

Xin Han couldn't see it, pointing to the gate of the ski resort: "Zhenzhen, don't listen to her bullshit, as long as you go to the ski resort, the domineering people will naturally see us, she is not blind, can't see It ’s weird! "

Ma Xiaoling's face was red, and she said to Wang Zhenzhen: "Say Momotaro, I want to see what this satyr can say?"

Xin Han didn't even have to talk about Wang Zhenzhen. He immediately said to himself: "You all know the story of Momotaro. Momotaro, born from Taozi, accepted dogs, pheasants, and monkeys as followers. The yellow rice dumplings went to the ghost island, defeated the evil spirits, and seized the treasures of gold and silver. Have you heard that? "

Wang Zhenzhen nodded and said, "Yes, this story is very famous in Japan. Momotaro has been active in the spiritual world of Japanese children for hundreds of years."

"In addition to oral heritage, it is also frequently used as the subject of comic books, comics, novels, poetry, cartoon movies, comics, etc. In the early Meiji period, it was included in the textbook of the national language of the primary school. It can be said that all Japanese are in this The story grew up with grown-ups. "

"In the minds of the Japanese, Momotaro is an undisputed hero. Others are big-headed, aggressive, conquering the ghost island, and gaining treasure. This dauntless pioneering spirit has long been a life belief of the Japanese. . "

Wang Zhenzhen deserves to be a teacher, and the explanation is very detailed. Ma Xiaoling on the side nodded frequently, obviously the story she knew was the same.

Xin Han smiled disdainfully: "But I have heard another version, do you want to hear it?"

Seeing Xin Han's expression, Ma Xiaoling was a little angry: "Okay, let me see what other insights you can have!"

"The statement I have heard is very special. The so-called Momotaro conquers the ghost island and brings back gold and silver treasures. It is an outright act of militarism."

Xin Han's words made Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen both stunned. The former even said: "Hey, don't talk nonsense, this is a fairy tale, folk story, how did it involve the robber?"

Xin Han spread his hands: "Is that treasure Momotaro? He went to someone's house, beat people, grabbed the treasure, and became a hero when he returned to Japan? This is not a robber country?"

"You are ridiculous!" Ma Xiaoling thought for a long time,

Xin Han shrugged, threw the cigar out, and landed in the snow, with a "chirp" sound: "This is not what I said, this is a good friend of Mr. Lu Xun, the Japanese scholar" Uchiyama finished "said! "

"He compared the stories of" Momotaro "and" Journey to the West "in the book" Landscape of Chinese Life ", and believed that Master Xuanzhuang took three kinds of animals, including monkey, pig, and dragon, to Xitian, and had gone through many hardships. The purpose is to learn from and develop spiritual culture. "

"And Momotaro took monkeys, pheasants and dogs to go to Ghost Island to confiscate, in order to plunder wealth."

"In the Journey to the West, the Tang monk and his entourage went to Xitian for a journey. They had a journey of 18,000 miles. They traveled for fourteen years. The dragon and the dragon were clearly explained. The Master Xuan Zang himself is a real historical figure, and the story of" Momotaro "is pure imagination. The ghost island is even more subtle, which shows that the Japanese have a wishful mind to educate and rule other nations. "

"The story of Momotaro reveals Japan's national identity, Shang Wu and external expansion, the worship of the strong and the survival attitude of realism, and the two sides of bullying."

"Japan can create miracles at the right time by virtue of its weak convictions and its strong convictions, and abuse of such convictions will cause disasters. History has fully proved this."

"The most annoying thing is that Little Japan wrote the story of Momotaro into the textbook, subconsciously submerging the next generation, making them subconsciously full of aggression and predatory inferiority. This inferiority will burst out once there is a chance."

Wang Zhenzhen and Ma Xiaoling were stunned.

"Is it true or false?"

"Of course it is true, but this is what the Japanese themselves said. Just now Zhen Zhen said that in the war decades ago, most of the Japanese people were innocent, which is absolutely wrong."

"When the country invaded China, all the Japanese families were cutting back on food and clothing, working overtime in factories, earning money and donating to the country to serve as military expenses."

"Every bullet fired by the Japanese army was donated and saved by the Japanese people, so there are no innocent people in this country! Laomi ’s two atomic bombs were thrown down. Except for the accident of the child at that time, everyone else was a sinner. No one is innocent! "

This topic is a bit heavy, and the three of them fell into a short silence. Wang Zhenzhen wanted to find out what refuted Xin Han, but more and more felt that the other party said it was reasonable, but she was such a kind-hearted woman, she could not believe that a country The people are all guilty of sin, which has subverted her worldview.

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, Ma Xiaoling quickly stood up: "Okay, don't say those who are unhappy, let's go skiing, let's go!"

Wang Zhenzhen looked at Xin Han, and the latter got up and said: "Okay, let's go to the roller coaster first!"


"No, I won't go, I'm scared!"

Xin Han took one hand, took the screaming Wang Zhenzhen and Ma Xiaoling, two women, went to the roller coaster, and then used the video function of No. 4 to record the screaming process of the two women throughout the journey.

When they got off the roller coaster, the two women beat Xin Han for a while, and the latter stopped after she practiced Xuan Rao.

The three went to change gears and started skiing again. Ma Xiaoling's skiing skills were extremely sharp, rushing down the snow slope, with a chic posture and flexible movements, making both Wang Zhenzhen and Xin Han who were not at all envious.

"Xin Han, will you slip!"

"Of course ..." "Bang"

Xin Han crawled out of the snow pile embarrassedly and showed a little embarrassed smile to Wang Zhenzhen, and said aggressively: "You have to believe that it was an accident just now, this will definitely not fail me!"

Wang Zhenzhen looked at him in embarrassment and covered his mouth with a chuckle.

Xin Han originally thought that he could control every muscle in his body. For skiing and other small things, he didn't hold the pinch and grabbed it, but the result was not that much. He lost it as soon as he slipped. Balance makes him lose face in front of Wang Zhenzhen.

In fact, just because he was just careless, he exerted too much force and learned the hardship of the lesson. After trying twice, he never fell down and immediately mastered the skiing skills.

"Come on, you're doing your best here!" Xin Han put Wang Zhenzhen's waist on his back and instructed his skiing skills.

His theory is all about which muscle mana, what situation is encountered, and where to respond, but there is no basic knowledge of skiing.

After listening to it for a long time, Wang Zhenzhen only felt that Yunshan was covered with fog. Unknown. So, suddenly Xin Xin's hand was wrapped around her waist, suddenly red as a fire, his heart hit like a deer. , You lose your balance.

And when she lost her balance, she reached out and grabbed, grabbed Xin Han's shirt, and the two lost their balance together and slid down the snow slope.

Originally, Xin Han planned to stop the two people with his thoughts if he was in danger, but during the sliding process, Wang Zhenzhen hugged him and pressed his face tightly to his face.

He suddenly felt that sliding like this was also a good choice. Of course, in order to prevent accidents, Xin Han stopped Wang Zhenzhen with his hand and slid all the way until he stopped at the forest on the flat ground.

But at this time, the atmosphere between the two changed from frightened to ambiguous. Wang Zhenzhen looked up embarrassedly, and the two of them faced each other.

Just when Xin Han hesitated, whether to kiss the past or not, there was a noise not far away.

When they looked sideways, they saw a woman with her face upturned in front of a tree in a big letter. There was a Westerner around her, who was loudly asking who had brought her mobile phone. (In 1998, mobile phones were luxury accessories)

"Ma Xiaoling?" Isn't it the Ma Xiaoling that Xin Han recognized at once?

Wang Zhenzhen saw that Ma Xiaoling was in trouble ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and quickly got up from Xin Han. Xin Han also quickly stood up and walked over quickly, saying in English: "This is my friend, what happened to her?"

"Great, are you her friend? The lady just skied down, stumbled on the root of the tree buried in the snow, and hit the tree again! I'm afraid that such a heavy impact will be dangerous! Quickly find a way to find Call for help! "

The westerner saw someone who could speak English and hurriedly said things again.

"..." Xin Han heard a word for a while, is this kind of forehead, so hard? This impulse is just fainting!

He scanned it with his consciousness. Ma Xiaoling's body had determined that the other party was only hit by a shock and was temporarily comatose. It was not a big deal. Even his forehead was not red and swollen. It seems to be the reason for Ma Jiagong's body protection.

"Xin Han, what should I do, Xiaoling won't be okay?" Wang Zhenzhen panicked when she saw her girlfriend fainting.

"It's okay, what kind of ambulance is this situation, it should be artificial respiration directly!" Xin Han said, leaning over and leaning in! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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