Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 835: Cheng Xian's Law and Realm Division

When Xiamui woke up, he found that he was in an ancient tomb surrounded by cold stone walls, but the layout was extremely grand, with dragons and phoenixes resembling royal tombs.

He remembers that under his carelessness, he was caught by the old thief of Shi Bailei Gang, and was chased by him. Before fainting, he seemed to see many people and a mausoleum.

Is this the tomb?

Xiami felt familiar, and suddenly remembered that he had been here with Master 60 years ago. This is the Cixi Tomb!

The stone door on the side suddenly opened, and the footsteps thought, a beautiful woman dressed in Feng robe and graceful walked in with the help of an eunuch. It was Cixi and Li Lianying that year.

Next in Li Lianying's account, Xiami understood the course of things.

It turned out that that night, Cixi took Li Lianying and a large body of guards in front of the mausoleum to practice the true shadow with Yuehua. It happened that Xiami was chased in nowhere and ran to the tomb.

Cixi recognized it at a glance, and that was the child of that year, because not only did it smell like Tianshi, but the most important thing was that the shrimp and Daqing's last emperor looked exactly the same. Look again, although the National People's Congress, but vaguely what it was like when he was a child.

Since he had Xin Han's face in this respect, and his affection with the emperor's imagination, Cixi couldn't let him be injured, and the immediate front guard under his command stopped Lei Gang who was chasing him behind him.

Although Lei Gang had almost completed the flying head training, he saw that so many zombies over 100 years old did not dare to provoke him easily, so he had to retreat and Xiami was saved.

As for the poison in Shimi's body, it is a fatal thing for him, but it is a big supplement for these zombies. Any zombie can **** his poison out, which is not a big deal at all.

Without the toxins, Zixia magic works automatically, and the self-healing effect of the perfect T virus is also revealed, quickly repairing the damage in the body.

Xiami experienced this life-and-death crisis, and the "Zixia Shen Gong", which has not broken through for decades, even broke through to a satisfactory level, and was considered a blessing by disaster.

Li Lianying pinched the male duck's throat and said to the shrimp: "Your life is the compassion of Lafayette, don't hurry to thank you yet?"

Unexpectedly, the first thing that Xiami stood up was angrily asked: "Who gave me the poison?"

If the dead **** helped him take drugs, he wouldn't die of nausea.

After he knew that Ci Xi personally helped him take drugs, and that he took drugs across the sky, it was a little bit better, and he quickly thanked Ci Xi, as for Li Lianying, they did not have a good face.

I wanted to say thank you, and left. I didn't expect Cixi to look at him and think of his young emperor.

Xiami couldn't help crying: "Lafayette, don't look at how young I am. I'm over seventy. I still recognize the godmother, okay?"

Cixi smiled and said, "I'm afraid that I'm more than a hundred, but I can't be your forehead?"

In the end, Cixi even talked about it alone, saying that apart from the guard and Li Lianying, the eunuch, there were no relatives beside him.

He also felt embarrassed by what he said. When Xin Han did n’t come back, he felt this way. When Sister E died, he was alone, besides his subordinates, his subordinates, and the closest person was Fubo, even There are no one who speaks intimately.

Seeing Shrimp's face loosened, Li Lianying quickly came up and flickered, and the result was confused and Cixi recognized him as a relative.

Li Lianying and the guards gave Xiami a gift and called him the little master.

When the response came, it was a foregone conclusion. Since then, Shimi also recognized it, thinking that when he saw Cixi, the other party was very kind to him, so he respectfully called a godmother!

Although it wasn't the Emperor Eang Niang, it also made Ci Xi happy.

On the same night, Xiami took a large group of inner guard zombies and entered the town of Gantian to find a place. It was secretly calculated that it would have to be out of breath.

When he arrived at Fu Xi Tang, he found that people had gone to the empty building, then Lei Gang might also feel bad, even hiding!

Shrimp destroyed the Juyin Rune Array that Mao Xiaofang had depicted on the ground in one breath, and stayed there for half a month, sweeping all the square miles of Gantian Town, and found no trace of Lei Gang, so he stopped.

When Xiami wants to say goodbye to Cixi, he has difficulty again.

Cixi proposed that since she was a mother and son, she would have to live together. She already had enough to live in this mausoleum, so she had to go to Hong Kong Island with Xiami.

Shrimp is so big that he took so many zombies to Hong Kong Island. Has the group of zombies ever played?

But owing to his life-saving grace, he recognized the goddess again and had no choice but to agree.

Fortunately, the influence of the Xin family is large enough. It is not difficult to "smuggle" a few zombies to Hong Kong Island. This is what happened today.

Xiami said that he was afraid of Xin Han, he took the zombies home, and quickly and respectfully presented a yellowed book.

"Master, this is the practice of Longhu Mountain to cultivate Yangshen. The content of" Lei Jie Jiu Zhuan "is very complete and is here!"

"Oh?" This is really a surprise. Xin Han is full of Yin and God at this time, the difference is the follow-up exercises, how can he not be happy!

At this time, Xin Han has three ways to continue to cultivate, and even cultivate into immortals.

The next strategy is just like Lu Rongbo, Shi Sheng's mother-in-law in Shu Mountain, abandoning the flesh, perfecting Yuanying's cultivation, and ascending with Yuanying's body.

But the reason is called the next strategy, because the disadvantages are too great, not only the hardships when ascending, Yuanying out of the body does not have any defensive means, only stronger than ordinary people, if you encounter foreign enemies to hinder, the best result Just like Lu Rongbo, he was arrested as a slave.

If you are unlucky, you will be caught, and it is also very possible to refine the magic weapon.

Even if he survived the tribulation and successfully ascended, but when he arrived in Tianque, he had no flesh and had a shallow foundation, and he only became a little fairy. Although he lived for a long time, he did what he was waiting for, and at most became a fairy servant.

A slightly more reliable method is that the Yangshen soars, as long as he survives the Thunder Tribulation, Yangshen achievements, impermanence and dispersion, arbitrary change, gathering will form, dispersing will become energetic, barely can also be regarded as a fairy body.

Although there is no physical body, after the ascension, the foundation is still there. It can be a fairy, but it is also ordinary. It is difficult and dangerous to go further. Therefore, Yangshen ascension can only be regarded as a strategy.

Speaking of this, it is necessary to talk about the division of the realm of immortals. In the "Zhong Lu Biography", the cultivation of immortals is divided into five types. The best is the immortals, but the immortals are only a general term. As long as it is the ascension of the robbery, there are results. The place, which is the so-called place in the fairy class, is collectively called the heaven.

The method of Yuanying's soaring mentioned above can only be a fairy servant and fairy boy, but it is not a fairy.

Among the Celestial Immortals, the immortal with the lowest rank is called Xuan Xian, that is, the ordinary people have repaired the Immortals, and the state that has just soared is the True Immortal, Taiyi Xuanxian, Taiyi Jinxian, Dalu Jinxian, and the quasi-sage.

Behind the quasi-sage is the realm of the sage, also known as the certified Hunyuan, so it is also called "Huanyuan Daluo Jinxian"!

Yang Shen's ascent can only start from the end of Tianxian, that is, the ordinary Xuanxian, which is the lowest in status and strength of the fairy realm, only better than the fairy servant Xiantong. When Sun Dasheng in the Journey to the West is making trouble in Tiangong, There are not a thousand to eight hundred killing such a fairy, so this method is not what Xin Han wants.

The best choice among the three exercises is to achieve Jindan Avenue. Xin Han is now practicing the "pure Yang Qiqi", after breaking the Dan into an infant, he does not choose Yuanying to fly, but continues Cultivate until Yuanying meets the flesh.

When the time goes by, the flesh becomes immortal, which is directly the fruit of Taiyi Xuanxian!

And the body is still there, with a deep foundation, and in the future, the worst can also be a Taiyi Jinxian.

To say that what Lu Zu left is a fine product, his old man deserves to be the reincarnation of Emperor Donghua, and the cultivation method, there can be something wrong!

But Xin Han's heart is bigger, what he thinks is the physical body and Yang Shen are practicing together!

That is, the solidity of Yuanying of "Pure Yang Practicing Qi" and the "Yangshen Impulse" of Heavenly Master Taoism are cultivated to the realm of immortals, so that after becoming an immortal, the foundation is the deepest and the mana is the strongest. So that he has the capital to prove it.

It can't be said that his ideas are too arrogant, and he always has a goal before he can work hard.

At this time, the follow-up exercises of the Yangshen came in time. Now that his two exercises are finally completed, how can Xin Han not be pleased.

After turning over a few pages, the secret book at that time was undoubtedly curiously asked: "The Longhu Mountain in the mainland has fallen, and the inheritance is almost broken. Our Fu Xitang was not admitted and said that how did you get this cheat book, They are not difficult for you? "

Xiami laughed and said, "Master, you are out of date, now there is something that can't be solved with money. I donated 20 million to repair the Taoist temple of Longhu Mountain Zu Ting. Not only did this cheat be given to me, we also wrote our Fu Xi Tang After reading the ancestral spectrum, you will recognize the ancestors as your ancestors, and you will be a serious teacher in the future! "

"Okay, you did a good job this time!" Xin Han really praised Xiami, and at the same time asked him to complete the Yin God as soon as possible, but also cultivate Yang God in order to live for a long time.

He didn't have much resistance to Cixi's arrival in Hong Kong. He only explained that these zombies should not be arbitrarily disordered. In addition, Fu Bo let Xin's house in Mid-Levels live for Cixi and her guards.

Hurry up and send them away, so don't mess up here in Deep Water Bay. Seeing Ma Xiaoling, maybe you will receive one at any time.

However, Xin Han was very curious about Cixi's changes. Cixi was a body of zombies, but now he can't see it at all, and he has breathing and heartbeat, just like a stranger.

He questioned this doubt, and Cixi did not hide it, so she revealed the secret. It turned out that before she died, she had asked the Gaoren to seal the Qing Dynasty's last national transport in the emperor's mausoleum.

With the Feng Shui Mystery ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ came up with a method of returning to the sun, in fact, they were turned into zombies, and after becoming a zombie body, this method continued to operate, absorbing Yuehua, gathering yinqi, and finally the cathode Yang Sheng, there are incredible changes, let the zombies return to their roots, and become like human existence.

It seems that there is a difference, that is, the zombie is immortal.

Xin Han listened straight, Cixi was indeed a crazy woman, and even the Qing Dynasty National Games were overwhelmed. No wonder when the Qing Dynasty established the country, there was the saying that the destroyer is Yehenala. See, it really came true.

Cixi saw Xin Han's thoughts and immediately smiled: "Even if I don't press the National Games, the Qing Dynasty at that time, can still linger for a few years?"

Xin Han said with disdain: "That's not what you guys are doing!"


Recommend the new books of the two brothers, Brother Chang Zhao ’s “Legend of the Jade Emperor”, and Brother Night ’s Brother ’s “The Star of Rebirth” are all old authors who can nourish and kill.

(To be continued.) Activate new URL

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