Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 845: Ma Xiaoling's choice

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"Xin Han, can you explain why the sky outside has turned upside down and there are zombies everywhere, but why did my Ma Tianji receive no wind at all?"

In the early morning of the next day, Xin Han successfully blessed the second "Yunlei Emblem" on Yitianjian, making his thunder breath more important, but he was approached by Ma Xiaoling before he was too happy.

Wang Zhenzhen pulled Ma Xiaoling tightly behind him, persuading: "Xiaoling, Xin Han will not harm us, he must have his own idea!"

"I know he won't hurt us, but he can't even hide such a big thing from us!" Ma Xiaoling saw Xin Han's face serious, his voice gradually lowered, and he looked sideways with his mouth!

"Can you tell me how do you know?"

Xin Han is mad, and in order to hide Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen's mother and daughter, they have already explained to the people around them, such as Jin Zhengzhong, and no one should tell the two women about the zombie.

Moreover, Xin Han even blocked and tampered with the TV signal, but did not expect that the matter was still known to Ma Xiaoling.

"Do you think you can hide it?" Although Ma Xiaoling's voice became smaller, she still played a small role and did not answer Xin Han's question.

Wang Zhenzhen said for her: "It's the future and Shingo. We only knew about the conspiracy of Yamamoto's conspiracy when they went to my house as a guest yesterday!"

"These two scourges, I will kill them!"

Xin Han is not talking about playing, killing the air in an instant, so that Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen are breathless.

"Don't!" Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen held Xin Han's arms one by one.

Xin Han looked at them nervously, crying and laughing a little, his murderousness weakened, but letting him let go of A Ken and Yamamoto Miku was not enough.

Immediately sipped: "Sanjay, go and kill those two little zombies!"

The monk of Fahai next door, Sanjay, who heard Xin Han's words, opened his eyes and woke up from last night's hangover. Then he responded and opened the door striding toward Luo Kaiping's house.

Both women knew that Sanjay was Fahai ’s current name and could n’t help but be overwhelmed!

"Xin Han, don't! There is no malice in the future!" Wang Zhenzhen shook her head and begged. She had a natural sense of closeness to the future and could not tell what was going on. Don't want the other party to be hurt.

Xin Han reluctantly said: "Silly girl, they are using you and want me to fight with Yamamoto!"

"No, this is not the kind of person in the future!" Wang Zhenzhen bit out, but as soon as her voice fell, Sang Jie's voice was heard outside the door: "Tianshi, those two little zombies have already run away!"

"Okay, it's okay for you, let's rest!"

After Xin Han asked Sang Jie to retreat, he pulled out the arm hugged by Ma Xiaoling and caressed Wang Zhenzhen's hair: "Silly girl, what kind of person do you say they are not? Don't trust others easily in the future!"

"How could this be? Are they really premeditated?" Wang Zhenzhen loosened Xin Han to sit on the sofa. She felt a pain in her heart. The pain came from Yamamoto's future deception.

Xin Han's arm, which Ma Xiaoling loosened at the moment, was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Zhen Zhen was in a trance and did not pay attention. Otherwise, such an intimate move was really difficult to explain.

"What the **** do you mean! Why did you hide from us?" Ma Xiaoling pointed her finger at Xin Han.

Xin Han sighed and organized the language to say: "I will not hide you until now. This is the world, the beginning of the catastrophe of the earth and the world. The emergence of Yamamoto is also destined, but these are not used by you Come on, I will protect you! "

Both Wang Zhenzhen and Ma Xiaoling were stunned.

Wang Zhenzhen busy asked: "Then they in the future?"

"The real name of the future is called Yamamoto Miku, and that Shingo Xiaoling also knows, that is, Aken next to Mr. Yamamoto. The original name was Domoto Shingo. They were indeed lovers, but later they were bitten into zombies by Mr. Yamamoto. Make a living! "

Ma Xiaoling wondered: "The future is also a zombie?"

Xin Han nodded and then said: "Obviously, they don't like this kind of life, and they are jealous and hateful to Yamamoto who turned them into zombies. They told you these things just to force me to deal with Yamamoto! "

Although she is simple, Wang Zhenzhen is a clever woman, and at this moment she is a bit tangled.

She knows that her boyfriend is capable and may be able to get rid of Mr. Yamamoto, but judging from her boyfriend's attitude, she seems reluctant and has some evasion, so there must be hidden feelings or embarrassments that she doesn't know.

As a kind woman, she hopes her boyfriend can get rid of the crisis, but she does n’t want to embarrass her or make a risk.

"Xin Han, I know you, not such an indifferent person, you have the ability to get rid of Yamamoto, but you don't take action, is there any embarrassment!"

Ma Xiaoling did not care about Xin Han and directly asked what Wang Zhenzhen wanted to ask.

Helplessly sighed: "Actually, I want to tell you that it is not difficult to kill Yamamoto, but it must not be killed, just like in the Nitto Group that day, maybe when I want to kill him, I may be injured!"

Ma Xiaoling's eyes narrowed: "Did you say someone would stop the shot that day, and the person who stopped the shot was even more powerful than you?"

Xin Han ordered a cigar, sat on the sofa, and smiled bitterly: "Whoever can stop me is someone!"

He finished speaking, took a sip of cigar, and straightened his body: "Actually, you don't have to worry, this is a doomed disaster, but everything will pass, it will start over, and no one will be hurt!"

Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes and said, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

She turned her back to Xin Han and said, "As a horse family, it is my mission to kill the demon and eliminate the devil, not to mention the evildoers or zombies. Only ordinary people poisoned by zombies! "

"You can't wait to see the final result?"

"Xin Han ..." Ma Xiaoling called Xin Han's name, but she didn't look back, her shoulders shook slightly: "I'm sorry ... protect Zhenzhen!"

She walked out without stopping after talking! Hearing Wang Zhenzhen's shouts without hearing them, no need to ask, it must have gone back to the Lingling Tang duo.

"Hey! This is also a silly girl!" Xin Han looked at Ma Xiaoling's back and shook her head. She looked at Wang Zhenzhen, who was begging next to her. She knew she wanted to help Ma Xiaoling, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.

Kuang Tianyou came to the Nitto Group and was planning to fight against Yamamoto, and he met Ma Xiaoling who came to get rid of the devil.

"Ma Xiaoling, why did you come here? Xin Han he ..." Kuang Tianyou knew that Xin Han kept the whole thing from Ma Xiaoling, and didn't know how she came over.

But he didn't want Ma Xiaoling to talk about Xin Han at all.

Facelessly said: "Ma family has been responsible for eradicating zombies. Now that zombies are in trouble on Hong Kong Island, I am a contemporary descendant of Ma family. How can I not come, but you a little policeman do not know the dangers here, I think you still Let ’s go back, let ’s leave it to our professionals! "

Kuang Tianyou watched Ma Xiaoling speechless for a while, to eliminate zombies? I don't know if this girl Xin Han knows her true identity, will she also kill herself.

"It's funny, nobody told you, is the little policeman beside you also a zombie? If you want to collect the zombie, just collect him!"

As a burst of laughter sounded, two people walked out of the main entrance of Nitto Group ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is Bijia and HERMAN.

Herman spoke with a proud look on his face.

For a moment, Ma Xiaoling suddenly opened the distance from Kuang Tianyou: "Are you really a zombie?"

Kuang Tianyou nodded bitterly: "I am a zombie, and I am also a resurrection, but this thing is also known to Xin Han and Uncle Qiu, because considering you are a Ma family, I have never told you!"

Ma Xiaoling heard that Xin Han and Uncle Qi knew that they were immediately relieved. With Xin Han's ability, he certainly could see the essence of Kuang Tianyou. Since he didn't say anything, this zombie shouldn't be evil.

Although she thinks so, the ideas accumulated by the Ma family have made her subconsciously have some entanglements and precautions.

But Bijia has no expression on his face: "BOSS already knows that the two are here. Let us invite the two to speak!"

Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou glanced at each other, and they both nodded. They came to get rid of Yifu Yamamoto this time, and immediately went with Bijia and HERMAN! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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