Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 862: Hijacked

Ma Xiaoling came to the UK this time to receive a case about a zombie. A four-generation female zombie stole the famous jewelry necklace "Angel Tears" on Hong Kong Island.

Originally, Ma Xiaoling was at the scene at that time, and did not take this little zombie in his eyes at all, but did not expect that this female zombie was extremely slippery. With the cover of ordinary people around him, he successfully stolen the necklace. Although he ate a flying sword, he suffered Seriously injured, but still fleeing Hong Kong Island.

Ma Xiaoling calculated that the fourth generation of female zombies ran to the United Kingdom, and she did not take the other party's eyes at all. She took this opportunity to find Zhenzhen and they went to Britain for a holiday together. By the way, this ignorant fourth generation of zombies was also eliminated.

She came to this town because she had calculated that the female zombie was near this town.

So Ma Xiaoling got up early in the morning to greet everyone to go out for dinner, and then stroll around in the town, planning to catch the little zombie by the way.

Except Kuang Tianyou, all of them are practitioners. As the so-called gods do not sleep, sleeping for them now is more of a habit that they have developed for many years.

So Ma Xiaoling greeted each other, they all got up to freshen up and planned to go out for dinner together.

But what people didn't expect was that the official Xin Xin had fallen on the bed today, and let Ma Xiaoling knock for a long time, and there was no response to the good words.

Zhen Zhen also shouted outside: "Xin Han, Xiao Ling said that there is a real steak nearby. You hurry up, let's go and try it together, don't be bedridden!"

However, regardless of how they called, Xin Han did not reply.

Kuang Tianyou police had done a lot and had an occupational disease, frowning and said: "Will nothing happen?"

Ma Xiaoling said with a smile: "What can he do, let's go in and see what the **** he is!" The mana started with a shock of his wrist, and the door inside the lock locked itself with a ‘click’ and the door was unscrewed by her.

"This is not good!" As a policeman, Kuang Tianyou felt it necessary to remind everyone to respect human rights.

"What's wrong, and he's welcome, isn't it Zhenzhen?" Ma Xiaoling teased Wang Zhenzhen with a smile.

Wang Zhenzhen's face was red: "You said yes ... just myself!"

Although Sang Jie is a slave of Xin Han, he can also see the relationship between the second daughter Wang Ma and his master, so Quan Dang did not see it.

Ma Xiaoling rushed into Xin Han's room with everyone, and saw the big bed in the middle. Xin Han was lying on it with his eyes closed. Although his face was ruddy, it strangely gave a weak feeling.

"No, Master ... Mr. Xin can also get sick?" Jin Zhengzhong, who was behind several people, just wanted to call Master Xin Han, but he saw Ma Xiaoling glaring at him fiercely.

Wang Zhenzhen stepped forward anxiously and touched Xin Han's forehead: "It's hot ...!"

Ma Xiaoling said doubtfully: "Xin Han, don't you lie to us, how could you get sick!" She said that she was also a little flustered and hurried up to check.

Sang Jie saw the clues and wondered: "How can the master's soul become so weak overnight, but reveals infinite vitality! You give me a hand and wait for me to wake up the master."

Unexpectedly, Ma Xiaoling reached out and said, "No, call Susu in the middle!"

They didn't understand Sang Jie's vows of heart demons, and apparently still didn't believe in each other. Now that Xinhan's situation is unknown, Ma Xiaoling refused to let the reincarnated living Buddha approach his sweetheart.

In fact, as soon as he spoke here, Bai Suzhen had already heard it. At this time, he had arrived in front of the door, and everyone hurried away. Bai Suzhen checked Xin Han and came to the same conclusion as Sanjie.

Suddenly, the legendary white lady remembered the storms and thunders of last night, and suddenly shocked: "This seems to be the state after the robbery! He went through the thunder robbery last night!"

"What is it? Xin Han, he's going to become an immortal?" Ma Xiaoling and others have retained the memory before the extinction in this life, so they practiced the 'Emei practice of Qi' method taught by Xin Han before the end of the world. Knowing that, only those who want to become immortals will survive the robbery.

Bai Suzhen shook his head: "This is Heavenly Master's Yangshen Thunder Tribulation. It takes nine thunder tribulations to rise to Immortal Tribulation again, so as to ascend to the upper bound. I wake him up, and you will know when you ask! "

Bai Suzhen's tactics, a mana directly into Xin Han's mind, just about to touch his soul, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the Yuan Ying in Xin Han Fuzhong's point was dissatisfied, and his lips were pouted, obviously not enough to eat!

Bai Suzhen was shocked, so he was about to cast his mana again, but he saw Xin Han's eyelids moving and opened his eyes slowly.

Although that real element didn't touch his soul just now, it also caused him to wake up from a lethargy, glanced around in confusion, and recalling the previous things, he was a little embarrassed and said: "A little tired, I overslept. , Or you guys go to play first, I am making up?

Both Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen hurriedly said: "Xin Han, are you okay, scaring us!"

Kuang Tianyou gave Ma Xiaoling a strange look, but did not speak.

Bai Suzhen asked: "Did you cross the robbery yesterday?"

Xin Han smiled: "As you can see, yesterday I passed the thunder tribulation of Yang Shen, so now the soul of the gods is still a little weak, just sleep!"

Bai Niangzi also laughed: "That's really congratulations!" She said to Ma Xiaoling and Wang Zhenzhen: "Xin Han has nothing to do, let him sleep for a while, and he can recover in two days, let's not disturb him to rest . "

Wang Zhenzhen held Xin Han's hand: "Really?"

Xin Han nodded: "Yeah, you guys have fun, don't worry about me!"

Ma Xiaoling said dissatisfiedly: "Frighten people all day long, don't say anything about the robbery, what to do if there is danger! Let's go, let him sleep by himself, let's eat steak!"

Speaking of pulling everyone away, Xin Han could rest.

Kuang Tianyou Zhao Xinhan nodded and followed up and asked in a low voice: "What are you talking about?" How do I think all of you are mysterious? "

"You don't know what you said, let's go!" Ma Xiaoling was worried about Xin Han, and he said that there was nothing pitiful about He Tianyou.

Kuang Tianyou refused to accept the air: "If you don't say, how do you know I don't know!"

Everyone else walked outside funny, just went to the stairs to prepare to go downstairs to eat, suddenly Ma Xiaoling and others looked: "There is a grudge!"

This resentful gas suddenly appeared, although it was weak but extremely obvious.

But no one took this resentment seriously because it was too weak.

"In the middle, give you a chance to practice and find out this ghost thing!" Ma Xiaoling said to the apprentice on the side.

Under the encouragement of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, Jin Zhengzhong took out his weapon and Ma Xiaoling passed it on to the “Buddha Palm” that he was said to have been blessed by Madonna.

"Relax, Xiao Xie Zuo gave me Kim Jong-zhong!" He said the source of the resentment after feeling the smelly fart, and finally locked an unoccupied room.

Suddenly opened the door, and before he could see clearly, a figure suddenly came out.

"Devil seeks death!" Jin Zhengzhong was not only taught by Ma Xiaoling, but was also tuned by Bai Niangzi before the demise ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ They may be a little worse than the original KEN, but they do not feel at all To pressure.

Directly avoid the fist attacked by the opponent on the side of the body, and then hit the opponent's shoulder with the palm of the Buddha. The population suddenly spit out a blood and then pulled away.

At this time, everyone could see clearly that the figure was the target of Ma Xiaoling's trip, the fourth generation of female zombies.

The female zombie leaped towards the door of the nearest room. She could feel that the hotel was surrounded by a layer of mana with light coercion, and only there was a gap in that room.

She slammed open the door, and saw that the window in front of her was the only way out. At this time, everyone had chased her. The female zombie knew very well about Ma Xiaoling's methods. Flying sword.

His eyes fell upon the sleeping man in the middle bed, and he suddenly flew over, grabbed the man's throat, turned around and shouted, "Don't come over, I will kill him if he comes!"

In addition to Kuang Tianyou shouting: "Don't be impulsive!", Everyone else looked at this fourth-generation little zombie with strange faces and sympathy. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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