Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 868: Enter ‘Silent Hill’!

A month passed in a blink of an eye. Xin Han's spirit was stable and his mana was stable. The situation of instability after the robbery had been completely resolved.

In this month, in addition to his own solid state, he also taught some skills in the free time.

The replica is infinitely loyal to the body, of course, the premise is that the main **** bracelet must be taken in Xin Han's hands, if he leaves, he can't dare to keep the replica awake.

Finally, on the day when I entered the story world, a beam of light in the void shone on the main **** square, and the cold voice of the main **** sounded in Xin Han's ear:

"The transmission starts one minute later. Reincarnation 00032, please enter the transmission beam in advance to prevent the artificial failure caused by the transmission and being wiped out!"

For the new story world, Xin Han looks a bit like a vacation. This simple world is basically for him to share points, by the way, relax and ease the mental fatigue of cultivation.

Under the sight of the replica, Xin Han walked into Guangzhu to stand, and after a countdown of ten seconds, his eyes suddenly turned black, and when he appeared again, he appeared in front of a gas station beside a highway.

The sky was already dark, and there weren't even street lights on both sides of the highway. Only the convenient fast food restaurants at the gas stations had bright lights.

This is the world of Silent Hill.

The movie Silent Hill focuses on the town of Silent Hill thirty years ago. A girl named 'Alyssa' was born into this world because her mother was unmarried and pregnant, so she was slandered by local cults. Become a witch.

The highest leader of the cult is the pro-aunt of 'Alyssa' and the pro-sister of her mother.

This aunt deceived the mother of 'Alesha' and deceived 'Alesha' to be burned to death. As a result, 'Alesha' survived due to an accident, but her body had been burned extensively and had to be in There was a lingering breath in the isolation bed.

At this time, the demon who turned into "Alesa" appeared. She used the anger and resentment of "Alesa" to evolve a world of hatred and enveloped the entire "Silent Hill".

Then, in order to control ‘Alyssa’, the demon took out the good side of ‘Alyssa’ and turned into a baby ‘Sharon’ and sent it to the orphanage outside the Silent Hill.

Sharon was adopted by the hostess Rose. Ten years later, the devil used the connection between 'Alesa' and 'Sharon' to lure the protagonist mother and daughter to Silent Hill and use the mistress Ross to take everyone in Silent Hill. The massacre is gone.

This world seems simple, but for ordinary people it is a crisis.

Xin Han was wandering around with a lot of people, simply counted, and found that there were as many as fifteen.

In addition, Xin Han has 16 people. According to the saying that the number of people is directly proportional to the difficulty of the "Plot World", this trip to "Silent Hill" is definitely not a high survival rate for ordinary people.

Looking around, a faint light curtain covers everyone, which should be the protection of entry.

Immersed my thoughts on the Lord's watch, and a piece of information was uploaded from the watch.

Main task 1: Survive in Silent Hill to the end of the plot, reward 500 points for redemption.

Main task 2: Protect the female police officer Bernat, reward 500 points for redemption, 500 points for deduction if you fail.

Note: At the end of the plot world, negative plot points will be obliterated.

In addition to the missions issued by the main god, the information from the main **** watch also has the identity of adventurers such as Xin Han, an adventure club composed of fanciful event lovers from California.

"Excuse me ... what is this place?" A weak female voice sounded behind Xin Han.

Xin Han looked back unexpectedly and noticed that someone woke up, but did not expect that the first person who woke up was a woman. To be correct, it was a woman who looked extremely weak.

But Xin Han knows that the other party is never simple, because the space transmission of the main god, not everyone can wake up quickly, the stronger the mental power, the faster the wake up.

Among these fifteen people, this weak woman woke up first, showing that her mental strength is the strongest among these people.

Xin Han looked at the woman's eyes. This is a beautiful woman in her thirties. She doesn't have much makeup. It's a natural beauty. She wears a white short trench coat. From a simple look, the economic situation is very general. .

Xin Han smiled at the woman: "When they all wake up, I will say that I will explain it later!"

"Oh!" The woman blinked and responded, stood up from the ground, moved aside, and did not move around casually, but looked around.

Soon these fifteen people woke up one after another. As they woke up, the mask was in a mess. Many people woke up and appeared in a strange environment. Many people woke up and wanted to rush out of the mask but were blocked. come back.

A tattooed man with a mixed look suddenly shouted, "Did you just shut me up, who told me what the **** is going on?"

He said that he took a switchblade from his pocket and grabbed a 17- or 18-year-old spectacled teenager in his school uniform beside him: "Tell Lao Tzu, where is this?"

"I ... I don't know, don't hurt me, I'll give you money!" The spectacled boy faced the sharp switchblade, obviously frightened enough, and hurriedly pulled out five or six red old man heads from his pocket.

The tattooed man kicked on the belly of the teenager and kicked the other person straight down: "Whoever wants you money, why does it hurt me in the face of so many people? As soon as I take the money, you will warn me about robbery, right? ! Lao Zi asks you where is this? "

"I ... I don't know!" The teenager cried when he was scared by him: "I'm surfing the Internet at an Internet cafe, I don't know how I got here!"

"I'm fucking, how dare you cry!" The tattooed man slapped the boy.

A person next to him couldn't stand it any longer, and stretched his hand to stretch the arm of the tattooed man: "Okay, is it fun to bully people?"

He was supported by a young man in his twenties, more than one meter and eighty meters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ tall and mighty, and he looks quite handsome.

Seeing the other person's tall body, the tattooed man didn't dare to do it directly, and shook the switchblade in his hand: "What's the matter with the brother? Are you looking for something?"

The young man's eyes glared: "You are justified in bullying others? I am a Taekwondo black belt, I want to fight with me!"

When the tattooed man changed his face, he also felt a little dazed, seeing that the other person was wearing a burly body, saying that it was possible to practice the family.

When the tattooed man showed the switchblade, the other newcomers went to the side, and several women screamed.


Xin Han, who was watching the movie behind the crowd, almost clapped his hands and said, "Listen to me!"

He took a mouthful, and everyone looked at him, even the tattooed man and the young man in the confrontation were no exception.

"Have you read all the novels of Infinite Stream? Have you ever asked each other? There is a watch in your hand. Whether you believe me or not, try to focus on the watch and you will understand everything!" (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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