Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 877: Enchantment and return

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To say that the devil in the West is direct, it is really a matter of discord if there is any discord. A large number of nurses wearing **** bodies are directly surrounded by the temptation of Xin Han to perform uniforms.

Of course, the premise of the so-called beauty is not to pay attention to the gray color and the appearance on the face, otherwise ... will vomit.

Alyssa continued to make gruesome laughs, and countless barbed wires emerged from the ground, lifting Alyssa's hospital bed so that she could look directly at Xin Han and Ross.

"I originally wanted to bring this stupid woman into my carrier, take me into the church, and kill everyone, but I never expected that so many people would come to Silent Hill!"

A demon in purple children's clothes, facing Alesha's appearance before being injured, came to Xin Han with a strange smile on his face:

"Among you, I found a more suitable target, a woman with a breath of death on her body, she is more suitable to be my carrier, her rich death breath can make my mana play more in this world. Great power ... "

Xin Han's eyes moved: "You're talking about ... Lin Xiu?" It's not difficult to guess, because Lin Xiu was terminally ill before he was pulled into the reincarnation space by the main god. If it were not for this opportunity, maybe Can't live for a month.

There is a reasonable explanation for everything. This demon took a fancy to Lin Xiu's body. Just like she was looking at Alyssa, people are in desperation and their minds will explode with unimaginable power.

Because of this, Ross was in danger of life only when the first darkness struck, thus triggering the sword energy that he remained in her body.

"I know you are a strong man, but believe me, you can't walk out of the Silent Hill, but as long as you hand over that woman, I will let you go ... Of course you can also disagree, then I am now Just kill you. I believe that with my ability, the woman will never refuse to do a fair deal with a great being. "

The corner of Ziyi Devil's mouth raised, with a tone of highness, like alms.

"Great existence? It's up to you, a little evil spirit, a little devil from hell? There is also the so-called fairness, which is just what you think!" Xin Han dismissed his lips and raised his hand as a pure. Yang Dao Qi.

The two nurses who twisted their bodies pretended to be monsters, and were blocked in front of the demon by this pure Yang sword gas into four segments, and turned into a black gas to dissipate.

And this knife gas also wiped out nothingness.

"You can't help me. Although your attack is very powerful, in this world, the closer you are to Alyssa, the more resentment will be, and the stronger the monsters formed by these resentments will be!"

"Really ...?" Xin Han squinted his lips in disdain, and suddenly snapped a finger: "Destroy her!"

A shadow suddenly appeared behind the demon, entangled it violently, and began to devour the evil spirit in his body.

"Ah ... Let go of me ...!" The Purple Devil's body struggled constantly, his expression extremely twisted, and black smoke rose around his body, transforming the shape of various ghosts and skeletons.

But all this is in vain. The ghost will come here with Xin Han. At this time, he is instructed to devour this demon and absorb the other party's memory.

Xin Hanzhi issued this order because he could clearly feel that the power of this little Western devil was not an opponent of the ghost.

"Ah ...!" The desperate demon screamed hysterically, and the expression on his face became more and more distorted. Then the appearance of the demon began to change from Alesa's appearance to a middle-aged man. Then came an abominable old lady, and then a little boy.

In just a few moments, dozens of faces appeared on this devil's face, but no matter how they changed, these faces had a characteristic, with endless anger and resentment on their faces.

"Let her go!" Alyssa made a sharp cry like metal friction when she saw the devil's danger.

Countless wires went towards the demon, trying to help her get rid of the ghost.

But at this moment, ghosts and demons are in a state of spiritual power, and they are completely immune to physical attacks. Those iron wires with barbs, such as arms and fingers, have passed through the two phantoms, and have no effect at all.

"It's all you!" Alyssa's eyes fixed on Xin Han, and the resentment in it made countless wires condensed with grievances, and shot at Xin Han and Ross like a spirit snake.

Xin Han shook his head and waved his hand, sending out a pure yang true element, just like the melting snow of spring and sun, turning the iron wire formed by those resentments into a burst of black air.

"It has to be said that it is possible to use grievances to form an enclave, have ready-made objects, and turn virtual reality into reality. This kind of method really has some merits, but it would be too natural to want to hurt me with these!"

"Kill me!" Alyssa screamed, and the nurse-dressed monsters rushed to Xin Han, at the same time, on the ground, on the walls, and on the ceiling, one after another, like the corpses in the legend of gods and ghosts The worms have come out one after another. Thousands of people are crowded and flocked towards Xin Han and Ross.

Xin Han has countless ways to break these things, but he only propped up a defensive cover with his mind, and blocked all the attacked bugs or monsters from being three meters in front of him.

"Give up, Alyssa, give up your enchantment, how about I let my own revenge?" Xin Han walked forward slowly with a smile on his face.

And those monsters who kept trying to break through the defense of mind force were forced to retreat as he took a step, and could not stop Xin Han from advancing.

Alyssa was a little scared. She could feel that the mental power on the mental shield in front of Xin Han was extremely powerful, and its strength was thousands of times stronger than the mental power that she had exploded due to resentment!

She can be sure that under such a short distance, as long as the other party has an idea, she can be directly killed.

"Are you an exorcist?" When Alyssa asked, the wires turned upside down and held her bed to run, but they were cut off one by one by Xin Han's knife gas.

"I am a Taoist! In your Western words, it is more appropriate to call a monk!"

After Xin Han finished speaking, Rose behind her was relieved. She was really afraid of going out of the tiger's den and into the wolf den. The various means shown by this man had already subverted her cognition, so she was afraid that the other party was like a demon presence.

Now that Xin Han claimed to be a monk, the big stone in his heart finally dropped.

Xin Han had walked to Alyssa's bed, but the ground around him suddenly cracked, and Alyssa's bed sank straight down.

As soon as Xin Han's thoughts moved, an invisible thought dragged directly on Alyssa's bed, so that it could not float down in the sky.

"What the **** do you want?" Alyssa's eyes were full of horror.

At this moment, the devil screamed for the last time, and then turned into a surging black mist. The difference is that this black mist turned out to be a monster with a horn on its head. It was not like a human. .

Xin Han and Ross watched this scene clearly.

"Sure enough, it's a demon. Have you done it?" As Xin Han asked, the ghost would slam his mouth and swallow the demon that had been devoured and hit half of his energy into his belly.

"Tell the master that this evil spirit has been swallowed by me, but the power and scattered memory contained in it will take a while to fully digest!"

"I'm going to destroy everything and die with you!" Alyssa on the hospital bed saw this scene, spoke indescribably hateful words, and then fainted.

With her syncope, the entire enchantment began to collapse, and there were spider web-like cracks on the surrounding walls. With the sound of bricks and stones breaking, these cracks gradually increased.

Rose shouted: "Sin, let's get out of here, here is going to collapse!"

"Relax, there won't be any problems!" Xin Han turned to the ghost general and communicated with Shen Nian: "Hurry up, this enchantment will soon collapse, I don't want to fall short!"

Xin Han reached out and grabbed Rose, while the other hand pulled Alyssa out of the hospital bed, levitated directly, and flew against the ground towards the elevator he had previously taken.

Before reaching the elevator, the powerful thought has torn the elevator doors and the elevator inside into pieces, exposing the elevator passage inside.

Xin Han took Ross and Alyssa, rushed into the passage and flew upwards at a very fast speed. Many bricks and stones fell along the way. Before he was crushed by his thoughts before, he returned to the ground in just a few breaths Broke out.

On the first floor of the hospital, Su Fatty had nowhere to go, and the hospital building was gradually cracking. Xin Han blasted a wall directly with his thoughts, and then rushed out with Ross and Alyssa.

The outside world has become messy. The earthquake is accompanied by a hurricane, leaving the entire Silent Hill town in an eschatological atmosphere.

Xin Han was in the sky, his eyes were fixed, and the only place that was not moved by the enchantment and was not affected by the atmosphere of the end is the church where the cult gathered in this quiet hill.

He flew directly to the church with Alyssa and Rose, and waited until recently he found that the door of the church was broken by something, and the ground was covered with broken wood chips and blood.

When he flew close to the church, he saw that the "Three" was stopped in the middle of the church from the broken wooden door, and there were two people who fell to the ground around it. '.

Looking further away, Su Fatzi, Liu Meng and others hid behind the "Three", holding arms to confront the cults in the church.

Alyssa ’s aunt commanded the cultist, holding the hammer and steel pipe, striking the No. 3 nonstop, trying to break the window and grab the people inside.

Xin Han flew directly in front of the church door, carrying Alyssa, walked in with Rose, and sipped: "Give me stop!"

His voice overshadowed the noisy voice in the church and shocked everyone.

Su Fat saw the return of Xin Han and was overjoyed: "Captain, this group of things turned around and turned their heads, they still want to kill this child!"

He said that she pulled out a trembling little girl behind her, exactly what Alyssa looked like.

"Sharon?" Rose shuddered and asked tentatively.

"Mom!" When the girl saw Rose, she was about to run, but Su Fatty grabbed her: "Don't worry, little girl, the bad guys are still here!"

"The devil, they really are with the devil, you see he is Alyssa!" Alyssa's aunt, the leader of the cult, shouted at Xin Han.

A ragged woman squeezed out of the crowd: "Alesa, my daughter ...!"

Xin Han stretched out his hand and sealed the acupuncture points of this woman, and then said to all the cultists: "Before Alyssa wakes up, you must be honest with me!"

"Get rid of him, he is a demon!" With the shouting of the female leader, a strong man rushed over with his hammer.

Xin Han directly pulled out the M500 in the "waist", and the shot of the bomb directly hit the head of the goods into a burst melon, and the blood brain splattered all over the floor.

This time, it scared all the cultists to scream and shy away, after all, they were all a group of people who were afraid of death.

Suddenly, the ghost will appear in front of Xin Han, but because of someone's presence, the ghost will disappear, and only Xin Han can see him.

"Master, I have successfully captured part of the demon's memory, and there is this enchantment in it. Alesha's deal with the demon sold the soul and got a way to build the enchantment! Now the demon has been wiped out, so Alyssa ’s soul is also broken, she ca n’t wake up! "

The ghost will kneel down on one knee and make clear to Alesha about Xin Han.

Xin Han's face changed, and he asked directly with Shen Nian: "Wipe, I'm still waiting for her to wake up, what about this enchantment?"

"The end will be able to take over this enchantment and hand it over to the owner!"

Xin Han said with a happy face: "Then you are not hurrying, this enchantment is almost destroyed!"

"Yes!" The ghost will get up and brush his hand on Alyssa's forehead. An ink-colored ball appears in his hand.

I saw the ghost holding his hands in the ball, and there were words in the back, and some strange words that sounded very profound and mysterious came out.

The next moment the hurricane dissipated and the earthquake subsided. All the destroyed houses were restored to their original cost. The enchantment became stable again under the control of the ghost.

At the moment when the enchantment was stable, all the reincarnations were prompted by the main **** to return to space or pay to stay.

The new people chose to return to the space when they had spare money to pay for their stay. Xin Han did not mean to stay. They also chose to return. The main **** sent a reminder again, and the two-minute return countdown began.

Xin Han glanced at the heretics, and Chao Gui ordered: "All killed me!"

The ghosts will kill people and take their souls. Those people instinctively felt a breeze blowing, and they fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

Xin Han let the ghosts go back to their jade wear, and then let Lin Xiu get off ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and took No. 3 into their void space.

When two minutes arrived, several white lights loomed over the reincarnation, and the next white light dissipated. Xin Han and all others disappeared, but they were also invisible. There was also the gray "Silent Hill".

Everything around seemed to be restored to glory, and only the mother and daughter of Ross and Bernat remained in the ruined church.

"What's the matter, what about those people, what about the corpses on the ground?" Bernat couldn't believe his eyes. Everything in the church was different. Even the gate that was hit by a car was still there. , As if everything was just an illusion.

Rose thought about it, thinking of Xin Xin's words before, and said to Bernat: "That world is the enchantment of the devil, and here is the real Silent Hill!"

At this moment, a man shouted faintly outside: "Ros ... where are you?"

Bernard said to Ross: "It seems that someone ..."

Before she finished, Rose rushed out with her daughter in his arms: "That's my husband's voice!"

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