Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 911: Yuding Orthodox

I do n’t know if I do n’t fly. I was frightened by the flight. Xin Han flew towards Wuzhi Mountain according to the geographical map made of white rhinoceros. This flight took two days.

The size of the south continent is large and the territory is beyond his imagination.

While Yu Jian was marching, Xin Han's thoughts were flying, and he couldn't help but think back about the things he had in Xuantian Temple.

After he entered the inheritance land at that time, Na Mucheng thought that by virtue of the prohibition of the inheritance land, Xin Han could be trapped, thus revealing his original face.

At that time, Xin Han had decided to slaughter Xuan Tianguan and use the most vicious three-light policy to deal with these gangs of unbelieving and untrustworthy Taoists.

But a trip to the temple made him change his mind.

Recalling what happened after going up to the third floor of the temple, Xin Han smiled bitterly.

After Xin Han climbed to the three-story temple at that time, he saw the magnificent stone monument. After returning to God from the handwriting above, he discovered that the three-story is different from the first two floors.

In this space, a sitting statue of Erlang God is enshrined, and beside him there is a statue of a swollen **** dog.

On the two sides of the Erlang statue, there is a couplet, and the couplet said: "God's eyes pass the sky to observe the true and false charms of the world."

Hengpai is ‘Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun’

Xin Han took a breath of breath, and he who had palms in the sun and the moon and the mountains and rivers, besides the saint, could not think of other possibilities.

It seems that Erlang Zhenjun's vision is not small, and the nine-turn success is a matter of proving the Tao. Not only is he thinking, it seems that this Erlang Zhenjun is also planning this way.

Apart from Xin Han's marvel, a sense of self-confidence rose unavoidably in his heart.

Looking at this handwriting, although it is different from the handwriting on the stone tablet, it is full of vigour and warfare, and even just these few words make Xin Han feel a little coercion. It can be seen that the realm of the person writing is definitely higher than that He, and he also took the path of proving the way, would he feel this way.

Erlang Zhenjun is a Taoist righteous god. As a disciple of Daomen, Xin Han still has to pay tribute to Daomen as a courtesy.

Before seeing the idol, there was a incense case with incense and candles on it. Xin Han picked up three incense sticks according to the rules of the Taoist door, lit them and performed the ceremony of the Taoist door, then inserted the incense stick into the incense burner.

At this moment, a scene of wonder appeared. After the three incense sticks were inserted into the incense burner, the slowly rising smoke actually formed a piece of writing magically.

The writing passed away, gradually disappearing as the smoke rose, and the new smoke below was replaced with new writing.

Xin Hanning looked closely until all three incense sticks were burnt out, only then did they understand the cause and effect, and also the place of the third turn of Xuan Gong.

It turned out that the Xuantian view nominally enshrined the ‘Qingyuan Miao Dao true monarch’, also known as the ‘Erlang Xiansheng true monarch’ folk so-called Erlang God Yang Jian.

But the actual upload is the truth of his teacher Yu Ding.

It turned out that the only real apprentice of Yu Ding was Yang Jian, but later Yang Jian was enshrined in the flesh and became the **** of heaven. This way, the truth of Yu Ding was cut off.

After the battle of the gods, Yu Dingzheng had to cut the top three flowers by the Hundred Yuan gold bucket, and had five energy in his chest.

When he was close to retreat, he heard that his disciples were on the list of gods, and with emotion, he made the boy give an order to Yang Jian to pass down the lineage to prevent his lineage from disappearing on earth.

After receiving the decree, Yang Jian created the vein of Xuan Tianmen.

However, Yu Ding's emphasis is on the lack of indiscriminateness, so on the surface it is Erlang who manifests the true monarch, but in fact it needs talented people to be qualified to enter the shrine, to practice the nine-turn metaphysics to the second turn, and can climb to the third floor He can know the reason, so that he can be counted as an entry disciple.

From this third floor up, each floor has a sitting statue of Erlang Zhenjun, a total of seven sitting statues. The seals laid out on the hands of these gods are the inheritance of the third turn of the 'Nine Turns Xuan Gong'.

In addition, if you want to learn the later six-turn metaphysics, you need to find the deity of Erlang Zhenjun after holding the Yuding real oracle of Yang Jian after ascending the immortals.

"Yu Ling?" Xin Han's eyes swept around, and there was a slap-like, swarthy iron card in the inconspicuous place beside the Xiang case!

"Is this the case, but why did Xuan Tianguan take office as the leader?" Under the doubt, Xin Han reached out a hand and launched the Dragon's Power, but after waiting for a long time without any response, the iron card remained immobile.

"What's the situation?" Xin Han used his thoughts to make the table rumbling, but the iron plate kept sticking to the table and didn't even mean to rise.

He walked over to reach out and grabbed it. With Xinhan's power, he felt a heavy sink in his hand. Even so, he still held the iron card in his hand.

After struggling up and down, I could not help being secretly surprised, I am afraid that this iron medal will not have the weight of two or three hundred thousand pounds.

Immediately after the curiosity was hooked up again, even if the iron card had two or three hundred thousand pounds, the power that could be controlled by one's mind was far more than this value, how could it not be picked up?

He placed the oracle in his palm, studied it carefully for a long time, and tried it with his mental power and true elemental mana, and finally understood the reason.

And Xin Han also understands why the former master, who practiced to two revolutions and ascended to the upper bounds, did not take away this decree. The reason is very simple, he cannot take it up!

Because this token is engraved with a cloud pattern, I do n’t know what spell it is, and it is immune to the peeping of the mind, so the mind power derived from the spiritual power is also useless for this, and even the true elemental mana is also immune.

It can be said that if you want to pick up the size of this slap, but it is very heavy, you can only rely on the power of the flesh.

According to Xin Han's feeling, even if ordinary people are born with different qualities, it would be good to have the strength of 100,000 Jin on their body if they cultivated the "Nine Turn Profound Gong" to the second turn realm.

So the second master turned into an immortal, he could not afford the decree at all, and after he became an immortal, his flesh was strengthened and tempered by thunder and the spirit of immortal spirit. The lower realm is not easy to say, the most unfortunate thing is the sad reminder of the sad reminder of the death of Sun Wukong's watermelon knife just after ascending the Nantianmen!

At the same time, it proves that this product has no chance with Yuding!

Xin Han knew that this decree was the decree that Yuding passed on to Erlang Zhenjun, and it was also a token to learn the other six revolutions of Xuan Gong.

Xin Han still hasn't figured out whether to worship under Yuding ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But this order is still collected for the time being, and I will talk about it later, this is also the incense that he thought of Erlang Zhenjun in Xuantian, so There is no reason to kill.

After the tokens were put away, Xin Han kept the three- to nine-story shrine. After the fingerprints placed on the statue of Erlang were kept in mind, he left the shrine.

Originally, he also wanted to pass the three-tiered stone stele along, and the handwriting on it could feel the principle of it. The university asked, but the stone stele seemed to be one with the temple itself, but he did not pick it up with all his strength. Only then.

Xin Han Yu Jianfei was flying in the sky, under the wind of grief, recalling the stone monument, he couldn't help shaking his head. It was a pity that the temple was actually a good thing. It was a pity that he didn't take it away!

Yu Jian turned into the sky, took out the area map of the white rhinoceros cowhide, and found that it would be another five hundred miles to Wuxing Mountain.

The distant mountain range in the distance is estimated to be Wuxing Mountain.

He was so happy that he didn't notice that he was on a river below a thousand feet. A handsome young man who wanted to dress up was also struggling to support the bamboo raft in the direction of Wuxing Mountain! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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