Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 916: Qiao abused monster monkey

Sun Wukong's injury is not a matter for the strength of his demon king, and his ability to recover from physical injuries is no slower than that of Xin Han's undead body. Reset, intact as before.

Seeing that Xin Han disappeared instantaneously, the demon monkey thought he took advantage of it and would go away with a spell. He immediately burst out and said: "Where to go!"

A look at the monkey's paws instantly shrouded the shadow from the sky.

With a loud bang, a monkey paw print of several tens of feet appeared on the ground where Xin Han Shicai stood.

Actually, the demon monkey wanted to break the law with great force, breaking Xin Han's escape technique. This time even Xuan Zang, who was standing there with the ‘300 Songs of Children ’s Songs’ standing against the light of the Buddha, was covered in.

Xuan Zang, who was once again affected by the fish pond, although this time was protected by the Buddha's light again, but the sad thing is that the originally crumbling Buddha light, after hardly supporting this attack, like a bubble, the sound of the 'wave' dissipated Come.

The only three hundred children's songs that can cover the body are broken apart with the dissipation of the Buddha's light and scattered to the ground, so that Xuan Zang can't hide anything from his spring!

"I don't take you like this ... what a good fight, not even giving me the last thing to cover, you are too much."

With tears in his eyes, Xuan Zang knelt on the ground and picked up the fragments of the ‘300 Songs of Children ’s Songs with his hands, hoping to get back to what he was.

In fact, what he said was not the reason for his tears. The pain in his heart made him desperate. Three hundred songs here have become his last belief.

This time when he came to Wuxing Mountain, Xuan Zang was really hard hit. He now understands it somewhat, and he seems to have done something wrong.

Originally thinking of saving all people in the world from fire and water, I did not expect to obey the order of the master, break the Qinglian, and actually release a peerless fiend.

He could n’t believe that Master would deceive himself. He wanted to put together the “300 Songs of Children ’s Songs” to see if it was written on it, or if he said to the master, it recorded “True ... Good ... ....nice! ’.

Let's not talk about him first, let this thing go slowly, he is exhausted!

Turn his eyes to Sun Wukong and Xin Han.

Sun Wukong slapped in the past with no effect. He was about to use other supernatural powers, and he noticed that there was one more person behind him who was about to fight with his backhand, and the man behind him punched him directly under his fist. Go out.

The power of this punch is so great that even a small hill can collapse, hitting Sun Wukong's ribs and breaking two of his ribs directly, the whole body is also directly blown out, and the speed is very fast or even directly through the sound barrier.

The person who appeared suddenly was teleporting to Xin Han behind Sun Wukong with his magical power!

After Sun Wukong was shot and flew out, Xin Han's figure disappeared again, and appeared directly behind Sun Wukong, another punch, this time on the other side, still interrupting two ribs.

Xin Han followed the two basic principles of "one trick to eat fresh all over the sky" and "take advantage of your illness to kill you", and it flashed back and forth behind Sun Wukong, striking it back and forth as if he were playing volleyball by himself. In the same way, hit the demon monkey from side to side, and then teleport, then hit back, and never let it fall.

Sun Wukong's bones all over the place were constantly interrupted by the Yitian gloves on Xin Han's hands, then healed quickly, and then interrupted.

Xin Han's breath finally came out a lot, and he was looking at the monster monkey's legs, trying to brew a fierce ultimate ultimate move, but he didn't want Sun Wukong to be beaten a hundred times in a row. After that, the flaws of teleportation were found.

That is the fluctuation of the surrounding space. Although it is as fine as it is, it still exists. For a fighting monster like a demon monkey, if it is impossible to think of a crack for more than 100 consecutive blows, you can find a place where no one is. Eat monkey brain.

"It's my old grandson!" When Xin Han appeared again behind Sun Wukong and planned to make a surprise attack, as soon as it flashed out, he saw that Sun Wukong had found out exactly where he appeared, and a huge monkey claw came over.

As soon as it appeared, the convenience was already in front of my eyes, which made Xin Han a cold sweat, continuously launching a teleport, directly flashing a cliff top hundreds of feet away.

With a bang, Sun Wukong grabbed the sky with a claw, and photographed a mountain bag into powder.

Suddenly, Wu Wukong lifted his claws back from behind, vigorously sending out, and a figure flickered, while Xin Han, who was originally at the top of the cliff, gradually faded in the air. It turned out that he had already continued to launch a sneak attack with teleportation. The only thing left is the afterimage.

Both times, Sun Wukong saw through Xing Xing, Xin Han secretly screamed a pity, originally thought that teleport can be called his own big kill trick, I did not expect this trick to be broken by others!

However, he finally determined one thing, that he could be labeled as such Sun Wukong, really was implicated in this world class, his strength is stronger than his imaginary Qi Tiansheng, not worse than a little bit.

Of course, in terms of true strength, even if this Sun Wukong in front of him is much worse than the orthodox sage of the Westward Journey World, it is not something that Xin Han, a mere mortal who has passed through the fairyland, can fight.

The reason why Xin Han always has the upper hand is because he has always been a coincidence. First of all, Sun Wukong's Ruyi gold hoop is obtained by him. Without weapons, he can only fight against the enemy empty-handed.

Xin Han attacked with the Heavenly Gloves mixed with Edman metal and Sun Wukong's flesh palm, even though the strength was slightly inferior, it must not be him who suffered the loss.

Later, using teleportation attack, even Sun Wukong was caught off guard. Although this trick is also broken by the other party, Xin Han is still not afraid. He has some cards in hand, depending on whether this Sun Wukong can eat it!

"Boy, what is your famous pair of gloves, my old Sun King Kong is not bad, it can actually hurt you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is definitely not your reason, I expected it to be good, it must be because of the gloves! "

Sun Wukong glared at Xin Han who appeared again in the distance, and stared at the Heaven-Resistant Gloves in his hand and asked.

Xin Han did not hide, and sincerely praised: "The Great Saint is really good, my gloves are indestructible, and it can only let you suffer some skin trauma. Your King Kong is not bad, it is really powerful!"

Sun Wukong's eyes flashed: "Your moves have been seen by me, I see what you are fighting with me! Let's die!" He said, leaping hundreds of feet away, his hands like a hammer, holding them together, by Slammed down from top to bottom!

When the monster monkey jumped, it was only one meter four or five meters thin, but when it fell, it had become a violent giant ape the size of a hill!

Since teleport is no longer useful, Xin Han will not continue, and the fight has been fought, now is the time to end the battle.

He threw a thing out of nowhere, the object grew in the wind, and the whole body was full of science fiction.

But he threw No. 3 directly from the void. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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