Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 919: Enter a new world

Centaur Alpha 4 is a planet in the Centaur Alpha System, about the size of the Earth. It is not a planet, it is actually a satellite of a giant gas planet, and most people on Earth call it Pandora!

Pandora ’s air is full of ammonia, methane, and chlorine. It does not depend on other equipment. Humans cannot survive here. However, it is this environment that has spawned a group of unique creatures, among which are higher intelligent creatures Namei!

The appearance of the Namei people is almost the same as that of humans, but their necks are very long and they can turn to 18 degrees. Their bodies are slim, but they are not thin and their muscles are just right.

Their eyes are twice as large as humans, a bit like cat eyes, their mouths are large, and their teeth are very white.

They also have long tails, slightly curved, much like leopard tails.

There are two kinds of patterns on each Namei, a zebra-like pattern spread all over the body.

Another kind of stars are distributed along their nerves and circulatory systems, can emit beautiful fluorescence in the dark, and can serve as a signal for the exchange of Namei people, changing the color of light according to different emotions.

The Namites live in the vast jungle on the planet Pandora, on the plains, beside the river, and their tribes are everywhere.

But among the tens of thousands of Namei tribes, there is a very special tribe called the Dove tribe. Although the appearance of this tribe is no different from that of the Namei, it is only half the height of the Namei.

In the eyes of the Nammies, the people of the Dorf tribe are short and thin, and can no longer survive in the jungles and plains full of crises. They can only exchange labor for the protection of the Ma tribe, one of the three major tribes.

Therefore, among all the Namei tribes, the status is the lowest, only the attached tribe of the Ma tribe, the status is similar to that of the slaves, and they are not even allowed to participate in the annual sacrifice of Eva.

Eva is the **** of the entire Pandora planet, and is regarded as the mother of all things by all creatures. It is the bridge between the Namei and the ancestors. It is forbidden to participate in the activities of worshipping Eva.

At this time, within the sphere of influence of the Ma tribe, at the junction of the jungle and the plains, three ladies, chatting on a wooden pile next to a grass field, and a dozen unconscious ladies lying on the grass in front of them , Surrounded by a faint light curtain, illuminating the entire grassland.

The three sitting ladies are two men and one woman, one of them is fat, and he is boringly swinging the stubby tail behind him, complaining in his mouth: "Boss, this is not okay, you are positioning our identity as nano Beauty, are we considered as adultery? "

"Besides our figure, we ca n’t survive in the plains and jungles. Even if we depend on other tribes, I do n’t think those newcomers can survive a few. Humans have hot weapons!"

These three people are Xin Han, Fat Man and Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu laughed aside: "If you have an elder brother, what else do you have to worry about, let's talk about your martial arts in vain?"

"Rogue? I think you are like a slut! If you don't want to, you can go to humanity and just go back and kill you!"

"Don't drip, my brother" Fatty immediately resigned.

Xin Han took out a cigar and smoked it. In the chatter of the fat man, his thoughts went back to the things that had happened in these days after returning from the Journey to the World.

On that day, he escaped from the palm of God, and escaped with the power of space and time. In the world that could run out of control, he spent a whole day of the weak period of the violent potion. During this period, it is uncomfortable. Not at all, I feel that the whole body is empty.

After spending the weak period, Xin Han did n’t dare to leave the world immediately. He did n’t feel any unusual space-time fluctuations for half a month in Los Angeles, and he was n’t sure that the shot power failed to follow the time fluctuations. Chase over.

Recalling the palm that fell from the sky, what really is destroying the heaven and the earth, directly pressed down from the universe, when unstoppable, unstoppable, even if the power of the violent potion was consumed ten times by Xin Han, and Teaming up with Sun Wukong is still not the enemy of that palm.

What Xin Han couldn't accept was that Xuan Zang's use of Da Ri Rulai's true scriptures was not necessarily the case.

In this way, he is not able to compete with him, then how powerful is it, not to mention that this world is not a deity!

In the zombie world, he went through Da Ri Ru Lai Jing Shi Mantra once, and in the Journey to the World, he had another experience of Da Ri Ru Lai Jing Jing, and he really had a fate with Ru Ruai!

It is gratifying that he also made a lot of money on this trip, the first three turns of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, Xuan Gong, Ruyi Jinhuu holding, the two changes in the seventy-two changes of the earth, the empty sword box, indefinite Flying ring.

These precious magical skills are any kind of treasures and exercises that cannot be dreamed by those who cultivate immortals.

Of course, Xin Han also has some dissatisfaction. After planning to hunt the demon monkey, he walked in the world and found some fairy grass and fruit, but unfortunately escaped in a hurry.

After being out of control in the world and Xin Han's determination of safety, this took the girl Duan out of the void space, the time in the space stopped flowing, so the girl Duan's state was still dying, and the injury was neither aggravated nor Getting better.

As soon as Duan Yugang appeared, the prepared Xin Han immediately put his hand on the back of her heart, and Zhenyuan continued to input it into her body, and then took a thousand years old ginseng, squeezed it into juice, and dripped the juice. Enter Duan Yu's mouth to help him hang his life.

Only then took out a perfect virus and injected her.

Due to the severe injury of Duan Girl, all her internal organs were shattered. This is the resilience of the perfect virus. It took ten hours before she was able to recover.

Of course, Xin Han also has more effective recovery capsules. Unfortunately, the output of the thing is extremely low, and he is not willing to use it.

This is also Duan Yu, who is a stupid person and has a lot of blessings. It takes a lot of cheap. Although it has been worse for ten hours, it adds two hundred of your Yangshou.

After Duan Yu recovered the goods, she knew that Xin Han had rescued her, and Zhang Ya danced her claws to the cave room. Xin Han grabbed her and returned to the Westward Journey Demon World again, threw her on the ground, and left the world instantly.

It has been half a month since I thought it would be no longer dangerous, but Xin Han set the crossing point between Tianshui Town and Wuzhi Mountain in order to be careful, let Duan Yu Na Erwu fly back by himself!

Looking at the disappearing Xin Han, Duan Yu jumped and shouted: "Student surnamed Xin, the old lady will find you sooner or later!"

After Xin Han left this side of the world again, he turned to the biochemical world, and he got another big harvest in the journey to the devil in the westward journey. It was Sun Wukong's ape arm and a barrel of aura of monkey blood.

The fresh arm was handed over to Ashford and Gal for research, and he himself took out half a barrel of blood to feed his two zombie beaters.

These two zombies are not only golden armoured corpses, but also infected with the corpse poison of the general's line. They have passed the second generation of zombies, Yamamoto and Kakutenyou.

At the moment, Xin Han gave half a barrel of blood to two zombies. The two zombies only took a bite, and then they directly went from the golden armor zombie to the level of the golden armor king, and the eyes also changed from the green color of the second generation zombie. It became pale pink, and it seemed that it was not far from a generation of zombies.

Not to mention the blood of the generals, even this golden armored king is comparable to the heavenly realm. At this time, thunder bursts outside the base, and the two zombies actually led to the Heavenly Tribulation.

Xin Han directly loaded the two zombies into the space, and then left the biochemical world to the Avengers world.

In this world, he is Thor, and all kinds of thunder are under his control. Although he can't cross the robbery on his own ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he can help others to cross the robbery.

Under his control, the two Golden Armored Zombie Kings passed through the thunderstorm in a light rain, and then the color of Jin Cancan faded, and became like a stranger. This is the real Golden Armored Zombie King, comparable to heaven King of zombies!

Now even if it is Xin Han, if you want to kill both of them at the same time, you may have to go through the sky-tribulation, become a fairy body, or take a bottle of mad potion.

After the two zombies passed through the catastrophe, Xin Han accompanied his wives from all over the world, took a good rest for a while, relaxed their mind and body, and then returned to the main **** space.

He set the return time on the second day of departure, so that neither the fat man nor Lin Xiu realized that he had ever left.

In the remaining one month, Xin Han conducted special martial arts training for the two. He also took out the boxing spectrum he got from Wuxing Boxing.

In a month, with his amazing martial arts training and understanding of martial arts, Xin Han has already eaten his boxing spectrum. At this time, no matter what moves he uses, he can condense the true shape of the dragon and tiger, and the form looks like the real, making his boxing power powerful. Increased by 30%.

When January passed, before entering the mission world, Xin Han used the power of the main **** to set himself and others into the Namei camp, and became a special dwarf among the Namei.

Their team did not change much physically, just added a tail, and changed the skin color and respiratory system, which consumed the divine power, thanks to the generous sponsorship of the twelve main gods of Divine Domain 6.

On the other hand, the Namei people were used by Xin Han to use the power of the main **** to change the memory in their minds, so that they had a memory of the identity of Xin Han and others in their minds.

"Boss, the plot seems to be starting!" The fat man's voice interrupted Xin Han's thoughts, and he saw the cargo pointing to a flying aircraft that had just broken through the atmosphere. To be continued.

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